My 2016 Presidential Endorsement: Bobby Jindal

They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

Because apparently, unlike you, I value my FREEDOM! I will not be told I have to use a poorer quality, more expensive and dangerous light bulb to appease "global warming" hysteria.

P.S. I have a huge supply of the old light bulbs.
Instead you horde light bulbs as a consequence of your anti-global warming hysteria.
They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

Because apparently, unlike you, I value my FREEDOM! I will not be told I have to use a poorer quality, more expensive and dangerous light bulb to appease "global warming" hysteria.

P.S. I have a huge supply of the old light bulbs.
Instead you horde light bulbs as a consequence of your anti-global warming hysteria.

man made global warming is a hoax, algore is a fraud. the data was faked. you were duped. They lied to you.

you libtards need to focus on a real problem like pollution of the planet and get over the man made climate change bullshit.

BTW, pollution is bad, but it does not cause climate change, neither do incandescent lightbulbs. But the mercury in curly bulbs is poison to you and the environment.
just pointing out your hypocrisy. You got all pissed when anyone mentioned Hussein but you are the first to being up Jindal's given name.
I've never gotten pissed over that. I have used it as an example of the Right's bigotry, though, since they are the ones who are using it to try to denigrate. The Right sees the name itself as evil. The Left sees it as the name of about 1/4 of the Arabs in the Mid-East.

Calling him Barry bothers me a bit, since it was obviously a name he used to try to fit in, much like Jindal using Bobby.

The only difference is that Obama proudly went back to using Barack when he became a man, and Jindal still clings to his boyhood nickname.

Here's an idea. Let's focus on policies and not names.
I think it's an insight into Jindal's character.

Did you say that about JIMMY Carter, or BILL Clinton, or HARRY Truman, or JACK Kennedy? They all used nicknames rather than their given names, but that was just hunky dorry, but when Jindal (a minority) does it you get all spun up.

You libs are such hypocrites.
You continue to be a dumbass who laughably calls others stupid:

  • No one ever denigrates the name James.
  • No one ever denigrates the name William.
  • Harry was his actual first name.
  • No one ever denigrates the name John.

  • Ignorant people denigrate the name Hussein.
  • Ignorant people denigrate the name Piyush.

Even after you read this post you STILL won't get it, because you're just a dumbass. True story!
They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

its a symptom of govt control. next they will be mandating where we have to set our thermostats. Wake the fuck up, moron.
They did it to save energy.

When they lowered the speed limit to 55 mph in the late 1970s it was also to save energy. Were your freeeedoms stripped away by that law?
They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

its a symptom of govt control. next they will be mandating where we have to set our thermostats. Wake the fuck up, moron.
They did it to save energy.

When they lowered the speed limit to 55 mph in the late 1970s it was also to save energy. Were your freeeedoms stripped away by that law?

They did NOT do it to save energy, to save children or to save the environment. They did it to control the idiot masses and to appease the radical left wing environmentalists (who incidentally don't give a damn about the environment)

This planet has been here a hell of a long time and will be a hell of a lot longer. Arrogant liberals thinking anything man does has any long term effect is either blissfully ignorant or knowingly complicit.

There is your "True Story"
They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

its a symptom of govt control. next they will be mandating where we have to set our thermostats. Wake the fuck up, moron.
They did it to save energy.

When they lowered the speed limit to 55 mph in the late 1970s it was also to save energy. Were your freeeedoms stripped away by that law?

They did NOT do it to save energy, to save children or to save the environment. They did it to control the idiot masses and to appease the radical left wing environmentalists (who incidentally don't give a damn about the environment)

This planet has been here a hell of a long time and will be a hell of a lot longer. Arrogant liberals thinking anything man does has any long term effect is either blissfully ignorant or knowingly complicit.

There is your "True Story"

It was actually figured out by engineers at the time that cars in 1970's driving at 55mph is the most fuel-efficient speed, although it was debated on matters of safety in a lot of states. It has to do with engine cycles and RPM. The lowest speed you could have a car (at that time) in the highest gear (4th gear) was around 45-60 mph, for large trucks and buses it was almost exactly 55mph. Having the car in the highest gear at the lowest speed lead to the greatest fuel efficiency.

It was actually President Nixon that proposed the law and later signed it into law, largely in response to the oil crisis at the time. It wasn't nearly as successful as planned because most states ignored it.
And now, my 2016 Presidential Endorsement:
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

Please do the same for Hillary

Thank you
They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

its a symptom of govt control. next they will be mandating where we have to set our thermostats. Wake the fuck up, moron.
They did it to save energy.

When they lowered the speed limit to 55 mph in the late 1970s it was also to save energy. Were your freeeedoms stripped away by that law?

They did NOT do it to save energy, to save children or to save the environment. They did it to control the idiot masses and to appease the radical left wing environmentalists (who incidentally don't give a damn about the environment)

This planet has been here a hell of a long time and will be a hell of a lot longer. Arrogant liberals thinking anything man does has any long term effect is either blissfully ignorant or knowingly complicit.

There is your "True Story"

It was actually figured out by engineers at the time that cars in 1970's driving at 55mph is the most fuel-efficient speed, although it was debated on matters of safety in a lot of states. It has to do with engine cycles and RPM. The lowest speed you could have a car (at that time) in the highest gear (4th gear) was around 45-60 mph, for large trucks and buses it was almost exactly 55mph. Having the car in the highest gear at the lowest speed lead to the greatest fuel efficiency.

It was actually President Nixon that proposed the law and later signed it into law, largely in response to the oil crisis at the time. It wasn't nearly as successful as planned because most states ignored it.

what they left out of the equation was time. Time is money. Time wasted on the road loses money.
They have had enough of the government telling us that we MUST buy healthcare and that we MUST NOT buy certain light bulbs!
Why are y'all such morons on the light bulb thing?

its a symptom of govt control. next they will be mandating where we have to set our thermostats. Wake the fuck up, moron.
They did it to save energy.

When they lowered the speed limit to 55 mph in the late 1970s it was also to save energy. Were your freeeedoms stripped away by that law?

They did NOT do it to save energy, to save children or to save the environment. They did it to control the idiot masses and to appease the radical left wing environmentalists (who incidentally don't give a damn about the environment)

This planet has been here a hell of a long time and will be a hell of a lot longer. Arrogant liberals thinking anything man does has any long term effect is either blissfully ignorant or knowingly complicit.

There is your "True Story"
Everyone's always out to get you wingnuts, aren't they?
Does Jindal know the Whitehouse is a no-go zone for conservatives?

We will see, RW. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards think they are. They now see the massive fraud that you forced on them by electing obama, and they are pissed.

Obama has destroyed the dem party and the libtardian movement for the next 20 or 30 years---------------congratulations, you got the first black president and self-destructed in the process.
Does Jindal know the Whitehouse is a no-go zone for conservatives?

We will see, RW. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards think they are. They now see the massive fraud that you forced on them by electing obama, and they are pissed.

Obama has destroyed the dem party and the libtardian movement for the next 20 or 30 years---------------congratulations, you got the first black president and self-destructed in the process.

Just what we need....another. BJ in the Whitehouse
Does Jindal know the Whitehouse is a no-go zone for conservatives?

We will see, RW. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards think they are. They now see the massive fraud that you forced on them by electing obama, and they are pissed.

Obama has destroyed the dem party and the libtardian movement for the next 20 or 30 years---------------congratulations, you got the first black president and self-destructed in the process.

Just what we need....another. BJ in the Whitehouse

better than an incompetent jerk off.

But you could elect HRC and have the first lesbian president. Then maybe you can run Bruce Jenner and have the first tranny president. Are then any normal people who are liberals?
Just wanted to update you all on our momentum for a Bobby Jindal 2016 presidential run. We just hit 200 followers!


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