My 2016 Presidential Endorsement: Bobby Jindal

Right, dems and libs are hypocrites, liars, and frauds. Liberalism is a mental disease, that is very clear and has been proven medically. They have a defective gene known as DRD4. This is true. If anyone doubts it, look it up, google it.

Again, guy, I was a Republican until you let the religious crazies take over your party.

So in addition to the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear, you have Piyush who performs exorcisms. Sarah Palin who pals around with Witch Hunters and Mike Huckabee who thinks the reason why the dinosaurs aren't around is because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

you have a right to your ignorant opinions. Nothing in your post above is true. Mormons do not claim to wear "magic underwear". Jindal is not an exorcist, and Palin and Huckelberry are not contenders for anything.

But we understand the tactic, Demonize everyone with an R behind their name with lies. We get it. Didn't work for you assholes in 2014 and won't work in 2016. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards and you messiah obama think they are.

Yep, Hillary wrote a paper on Saul Alinsky and the democrat/commie party his tactics down to a tee. THEY HAVE NOTHING else. what are they going to run on? being thrown out of Congress in only SIX years under the Obama reign of terror?

What Republican president "didn't" lose Congress after 6 years?
Right, dems and libs are hypocrites, liars, and frauds. Liberalism is a mental disease, that is very clear and has been proven medically. They have a defective gene known as DRD4. This is true. If anyone doubts it, look it up, google it.

Again, guy, I was a Republican until you let the religious crazies take over your party.

So in addition to the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear, you have Piyush who performs exorcisms. Sarah Palin who pals around with Witch Hunters and Mike Huckabee who thinks the reason why the dinosaurs aren't around is because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

you have a right to your ignorant opinions. Nothing in your post above is true. Mormons do not claim to wear "magic underwear". Jindal is not an exorcist, and Palin and Huckelberry are not contenders for anything.

But we understand the tactic, Demonize everyone with an R behind their name with lies. We get it. Didn't work for you assholes in 2014 and won't work in 2016. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards and you messiah obama think they are.

Yep, Hillary wrote a paper on Saul Alinsky and the democrat/commie party his tactics down to a tee. THEY HAVE NOTHING else. what are they going to run on? being thrown out of Congress in only SIX years under the Obama reign of terror?

What Republican president "didn't" lose Congress after 6 years?
Calvin Coolidge
Right, dems and libs are hypocrites, liars, and frauds. Liberalism is a mental disease, that is very clear and has been proven medically. They have a defective gene known as DRD4. This is true. If anyone doubts it, look it up, google it.

Again, guy, I was a Republican until you let the religious crazies take over your party.

So in addition to the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear, you have Piyush who performs exorcisms. Sarah Palin who pals around with Witch Hunters and Mike Huckabee who thinks the reason why the dinosaurs aren't around is because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

you have a right to your ignorant opinions. Nothing in your post above is true. Mormons do not claim to wear "magic underwear". Jindal is not an exorcist, and Palin and Huckelberry are not contenders for anything.

But we understand the tactic, Demonize everyone with an R behind their name with lies. We get it. Didn't work for you assholes in 2014 and won't work in 2016. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards and you messiah obama think they are.

Yep, Hillary wrote a paper on Saul Alinsky and the democrat/commie party his tactics down to a tee. THEY HAVE NOTHING else. what are they going to run on? being thrown out of Congress in only SIX years under the Obama reign of terror?

What Republican president "didn't" lose Congress after 6 years?
Calvin Coolidge

Exactly, you have to go to the 1920's.
you have a right to your ignorant opinions. Nothing in your post above is true. Mormons do not claim to wear "magic underwear". Jindal is not an exorcist, and Palin and Huckelberry are not contenders for anything.

But we understand the tactic, Demonize everyone with an R behind their name with lies. We get it. Didn't work for you assholes in 2014 and won't work in 2016. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards and you messiah obama think they are.

1) Quit pretending that barely winning the JesusLand Midterms means anything. Obama is ignoring you guys with impunity and his approval ratings have gone up.

2) Sorry, Romney really does think he wears magic Underwear.

Does Romney Wear Magic Mormon Underwear

3) Jindal did perform an exorcism in college.

FLASHBACK Bobby Jindal s Exorcism Problem Mother Jones

4) I notice that you don't dispute the particulars of Palin and Huckabee's religious crazy.
Liberals need to get off their high horse. Liberals align with a party that kept People of Color subject to the laws and ways of Jim Crow. It was the Republicans that pushed for the abolishment of both Slavery and Jim Crow. Today, we have people of brown color running Southern bastions of Louisiana and South Carolina. How come Liberals are not behind them?
He doesn't really have all that good of a track record as governor anyway. He came into office in 2008 with a $1 billion dollar budget surplus and now LA faces a 1.8 billion dollar deficit. He's also cut education spending more then any other state in the country during his terms. Also the whole thing with defending the oil companies during the spills doesn't help either.

The guy is not a very good candidate, sorry to tell you.
He doesn't really have all that good of a track record as governor anyway. He came into office in 2008 with a $1 billion dollar budget surplus and now LA faces a 1.8 billion dollar deficit. He's also cut education spending more then any other state in the country during his terms. Also the whole thing with defending the oil companies during the spills doesn't help either.

The guy is not a very good candidate, sorry to tell you.

So a liberal does not think Gov. Jindal is a good candidate. Just proves my theory. I have been checking to see what has been said about Jindal on social media and I have seen some nasty things. I firmly believe that Bobby Jindal is the candidate the left fears the most.

As to your education comments. Only a liberal believes that throwing money at education equals better education.
Liberals need to get off their high horse. Liberals align with a party that kept People of Color subject to the laws and ways of Jim Crow. It was the Republicans that pushed for the abolishment of both Slavery and Jim Crow. Today, we have people of brown color running Southern bastions of Louisiana and South Carolina. How come Liberals are not behind them?

Except they did no such thing. At least not on Jim Crow. Ike did a little bit, but Goldwater totally threw in with the Sou th and when all those southern racists quit the democratic party, Nixon welcomed them with open arms.
Again, guy, I was a Republican until you let the religious crazies take over your party.

So in addition to the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear, you have Piyush who performs exorcisms. Sarah Palin who pals around with Witch Hunters and Mike Huckabee who thinks the reason why the dinosaurs aren't around is because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark.

you have a right to your ignorant opinions. Nothing in your post above is true. Mormons do not claim to wear "magic underwear". Jindal is not an exorcist, and Palin and Huckelberry are not contenders for anything.

But we understand the tactic, Demonize everyone with an R behind their name with lies. We get it. Didn't work for you assholes in 2014 and won't work in 2016. The american people are not as dumb as you libtards and you messiah obama think they are.

Yep, Hillary wrote a paper on Saul Alinsky and the democrat/commie party his tactics down to a tee. THEY HAVE NOTHING else. what are they going to run on? being thrown out of Congress in only SIX years under the Obama reign of terror?

What Republican president "didn't" lose Congress after 6 years?
Calvin Coolidge

Exactly, you have to go to the 1920's.
And we all know the result of those 10 years of Republican leadership.
Liberals need to get off their high horse. Liberals align with a party that kept People of Color subject to the laws and ways of Jim Crow. It was the Republicans that pushed for the abolishment of both Slavery and Jim Crow. Today, we have people of brown color running Southern bastions of Louisiana and South Carolina. How come Liberals are not behind them?

Except they did no such thing. At least not on Jim Crow. Ike did a little bit, but Goldwater totally threw in with the Sou th and when all those southern racists quit the democratic party, Nixon welcomed them with open arms.

Christians were reminded this past week about the atrocities they committed thousand years ago. In the the month we honor Blacks in American History, it is only fitting that we remind Liberals that the Party they aligned themselves with is the one that committed atrocities against blacks by creating and enforcing Jim Crow only 50 years ago. Slavery and Jim Crow are Democrat legacies. Show me where Republicans fought to keep Slavery and Jim Crow in place?
My 2016 Presidential Endorsement: Bobby Jindal
Piyush will never be president.

I realize after 8 years of Obama it may be hard to believe that someone can be elected president who actually:

-Believes in American Exceptionalism

-Is willing to call out and defeat radical Islam

-Is not beholden to union thugs, enviro wackos, or political correctness

-Has actually been an executive

-Has both book smarts and common sense

But these were actually qualities that we once prized in our presidents and I am confident we will again.

I said before, not only is Governor Jindal the most qualified to be president, but he has the best chance to actually win a GOP primary as well as a general election. This is why the leftists are terrified of him and seek to tear him down with snarky ridicule.
Christians were reminded this past week about the atrocities they committed thousand years ago. In the the month we honor Blacks in American History, it is only fitting that we remind Liberals that the Party they aligned themselves with is the one that committed atrocities against blacks by creating and enforcing Jim Crow only 50 years ago. Slavery and Jim Crow are Democrat legacies. Show me where Republicans fought to keep Slavery and Jim Crow in place?

YOu mean Barry Goldwater fighting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while LBJ fought for it, knowing "I've just lost the South for the Democrats for a Generation".

Goldwater got 6% of the African American vote and that's where it's kind of stayed for Republicans ever since.
I said before, not only is Governor Jindal the most qualified to be president, but he has the best chance to actually win a GOP primary as well as a general election. This is why the leftists are terrified of him and seek to tear him down with snarky ridicule.

Piyush crashed and burned his state, and if he wasn't already going out due to term limits, they'd have bounced his ass out in an election.
I like everything he stands for and could vote for him

He also sticks up for US and our country. not like the one in there now or anyone in the Democrat party
He is also a complete geek with the personality of a bowl of jello.

Maybe so, but at least he tell THE TRUTH. not like that liar we have in there now

Thank you for your words of support Stephanie. Please consider following my twitter handle dedicated to encouraging Governor Jindal in run in 2016. It is called @Jindalin2016 and already has over 65 followers. It is part of the @Thoughtsnviews family of twitter accounts.
I like everything he stands for and could vote for him

He also sticks up for US and our country. not like the one in there now or anyone in the Democrat party
He is also a complete geek with the personality of a bowl of jello.

Maybe so, but at least he tell THE TRUTH. not like that liar we have in there now

Thank you for your words of support Stephanie. Please consider following my twitter handle dedicated to encouraging Governor Jindal in run in 2016. It is called @Jindalin2016 and already has over 65 followers. It is part of the @Thoughtsnviews family of twitter accounts.

You're welcome. I've always liked Jindal and I do feel he is being honest with the people. That is important to me, especially after the lying Obama and his administration of radical liars
I like everything he stands for and could vote for him

He also sticks up for US and our country. not like the one in there now or anyone in the Democrat party
He is also a complete geek with the personality of a bowl of jello.

Maybe so, but at least he tell THE TRUTH. not like that liar we have in there now

Thank you for your words of support Stephanie. Please consider following my twitter handle dedicated to encouraging Governor Jindal in run in 2016. It is called @Jindalin2016 and already has over 65 followers. It is part of the @Thoughtsnviews family of twitter accounts.

You're welcome. I've always liked Jindal and I do feel he is being honest with the people. That is important to me, especially after the lying Obama and his administration of radical liars

Jindal is a good man, a good governor, but I do not see him as president. He should run for senator to replace Vitter. Vitter is running for governor, so lets just let them trade jobs.
And now, my 2016 Presidential Endorsement:
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

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