My Apologies to the Liberals Here; You Were Right.....

The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
the ONLY way this will work is if they build it together.

one side builds it - the other side tears it down when in power.
they build same thing.
power switches, revamp and start over.

it's the pure definition of insanity cause it's not changing. both sides need to get their asses into a room and not come out until they put pretenses down and solutions up.

Except.....what the Dems built was a GOP plan. They tore down their own plan. New level of obstruction.
The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.

I left the GOP party over a decade ago (still a conservative). The Dems are much better at politics which severely exploits the factions of the Republican Party. When the Dems are in control they convince their members to put aside "perfect" for better, as they see it. The republicans don't have the leadership to bridge the diversity within their party, they are like a rudderless ship. Trump has not been the deal broker that he was advertised to be, McConnell is weak and not respected (he is like the kid who gets to be captain of the team because his dad is the coach, and Ryan is uninspiring, and boring. We have no Reagan.
To be fair, Trump did say today that the GOP is working on an ACA replacement that will be "something far, far better".

Instills confidence, doesn't it?
The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.

Obamacare is going away. You don't have the strength of your conviction, you will continue to be disappointed because you refuse to stand for anything except relativism.
Sooner or later Trump will throw Ryan and McConnell under the bus and work with Schumer on health care....if McConnell wont bring up the vote its adios....just my opinion

What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games.
In poll after poll, nobody is blaming Trump, just the Congress.

While I'm pissed these guys can't agree, please remember, NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

We have it because we let our guard down and allowed this gay communist in the White House.
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
Why not? Mitch is threatening the Repubs with it, and at least some of the Dems are willing to talk. I think it could happen, it should happen, it NEEDS to happen. And if the Republicans and Dems won't work together to fix this goddamned thing, they all need to find a different career, starting in 2018.

The entire Senate is not up for reelection in 2018. It is only one-third each two years. For example, McConnell is not up until 2020. I predict he will likely be replaced by the current governor in the primary for his epic failures.
The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.

You are correct, but I'd given them more time.

I don't think they are going to find a credible alternative to Obamacare simply because many of their supporters don't want to repeal it. They want to fix it.

They're on Obamacare, they voted for Trump, and they're already disappointed

There are other issues that the Republicans can move on that the Dems won't such as taxes and deregulation.
When I say "Repeal Obamacare" that is synecdoche for 'repeal the worst features and make it work".

I very much suspect that about half the people who say they want Obamacare repealed are thinking the same kind of thing.

The only issue is that most people disagree on what consists of the "worst features" as you put it.

What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games.

Remember how Trump planned a beautiful health plan?

It will be interesting to see what happens- if the GOP does manage to pass this disaster of a plan- well America gets to live with it.

If they don't pass it- will the GOP try to come up with something better? Try to work with the Democrats? Try to do something more than just chant 'repeal Obamacare"?

I hope so.

What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games.
allowed this gay communist in the White House.


Idiots like you, making idiot comments like that- certainly helped the passage of the ACA.
The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.

Obamacare is going away. You don't have the strength of your conviction, you will continue to be disappointed because you refuse to stand for anything except relativism.

The current GOP certainly doesn't make "Obamacare" go away.

It keeps certain things, and get rids of other things.

Certainly the concept of ensuring most Americans is going away.

What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games.

Remember how Trump planned a beautiful health plan?

It will be interesting to see what happens- if the GOP does manage to pass this disaster of a plan- well America gets to live with it.

If they don't pass it- will the GOP try to come up with something better? Try to work with the Democrats? Try to do something more than just chant 'repeal Obamacare"?

I hope so.
Never having seen or heard what is in this health plan that does not exist, an America hater calls it a disaster.
It looks to me like there are a # of Republicans that were all for voting for bills to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President and they knew he would veto anything that got to his desk. Now that they have a President that will sign a new bill, they're now running scared.
Looks like a good deal of these fucks simply have no problem with government ran healthcare and they've simply been lying all along.
What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games
Things change dude...the members of the house has changed drastically in 8 years in both parties. Obama care has also changed for the good and the bad. Politics have changed. The republican party is a very big "tent" with a lot of different opinions, the GOP is far reaching once again, it's not regional and locked in the south for example.
Give them time they will get it done and it will be a hell of a lot better than what we have now.
You idiots are so fucking stupid that you think that having a plan fail to get through Congress is the same as not doing anything.

How many plans has the GOP put out? Many. Most were shelved in the Senate by the dirtbag liar Harry Reid.

Is it just the posters here that are getting dumber by the minute or is it everywhere?

What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games.

Remember how Trump planned a beautiful health plan?

It will be interesting to see what happens- if the GOP does manage to pass this disaster of a plan- well America gets to live with it.

If they don't pass it- will the GOP try to come up with something better? Try to work with the Democrats? Try to do something more than just chant 'repeal Obamacare"?

I hope so.
Never having seen or heard what is in this health plan that does not exist, an America hater calls it a disaster.

What's inside the Senate Republican health care bill

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