My 8 reasons Romney lost this electtion.....


VIP Member
Sep 6, 2012
Romney Lost for the following simple reasons:

1. He had more waffles than an Ihop and Waffle house. He flipped which ever way the wind was blowing at that moment. For example, I will repeal Obama Care flipped to.... I will keep Obama car and reform it. FEMA was pass the responsibility onto the states and leave the Federal Government out of it to..... We need FEMA when Sandy wreaked half the East Coast.

2. Women make up 52% of the population. You can not expect to tell women they should revert to a 1920's attitude and then tell them what to do with their bodies and then expect to win at least 80% of the 52% of the population.

3. Insulting the 47% as he put it as being "lazy". Between insulting 52% of the population and then including another total of 47%, gives you about 65% of the population that wants nothing to do with you.

4. One candidate wants to lower his own taxes, the other want to raise his own.

5. Throw everything to the states. Romney wants to cancel everything and throw it to the states. It is like throwing all the programs over an 8ft cinderblock wall and hoping the states catch it. Not going to happen. Some things are more efficient in the hands of the federal government. For example, get Colorado FEMA to give up thier money to help Florida in time of need.

6. Taxes, the government never gets rid of a tax. So passing responsibility on t the states, will cause the states to raise taxes and the federal government will keep the extra revenue, thereby increasing burden again on middle class.

7. His tax policies do not add up. You can not spend more, lower taxes and expect to have a smaller deficit. No possible.

8. People do not want a Bush era again, where you spend, spend, spend on programs and offer more tax breaks.
Romney Lost for the following simple reasons:

1. He had more waffles than an Ihop and Waffle house. He flipped which ever way the wind was blowing at that moment. For example, I will repeal Obama Care flipped to.... I will keep Obama car and reform it. FEMA was pass the responsibility onto the states and leave the Federal Government out of it to..... We need FEMA when Sandy wreaked half the East Coast.

2. Women make up 52% of the population. You can not expect to tell women they should revert to a 1920's attitude and then tell them what to do with their bodies and then expect to win at least 80% of the 52% of the population.

3. Insulting the 47% as he put it as being "lazy". Between insulting 52% of the population and then including another total of 47%, gives you about 65% of the population that wants nothing to do with you.

4. One candidate wants to lower his own taxes, the other want to raise his own.

5. Throw everything to the states. Romney wants to cancel everything and throw it to the states. It is like throwing all the programs over an 8ft cinderblock wall and hoping the states catch it. Not going to happen. Some things are more efficient in the hands of the federal government. For example, get Colorado FEMA to give up thier money to help Florida in time of need.

6. Taxes, the government never gets rid of a tax. So passing responsibility on t the states, will cause the states to raise taxes and the federal government will keep the extra revenue, thereby increasing burden again on middle class.

7. His tax policies do not add up. You can not spend more, lower taxes and expect to have a smaller deficit. No possible.

8. People do not want a Bush era again, where you spend, spend, spend on programs and offer more tax breaks.

all correct.

but you left out his telling people to 'self-deport'. you know that didn't help him.
It doesn't make any difference why anyone lost or anyone won. What will become of Washington should be the chant that all Americans are asking now. We have serious issues to solve and a working leadership is what we need. Let's pray for bipartanship and well thought out solutions for the the problems that exist right now.
The worst campaign in my lifetime vs. one of the best I have ever seen. Have republicans lost their ability to run a tight well organized campaign? I think they just got lazy thinking that money alone can win a race.
The worst campaign in my lifetime vs. one of the best I have ever seen. Have republicans lost their ability to run a tight well organized campaign? I think they just got lazy thinking that money alone can win a race.

The Republican party is dying, it's past a point where it can win a GE but it can still do well in the Senate/House. In a couple elections Reps won't even do well there.

The OP is a fucking idiot, we never left Bush era policies... I'll bet he can't even give is a bullshit list of Bush era policies Obama and his Dem congress even tried to repeal.
It doesn't make any difference why anyone lost or anyone won. What will become of Washington should be the chant that all Americans are asking now. We have serious issues to solve and a working leadership is what we need. Let's pray for bipartanship and well thought out solutions for the the problems that exist right now.

More reasons why Mitt lost, from Thomas Sowell. Follow the link to read of Obama's new America, coming soon:

Mitt Romney now joins the long list of the kinds of presidential candidates favored by the Republican establishment: nice, moderate losers — people with no coherently articulated vision, despite how many ad hoc talking points they may have.

The list of Republican presidential candidates like this goes back at least as far as 1948, when Thomas E. Dewey ran against President Harry Truman. Dewey spoke in lofty generalities while Truman spoke in hard-hitting specifics. Since then, there have been many reruns of this same scenario, featuring losing Republican presidential candidates John McCain, Bob Dole, Gerald Ford, and, when he ran for reelection, George H. W. Bush.

Bush 41 first succeeded when he ran for election as if he were another Ronald Reagan (“Read my lips, no new taxes”), but then lost when he ran for reelection as himself – “kinder and gentler,” disdainful of “the vision thing,” and looking at his watch during a debate, when he should have been counterattacking against the foolish things being said.

This year, Barack Obama had the hard-hitting specifics — such as ending “tax cuts for the rich” who should pay “their fair share,” government “investing” in “the industries of the future” and the like. He had a coherent vision, however warped.

Most of Obama’s arguments were rotten, if you bothered to put them under scrutiny. But someone once said that it is amazing how long the rotten can hold together, if you don’t handle it roughly.

Any number of conservative commentators, both in the print media and on talk radio, examined and exposed the fraudulence of Obama’s “tax cuts for the rich” argument. But did you ever hear Mitt Romney bother to explain the specifics which exposed the flaws in Obama’s argument?

much more below:

Nice Losers - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online
I think the fact he was an obvious lying sociopath with no clear plan was what did him in. That and the fact that this country hasn't forgotten about the last time the Republicans had the executive branch.
Please. Stop the horseshit.

Obama Admitted Welfare Recipients Potentially a "Majority Coalition"

1998 Audio: Obama Admitted Welfare Recipients Potentially a "Majority Coalition" - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You DO realize that audio clip is 14 years old, right? You also realize that the world has changed SIGNIFICANTLY as well?

But thanks for the example of why the GOP lost this election. They were using a 2004 model that didn't reflect the way the electorate grew since 2008, and they picked the wrong message.

But.................continue to believe your delusions. Karl Rove does, and so does FAUX Nooze.

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