My Apologies to the Liberals Here; You Were Right.....

The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.
Gag me with a spoon. Please, Trump and his cadre may be misfits and scoundrels, but how are Democrats any different? We elected a Republican as a backlash against liberal policies being forced on us across the board. I agree with you on Trump and his ineptitude, he's clueless. Instead of apologizing to Dems, we should work harder to pry the blinkers off that blighter Trump.
It looks to me like there are a # of Republicans that were all for voting for bills to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President and they knew he would veto anything that got to his desk. Now that they have a President that will sign a new bill, they're now running scared.
Looks like a good deal of these fucks simply have no problem with government ran healthcare and they've simply been lying all along.

We don't have government run health care. That is lie number one. You love that lie.
The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.
Gag me with a spoon. Please, Trump and his cadre may be misfits and scoundrels, but how are Democrats any different? We elected a Republican as a backlash against liberal policies being forced on us across the board. I agree with you on Trump and his ineptitude, he's clueless. Instead of apologizing to Dems, we should work harder to pry the blinkers off that blighter Trump.

"Pry the blinkers?"
The Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare, it was all just a rhetorical game to undermine Obama and they are not capable of governing in the Democratic Parties place.

IF the Dems would back off on their Social agenda they can return to power for all I care.

Republicans are obviously not fit to govern.

We need 50 republican Senators to replace ginsburg and kennedy....and hopefully a few of the other left wing social justice nuts pretending to be judges on the well to replace the other judges in the lower courts......
It looks to me like there are a # of Republicans that were all for voting for bills to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President and they knew he would veto anything that got to his desk. Now that they have a President that will sign a new bill, they're now running scared.
Looks like a good deal of these fucks simply have no problem with government ran healthcare and they've simply been lying all along.

We don't have government run health care. That is lie number one. You love that lie.

When the government tells you you have to have healthcare, we have government run healthcare...
It looks to me like there are a # of Republicans that were all for voting for bills to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President and they knew he would veto anything that got to his desk. Now that they have a President that will sign a new bill, they're now running scared.
Looks like a good deal of these fucks simply have no problem with government ran healthcare and they've simply been lying all along.

We don't have government run health care. That is lie number one. You love that lie.

When the government tells you you have to have healthcare, we have government run healthcare...

Nope. Not even close.

Don't you have a gun crime in London to report on?
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!

What a racist thing to post!

lol, no seriously, the GOP has had 8 years to cobble their replacement plan together and didnt because they thought that they would never have to actually follow through on their promises.

Fuck them and their stupid little bitch games.

Remember how Trump planned a beautiful health plan?

It will be interesting to see what happens- if the GOP does manage to pass this disaster of a plan- well America gets to live with it.

If they don't pass it- will the GOP try to come up with something better? Try to work with the Democrats? Try to do something more than just chant 'repeal Obamacare"?

I hope so.
Never having seen or heard what is in this health plan that does not exist, an America hater calls it a disaster.

What's inside the Senate Republican health care bill
Media bullshit.
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
Of course the ACA can be improved. They can start by removing the previous GOP sabotage.

But go ahead and keep hoping for that 62nd repeal vote. I hear it's happening on the same day Loretta Lynch is going to be arrested... any day now :rofl:
All republicans had to do was fix ACA. But instead they want a healthcare bill with their name on it.

They ( along with democrats) don't give a shit about America. They only care about their party.

This is exactly why our two party system needs to change. We need more parties making decisions in D.C
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
Of course the ACA can be improved. They can start by removing the previous GOP sabotage.

But go ahead and keep hoping for that 62nd repeal vote. I hear it's happening on the same day Loretta Lynch is going to be arrested... any day now :rofl:
What GOP sabatoge! Can you bee specific?
All republicans had to do was fix ACA. But instead they want a healthcare bill with their name on it.

They ( along with democrats) don't give a shit about America. They only care about their party.

This is exactly why our two party system needs to change. We need more parties making decisions in D.C

Sure. Let's have dozens. That should fix everything.
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
Of course the ACA can be improved. They can start by removing the previous GOP sabotage.

But go ahead and keep hoping for that 62nd repeal vote. I hear it's happening on the same day Loretta Lynch is going to be arrested... any day now :rofl:
What GOP sabatoge! Can you bee specific?

Again? You wouldn't acknowledge it before. Why would you now?
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
I agree, the AHCP never addressed real issues, it didn't actually bring down health care cost, it came off more like a Pollyanna ponzi scheme. Why not actually TRY to reduce cost of health care? Challenge Insurance companies and Providers to reduce cost, examine and create rules that make them accountable. And so much more, but instead we get Obama care. And Trump isn't going to do THAT any more than Obama did.
All republicans had to do was fix ACA. But instead they want a healthcare bill with their name on it.

They ( along with democrats) don't give a shit about America. They only care about their party.

This is exactly why our two party system needs to change. We need more parties making decisions in D.C

How does one fix an abortion? Get pregnant again?
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
Of course the ACA can be improved. They can start by removing the previous GOP sabotage.

But go ahead and keep hoping for that 62nd repeal vote. I hear it's happening on the same day Loretta Lynch is going to be arrested... any day now :rofl:
What GOP sabatoge! Can you bee specific?
The GOP screwed itself, royally. :dig:
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
Of course the ACA can be improved. They can start by removing the previous GOP sabotage.

But go ahead and keep hoping for that 62nd repeal vote. I hear it's happening on the same day Loretta Lynch is going to be arrested... any day now :rofl:
What GOP sabatoge! Can you bee specific?
Defunding the high risk pools and GOP states refusing to expand Medicare in order to increase their constituent's pain. That and spending years refusing to do anything but repeal which, we all know now, was just a transparent political stunt.
The best case scenario, that has zero chance of happening of course, is a bipartisan plan to improve the ACA. Or hell, a bipartisan plan to improve the AHCA, which will also never happen.
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
I agree, the AHCP never addressed real issues, it didn't actually bring down health care cost, it came off more like a Pollyanna ponzi scheme. Why not actually TRY to reduce cost of health care? Challenge Insurance companies and Providers to reduce cost, examine and create rules that make them accountable. And so much more, but instead we get Obama care. And Trump isn't going to do THAT any more than Obama did.
Yeah when you think about it, healthcare is the simplest thing in the world! :laugh:
I remember being mocked in here simply for asking for details on the plan.

Those people fell for it too. I wonder if they're embarrassed.

The Republicans have bought into the notion that you have the right to the fruit of another person's labor. I expect that kind of shit from the democrats; after democrats are stupid, greedy, and evil. But if the Republicans are too scared to stand up for basic economic liberty, then fuck em...

I left the GOP in 1988 because that moron Bush couldn't wrap his head around the idea that Marx is not the answer to every question.

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