Vampiric Idea: "*re-establish and realign energy resources for production for domestic use only.End the OPEC influence."

What types of energy resources are you suggesting should be used/developed? The U.S. does not, at present, have sufficient domestic petroleum resources to meet current usage needs, hence our reliance on OPEC. How would you address this gap in the short/middle/longterm?

How much would this cost? Where would this money come from? What legislation would be required to implement your plans? What obstacles do you foresee?

It isn't a "plan" if you haven't articulated the answers to the questions I've posed above.
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We have over 500 years of oil reserve in our territory.
undrilled.enough said.
We would use the held us treasury money after taxation by government imposition has been eliminated,and at a joint agreement with the citizens and leaders,leaders working on behalf of the citizens.
Criticize as any will, at least someone is trying to come up with some solutions. Whether you like them, or not. Whether you agree with his ideas, or not. At least v68 is thinking of some kind of solutions. It's better than sitting around, pissing and moaning. If you don't agree with his ideas, hell, post a few of your own.

He's an ultra right authoritarian fascist jackass, He does not have one idea that could be implemented unless the president became an emperor.
We have over 500 years of oil reserve in our territory.
undrilled.enough said.

According to what source? Where are these oil reserves located? What resources would we potentially be trashing to drill in these locations?

I live in Florida. I do not support drilling on our coast. Tourism is a huge part of our economy here. In fact, most Floridians do not support this.

How would you counter this sort of opposition?
We would use the held us treasury money after taxation by government imposition has been eliminated,and at a joint agreement with the citizens and leaders,leaders working on behalf of the citizens.

YOu would use U.S. Tax dollars to drill for oil? Does that mean that oil companies would be owned and operated by the U.S. Government? Isn't that socialism?
We have over 500 years of oil reserve in our territory.
undrilled.enough said.

Most all of it is in shale, and we still haven't figured out an environmentally safe way to extract it. Until we do, we do not have over 500 years of oil reserves.
Sorry,tourism does not have priority over domestic energy production.
florida and georgia coasts have it as well.
georgia is willingly doing it.
Sorry,tourism does not have priority over domestic energy production.
florida and georgia coasts have it as well.
georgia is willingly doing it.

So, you're suggesting that the federal government overrule the right of states to control their natural resources and territory? Wouldn't your plan directly contravene the 10th Amendment?

You still haven't answered my question about private/public ownership of oil companies.
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Not socialism.once the us treasury is given back to the us citizen,the citizens,companies will make agreement,only approved by citizens,to make it work.
whatever companies input will be used.
whatever refined oil,not used,that is sold after price set,supply and demand is met,royalties will be paid to all americans.
This is it.
I had it.
PROGRESSIVISM is a divide,conquer,exploit categorize and destroy capitalism and industry.
I plan to campaign,to educate,expose,and change whatever variables need to be tweaked and changed to bring power back to the people.
*eliminate communist globalist establisment influence.
*eliminate government imposed taxation to CITIZEN GOVERNMENT INVESTORS.
*eliminate all entitlements,establish and foster self-sufficiency,eliminate money going to globalist and islamofacist supporting organizations.
*re-establish and realign energy resources for production for domestic use only.End the OPEC influence.
*eliminate illegal immigration.Seal southern border.
*eliminate domestic and overseas threats to our nations people and interests.LETS WORK TOGETHER TO BRING BACK OUR NATION TO BEING THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.

And right there you bankrupted our country and made the entire world our enemy...

So you want to replace liberals with an idiot dictator, or you as it seems to be… No thanks.

Also I’m putting you on ignore as you’re a Troll and I doubt your account is real, IE you're prolly a liberals sockpuppet.
Not overruling the 10th amendment of states rights,but a joint agreement,citizens,state,and fed,only approved and finalized by citizens.
Ahhhhh... Stupid is hidden from view. This message is hidden because vampiric68 is on your ignore list.
Sorry,tourism does not have priority over domestic energy production.
florida and georgia coasts have it as well.
georgia is willingly doing it.

LOL, nobody here is talking about tourism. We're talking drinking water and fresh water reserves. The vast amount of oil reserves we have are in the form of shale in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico. We have an estimated 1 trillion barrels, but we have no way of extracting it without ruining all of our downstream fresh water reserves. So if you would like to turn half of the western US into one large contamination depot, have at it.
Sorry,tourism does not have priority over domestic energy production.
florida and georgia coasts have it as well.
georgia is willingly doing it.

LOL, nobody here is talking about tourism. We're talking drinking water and fresh water reserves. The vast amount of oil reserves we have are in the form of shale in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico. We have an estimated 1 trillion barrels, but we have no way of extracting it without ruining all of our downstream fresh water reserves. So if you would like to turn half of the western US into one large contamination depot, have at it.

Vampiric is in yoar water, despoiling it.
Scumsuds,we cannot back down from threats.
on a form of defense,we need to not appease or allow our enemies to attempt to destroy the greatest country on the planet.
do you have a problem with protecting america?
If it is done responsibly,no resources are all.
you and i know this.
scumsuds knows i am right,and doesnt have the forthright to debate me.
Scumsuds should suck allah dick.
americas defense and interest comes first.

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