Muzzling Opposing Voices


Here's what is deliciously ironic about the attempted denial that PC even exists:

It avoids discussion about a tactic often used to avoid discussion.


And, as a public service, here's a little reminder of some examples of PC:

  1. Screaming "racist" at every opportunity (or any other "-ist", for that matter)
  2. Participation ribbons (to avoid "hurt feelings")
  3. Hyphenated Americans
  4. Changing words because someone claims to be "offended" (too many examples to list, but we all know what they are)
  5. Trying to ban words so that no one claims to be "offended"
  6. Lowering standards so that "feelings" aren't "hurt"
  7. Trying to get someone fired for using a word or phrase that might "offend"

You're welcome!


PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.

No one says "low information black voters" other than stupid leftwing turds like you.

So every time someone says "black," they really mean "******?"

I will admit that the term "low information voter" just means a moron like you.

Here's what is deliciously ironic about the attempted denial that PC even exists:

It avoids discussion about a tactic often used to avoid discussion.


And, as a public service, here's a little reminder of some examples of PC:

  1. Screaming "racist" at every opportunity (or any other "-ist", for that matter)
  2. Participation ribbons (to avoid "hurt feelings")
  3. Hyphenated Americans
  4. Changing words because someone claims to be "offended" (too many examples to list, but we all know what they are)
  5. Trying to ban words so that no one claims to be "offended"
  6. Lowering standards so that "feelings" aren't "hurt"
  7. Trying to get someone fired for using a word or phrase that might "offend"

You're welcome!


PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.

No one says "low information black voters" other than stupid leftwing turds like you.

So every time someone says "black," they really mean "******?"
When you guys say black you do mean ******, you just aren't honest enough to say it because that would be un-PC. It's why there are so few blacks who vote for the GOP. You think of them as stupid *******, and they know it.

Here's what is deliciously ironic about the attempted denial that PC even exists:

It avoids discussion about a tactic often used to avoid discussion.


And, as a public service, here's a little reminder of some examples of PC:

  1. Screaming "racist" at every opportunity (or any other "-ist", for that matter)
  2. Participation ribbons (to avoid "hurt feelings")
  3. Hyphenated Americans
  4. Changing words because someone claims to be "offended" (too many examples to list, but we all know what they are)
  5. Trying to ban words so that no one claims to be "offended"
  6. Lowering standards so that "feelings" aren't "hurt"
  7. Trying to get someone fired for using a word or phrase that might "offend"

You're welcome!


PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.
No, it's a tactic, a strategy. PC is a tool for controlling the conversation or avoiding a conversation. For putting your target on the defensive.
No, it isn't. PC is me calling you uneducated instead of dumb as dog shit.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.

Our past is far better than your future. If either deserves to be dead, it's your's.

Liberalism is a mental illness, as is easy to see reading your hog wash. Any future brought about by such unstable thinking is nothing but poison.

"Politically," BACK is exactly where this country has to go.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.

Our past is far better than your future. If either deserves to be dead, it's your's.

Liberalism is a mental illness, as is easy to see reading your hog wash. Any future brought about by such unstable thinking is nothing but poison.

"Politically," BACK is exactly where this country has to go.
Liberalism founded this country. Move along now.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.

Our past is far better than your future. If either deserves to be dead, it's your's.

Liberalism is a mental illness, as is easy to see reading your hog wash. Any future brought about by such unstable thinking is nothing but poison.

"Politically," BACK is exactly where this country has to go.
Liberalism founded this country. Move along now.

by the freedom to bear arms, complete religious freedom with no restrictions, a make it on your own with no entitlements attitude. that was the liberalism that founded this country. you freaks need to take a lesson from the founding liberals. you are not even remotely close to what they were. their attitudes developed, your poison destroys. So move along now.
PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.

And here we see another 'liberal' reveal his true colors. Like too many so-called liberals you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag.
PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.
And here we see another 'liberal' reveal his true colors. Like too many so-called liberals you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag.
That's known as truth little man, so you will reject it of course. And your PC attitude is noted, for irony.
Our past is far better than your future. If either deserves to be dead, it's your's.

Liberalism is a mental illness, as is easy to see reading your hog wash. Any future brought about by such unstable thinking is nothing but poison.

"Politically," BACK is exactly where this country has to go.
Liberalism founded this country. Move along now.

by the freedom to bear arms, complete religious freedom with no restrictions, a make it on your own with no entitlements attitude. that was the liberalism that founded this country. you freaks need to take a lesson from the founding liberals. you are not even remotely close to what they were. their attitudes developed, your poison destroys. So move along now.
You have no understanding of who they were and what they did. They didn't found a country so you could play with guns and talk to your little buddy Jesus. You can but that is beside the point.
PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.

No one says "low information black voters" other than stupid leftwing turds like you.

So every time someone says "black," they really mean "******?"
When you guys say black you do mean ******, you just aren't honest enough to say it because that would be un-PC. It's why there are so few blacks who vote for the GOP. You think of them as stupid *******, and they know it.

You just admitted that there's no reason for anyone to take the accusations of leftwing race baiters seriously.
Liberalism founded this country. Move along now.

by the freedom to bear arms, complete religious freedom with no restrictions, a make it on your own with no entitlements attitude. that was the liberalism that founded this country. you freaks need to take a lesson from the founding liberals. you are not even remotely close to what they were. their attitudes developed, your poison destroys. So move along now.
You have no understanding of who they were and what they did. They didn't found a country so you could play with guns and talk to your little buddy Jesus. You can but that is beside the point.

They also didn't found the country so a hoard of ticks on the ass of society could loot the income and property of the productive members of society.
No one says "low information black voters" other than stupid leftwing turds like you.

So every time someone says "black," they really mean "******?"
When you guys say black you do mean ******, you just aren't honest enough to say it because that would be un-PC. It's why there are so few blacks who vote for the GOP. You think of them as stupid *******, and they know it.

You just admitted that there's no reason for anyone to take the accusations of leftwing race baiters seriously.
No, I just told the truth about why blacks won't vote for the GOP.
PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.
And here we see another 'liberal' reveal his true colors. Like too many so-called liberals you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag.
That's known as truth ...

Of course it's true that you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag 'liberal.' Anyone reading this can see it for themselves. Your embracing it doesn't make it any less disgraceful.
by the freedom to bear arms, complete religious freedom with no restrictions, a make it on your own with no entitlements attitude. that was the liberalism that founded this country. you freaks need to take a lesson from the founding liberals. you are not even remotely close to what they were. their attitudes developed, your poison destroys. So move along now.
You have no understanding of who they were and what they did. They didn't found a country so you could play with guns and talk to your little buddy Jesus. You can but that is beside the point.

They also didn't found the country so a hoard of ticks on the ass of society could loot the income and property of the productive members of society.
Hey, you got one right. Remarkable, truly.
PC is about words, that's all. Someone not saying what they really mean. like most here who use low-information black voters when what they mean is stupid ******* who vote for free stuff down on the old Democratic Plantation.
And here we see another 'liberal' reveal his true colors. Like too many so-called liberals you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag.
That's known as truth little man, so you will reject it of course. And your PC attitude is noted, for irony.

Yes, the truth is that you're a sniveling, lying, hypocritical scumbag who claims to hate self interest the whole while you're charging money to provide a service to people you despise.
And here we see another 'liberal' reveal his true colors. Like too many so-called liberals you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag.
That's known as truth ...
Of course it's true that you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag 'liberal.' Anyone reading this can see it for themselves. Your embracing it doesn't make it any less disgraceful.
Your PC attitude is noted.
And here we see another 'liberal' reveal his true colors. Like too many so-called liberals you are just another illogical, hypocritical, dishonest, racist scumbag.
That's known as truth little man, so you will reject it of course. And your PC attitude is noted, for irony.

Yes, the truth is that you're a sniveling, lying, hypocritical scumbag who claims to hate self interest the whole while you're charging money to provide a service to people you despise.
Capitalism baby. Love it or leave it, or in the correct view, called Reality, know it and regulate it.
When you guys say black you do mean ******, you just aren't honest enough to say it because that would be un-PC. It's why there are so few blacks who vote for the GOP. You think of them as stupid *******, and they know it.

You just admitted that there's no reason for anyone to take the accusations of leftwing race baiters seriously.
No, I just told the truth about why blacks won't vote for the GOP.

You spouted lies designed to make you feel comfortable with being a lying race-baiting sleazeball.

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