My 2016 Presidential Endorsement: Bobby Jindal

And now, my 2016 Presidential Endorsement:
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

excellent questions for every candidate. Please provide answers for Hillary Clinton
And now, my 2016 Presidential Endorsement:
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

excellent questions for every candidate. Please provide answers for Hillary Clinton

You're slow. I have already asked these identical questions of a Hillary supporter, as well as the supporters of other candidates (Warren and Carson).

So far, no one has answered a single one of these questions.

Maybe you would like to answer them for Palin?
It's amusing the way some hacks can foam at the mouth all day about why they oppose a particular candidate of the opposite party, usually for entirely stupid, untruthful, or superficial reasons; but cannot answer a single one of these questions for their own candidate.
I like everything he stands for and could vote for him

He also sticks up for US and our country. not like the one in there now or anyone in the Democrat party
He is also a complete geek with the personality of a bowl of jello.

Maybe so, but at least he tell THE TRUTH. not like that liar we have in there now

Thank you for your words of support Stephanie. Please consider following my twitter handle dedicated to encouraging Governor Jindal in run in 2016. It is called @Jindalin2016 and already has over 65 followers. It is part of the @Thoughtsnviews family of twitter accounts.

You're welcome. I've always liked Jindal and I do feel he is being honest with the people. That is important to me, especially after the lying Obama and his administration of radical liars

Jindal is a good man, a good governor, but I do not see him as president. He should run for senator to replace Vitter. Vitter is running for governor, so lets just let them trade jobs.

Well that isn't a bad idea and I also like Walker a lot. I'm just hoping to see a GOVERNOR elected to President and not some lowly Congress person or some Career Politician like Hillary. I wasn't that thrilled over McCain because of those reasons. A governor has at least ran something, like a STATE
Most of these Senators only thing they've run is their campaigns and their mouths. And Obama never ran anything in his life but his mouth. And as we see we are paying dearly for it
Really? What scares ME is the prospect of world wide caliphate and global sharia law! Because THAT is where we are headed. I am a proud self proclaimed Neo Con.

Actually, you are striking me as kind of a dupe...

Because I refuse to get on my knees and worship "Allah"?

Black helicopters, omg, black helicopters EVERYWHERE!!!!
No, dude, that's Alex Jones. He's down the hall, take a hard right at crazy.

This guy is a Cheney Warmonger, a Giuliani Wannabe, combined with Sean Hannity's fear of his own shadow, and Lindsey Graham's fainting couch.
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Really? What scares ME is the prospect of world wide caliphate and global sharia law! Because THAT is where we are headed. I am a proud self proclaimed Neo Con.

Actually, you are striking me as kind of a dupe...

Because I refuse to get on my knees and worship "Allah"?

Black helicopters, omg, black helicopters EVERYWHERE!!!!
No, dude, that's Alex Jones. He's down the hall, take a hard right at crazy.

This guy is a Cheney Warmonger, a Giuliani Wannabe, combined with Sean Hannity's fear of his own shadow, and Lindsey Graham's fainting counch.

man, that was stupid
I get called 'on the right' (mainly by ass douche posters) all the time. While there's some truth to that, I think it's an over simplification. I'm really more of a Constitutionalist. And frankly, neither party has much use for it. Well, the Republicans like to use it as a prop sometimes, like when they took control of the House and decided to read it to open Congress in a dog and pony show. Funnily enough, Dems just gave proud dramatic readings and it sort of backfired on the one hand...

Anyhow, the OP reads like a GOP press statement; the sky is falling and what not....

I guess anyhow, I don't see Jindal in a better light than any other politician either. I'd rather see him more than Bush; but that doesn't mean he's better. I think all these a-holes get to the presidency and they think they're larger than life. I doubt Jindal would be the exception. Nah, I'm just tired of anyone with the last name Clinton or Bush. They've had more than their share of the limelight.
I like Jindal...but he is unelectable. If you think the teapers are going to allow a person of a darker hue to become President again, you gotta be nuts.

You must have them confused with the liberals! They obsess about race! Conservatives only care about qualifications! Bobby Jindal is the most qualified! That is all that matter. Take your race baiting elsewhere.
No one can picture "Bobby" Jindal as Commander In Chief. He doesn't have the gravitas. It would be like having Dennis Kucinich:


Or that freaky looking guy who ran in 2000 or 1996 - Gary Bauer:


Or perhaps Alabama SenaTroll Jeff Sessions:


And THAT'S why Piyush "Bobby" Jindal will never be president.
And now, my 2016 Presidential Endorsement:
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

As to Governor Jindal's platform. Here is my understanding from reading his writings and listening to his speeches and looking at his record. (Note that I am not Bobby Jindal and do not speak for him)


Governor Jindal as governor has refused to raise taxes and clearly does not believe that you stimulate an economy by taxing those who create the jobs. (JFK did not believe that either FYI)

Governor Jindal by his own statements would not prevent Keystone from being passed simply to appease radical and hysterical environmental alarmists.

He certainly would not advocate paying burger flippers $10/hr thereby putting the businesses who employ them out of business.

He would not be beholden to the union bosses who caused an American company Hostess to go under and eventually relocate to Mexico because they refused reasonable concessions.

As for the War on radical Islam:

Governor Jindal by his own statements would use whatever force, including military to ensure that Iran did not get a nuclear weapon. He would be as steadfast in his opposition to ISIS.

Governor Jindal, again by his own statements, has no PC qualms about calling out radical Islamic terrorists.

As to Obamacare, it is unconstitutional (SCOTUS was wrong) and Gov. Jindal has correctly called for its full repeal. As far as I am concerned there is no obligation to replace it. There is no constitutional guarantee of health care. If the two parties happen to work out a solution that does not violate the constitution as Obamacare does, fine. But they are not obligated to provide anyone health care. You want it, pay for it yourself.

I am well aware of the direction that a Jindal Administration would take this country and I am all for it. If you want any more specific than that than I suggest that you ask Governor Jindal directly.
My 2016 Presidential Endorsement: Bobby Jindal
Piyush will never be president.

I realize after 8 years of Obama it may be hard to believe that someone can be elected president who actually:

-Believes in American Exceptionalism

-Is willing to call out and defeat radical Islam

-Is not beholden to union thugs, enviro wackos, or political correctness

-Has actually been an executive

-Has both book smarts and common sense

But these were actually qualities that we once prized in our presidents and I am confident we will again.

I said before, not only is Governor Jindal the most qualified to be president, but he has the best chance to actually win a GOP primary as well as a general election. This is why the leftists are terrified of him and seek to tear him down with snarky ridicule.
You're a walking, talking Sean Hannity-Bot!
And now, my 2016 Presidential Endorsement:
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

As to Governor Jindal's platform. Here is my understanding from reading his writings and listening to his speeches and looking at his record. (Note that I am not Bobby Jindal and do not speak for him)


Governor Jindal as governor has refused to raise taxes and clearly does not believe that you stimulate an economy by taxing those who create the jobs. (JFK did not believe that either FYI)

Governor Jindal by his own statements would not prevent Keystone from being passed simply to appease radical and hysterical environmental alarmists.

He certainly would not advocate paying burger flippers $10/hr thereby putting the businesses who employ them out of business.

He would not be beholden to the union bosses who caused an American company Hostess to go under and eventually relocate to Mexico because they refused reasonable concessions.

As for the War on radical Islam:

Governor Jindal by his own statements would use whatever force, including military to ensure that Iran did not get a nuclear weapon. He would be as steadfast in his opposition to ISIS.

Governor Jindal, again by his own statements, has no PC qualms about calling out radical Islamic terrorists.

As to Obamacare, it is unconstitutional (SCOTUS was wrong) and Gov. Jindal has correctly called for its full repeal. As far as I am concerned there is no obligation to replace it. There is no constitutional guarantee of health care. If the two parties happen to work out a solution that does not violate the constitution as Obamacare does, fine. But they are not obligated to provide anyone health care. You want it, pay for it yourself.

I am well aware of the direction that a Jindal Administration would take this country and I am all for it. If you want any more specific than that than I suggest that you ask Governor Jindal directly.
JInal is very impressive as a candidate. He is Christian and a fiscal conservative...regretfully, his skin is dark and the tea party will not allow another President of a darker hue. Notice, as we get closer to the elections, the teapers no longer talk about Ben Carson? Why? Because they used him as a tool to try to show they are not that he has been used, there is no more Carson worship.

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