My Apologies to the Liberals Here; You Were Right.....

It looks to me like there are a # of Republicans that were all for voting for bills to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President and they knew he would veto anything that got to his desk. Now that they have a President that will sign a new bill, they're now running scared.
Looks like a good deal of these fucks simply have no problem with government ran healthcare and they've simply been lying all along.

We don't have government run health care. That is lie number one. You love that lie.

The government set rules to have taxpayers subsidize the healthcare of other taxpayers.
We also currently have the government forcing Americans to purchase healthcare.
That is indeed the government running the system since it sets the rules.

Whoa! Brilliant comments!

The government sets the rules, so they run it? Did the govermment set the rules before 2009?

Taxpayers have subsidized other taxpayer's health care for decades and this has helped our nation prosper.

Your entire world view stands in opposition to what it means to be a member of a society. You ought to be EAGER to ensure that we don't have any members of this society who cannot afford quality health care. Same with education and nutrition. We fail as a society if we don't work together to raise up the least along us.

Check yourself.
The problem with obama care is that in order to give some freebies and subsidies the givers are now faced with high premiums, high co pays and very high deductibles. Now the givers cannot afford health care and the takers are riding free! Check yourself!
It looks to me like there are a # of Republicans that were all for voting for bills to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President and they knew he would veto anything that got to his desk. Now that they have a President that will sign a new bill, they're now running scared.
Looks like a good deal of these fucks simply have no problem with government ran healthcare and they've simply been lying all along.

We don't have government run health care. That is lie number one. You love that lie.

The government set rules to have taxpayers subsidize the healthcare of other taxpayers.
We also currently have the government forcing Americans to purchase healthcare.
That is indeed the government running the system since it sets the rules.

Whoa! Brilliant comments!

The government sets the rules, so they run it? Did the govermment set the rules before 2009?

Taxpayers have subsidized other taxpayer's health care for decades and this has helped our nation prosper.

Your entire world view stands in opposition to what it means to be a member of a society. You ought to be EAGER to ensure that we don't have any members of this society who cannot afford quality health care. Same with education and nutrition. We fail as a society if we don't work together to raise up the least along us.

Check yourself.
The problem with obama care is that in order to give some freebies and subsidies the givers are now faced with high premiums, high co pays and very high deductibles. Now the givers cannot afford health care and the takers are riding free! Check yourself!

Not due to Obamacare. That is big lie number two. You fuckers love that one as well.

The high premiums were there before Ocare for any plan that actually covered you. The rate of increase has been lower under The ACA.

The higher premiums in the last year are due to GOP ( especially Marco Rubio's ) attempts to sabotage the bill.

Try harder.
The White House, House & Senate weren't enough for the GOP to come through.

That's all ya need to know.

Thie unwillingness of McConnel to end the 60 vote requirement to end filibusters proves that McConnel does not have the nerve to get things done and the whole plea for political power to end Obamacare was just a suckers ploy.

Why the GOP Congress will be the most unproductive in 164 years

To make matters worse, Republicans control only 52 seats in the Senate and as of yet seem unwilling to nuke the legislative filibuster (something they could do at any time by changing the rules of the Senate). Republicans no longer have conservative Democrats to lean on to get to 60 votes when their own most liberal members are beyond reach, because GOP behavior during the Obama years taught Democrats the electoral value of party unity. That means that even some very conservative pieces of legislation that have already passed the House, including the Financial CHOICE Act (H.R. 10), which guts Dodd-Frank, stand very little chance of becoming law. House leaders, including Speaker Ryan, either aren't particularly interested in crafting bills that could actually get through the Senate or they have given up trying to forge the necessary compromises.

Or they are delusional.

The result, regardless, is that this Congress is going to be historically unproductive.​
You cannot improve obamacare, it's a piece of shit. The Republicans were stupid for talking up a repeal replace bs mantra! They should have just left it die on it's own. All they really have to do now is vote out the mandate and the taxes!
The thousands upon thousands of REAL PEOPLE who would then suffer due to a collapsing governmental program is inhumane and incompetent governance.

Shame on you.
Gag me with a spoon. Please, Trump and his cadre may be misfits and scoundrels, but how are Democrats any different? We elected a Republican as a backlash against liberal policies being forced on us across the board. I agree with you on Trump and his ineptitude, he's clueless. Instead of apologizing to Dems, we should work harder to pry the blinkers off that blighter Trump.
Mary, correct me if I am wrong, but Trump is not a member of the House or Senate an d that is where the failure lies.

McConnel could open up negotiations with Democrats, end the filibuster and a dozen other things, but he wont.

This whole "repeal Obamacare" thing has been bullshit as the GOP establishment loves it when the government gains more power and they had no intention of rolling back the Obamacare government's role expansion into our health care system.
The White House, House & Senate weren't enough for the GOP to come through.

That's all ya need to know.

Thie unwillingness of McConnel to end the 60 vote requirement to end filibusters proves that McConnel does not have the nerve to get things done and the whole plea for political power to end Obamacare was just a suckers ploy.

And of course that has nothing to do with the GOP's inability to fix or replace the ACA.

The question is whether McConnell will be willing to work with Democrats and Republicans to either fix the ACA, or create an alternative that is better.

That would require bipartisan consensus- and compromise. Something is short supply.

And doesn't sound as flashy as 'We gonna repeal Obamacare!"
Gag me with a spoon. Please, Trump and his cadre may be misfits and scoundrels, but how are Democrats any different? We elected a Republican as a backlash against liberal policies being forced on us across the board. I agree with you on Trump and his ineptitude, he's clueless. Instead of apologizing to Dems, we should work harder to pry the blinkers off that blighter Trump.
Mary, correct me if I am wrong, but Trump is not a member of the House or Senate an d that is where the failure lies..

However Trump, god help us, the President of the United States- and as such has the largest microphone.

He was elected promising to replace the ACA with something far, far better. He was elected because he said he was a deal maker.

Where is he making deals on fixing the ACA or crafting a better plan?

Where is Trump's leadership?

The ACA would not have passed without President Obama's advocacy. If you want to blame Obama for the ACA- then you should also blame Trump for failing to accomplish as much.
The problem with obama care is that in order to give some freebies and subsidies the givers are now faced with high premiums, high co pays and very high deductibles. Now the givers cannot afford health care and the takers are riding free! Check yourself!
The politicians have no idea how the people suffer under Obamacare. A woman today said her premiums went from $300 a month to $1600! People can't afford to get sick.

Trump is right. If congress can't do its job, they need to just let it fail.
The White House, House & Senate weren't enough for the GOP to come through.

That's all ya need to know.

Thie unwillingness of McConnel to end the 60 vote requirement to end filibusters proves that McConnel does not have the nerve to get things done and the whole plea for political power to end Obamacare was just a suckers ploy.

And of course that has nothing to do with the GOP's inability to fix or replace the ACA.

The question is whether McConnell will be willing to work with Democrats and Republicans to either fix the ACA, or create an alternative that is better.

That would require bipartisan consensus- and compromise. Something is short supply.

And doesn't sound as flashy as 'We gonna repeal Obamacare!"
The democrats want the same ball busting shit they passed. The working must pay high premium s to give the non working everything their hearts desire!
The democrats want the same ball busting shit they passed. The working must pay high premium s to give the non working everything their hearts desire!
There are many Dems who see problems with Obamacare and want to improve it, while many set the whole thing up to fail and clear the way for a single payer plan from the git-go.

This whole thing though demonstrates that Republicans have pursued a 'Big Tent' approach for so long that hey really dont stand for anything and cannot get their shit topgether when it counts.

McConnell's New Obamacare Repeal Lacks GOP Votes to Pass
Calm down. It took Democrats over a year to pass Obamacare. The GOP was never going to do it in 6 months. Something will get done before 2018.
The White House, House & Senate weren't enough for the GOP to come through.

That's all ya need to know.

Thie unwillingness of McConnel to end the 60 vote requirement to end filibusters proves that McConnel does not have the nerve to get things done and the whole plea for political power to end Obamacare was just a suckers ploy.

And of course that has nothing to do with the GOP's inability to fix or replace the ACA.

The question is whether McConnell will be willing to work with Democrats and Republicans to either fix the ACA, or create an alternative that is better.

That would require bipartisan consensus- and compromise. Something is short supply.

And doesn't sound as flashy as 'We gonna repeal Obamacare!"
The democrats want the same ball busting shit they passed. The working must pay high premium s to give the non working everything their hearts desire!

The Republicans were trying the same ball busting shit that they always do- reduce tax breaks on the rich by screwing over the poor- working or not.
Calm down. It took Democrats over a year to pass Obamacare. The GOP was never going to do it in 6 months. Something will get done before 2018.

The GOP was trying to rush it through to pass it under the reconciliation process so they didn't need any Democratic votes.

Now maybe they will work on a real solution.
The problem with obama care is that in order to give some freebies and subsidies the givers are now faced with high premiums, high co pays and very high deductibles. Now the givers cannot afford health care and the takers are riding free! Check yourself!
The politicians have no idea how the people suffer under Obamacare. A woman today said her premiums went from $300 a month to $1600! People can't afford to get sick.

Trump is right. If congress can't do its job, they need to just let it fail.

Before the ACA that woman may not have been able to get insurance if she had a pre-existing condition. Or she might not have been able to afford insurance before.

Obamacare repeal is flailing because Obamacare is working

But focusing on the problems obscures the overwhelming reality: The Affordable Care is popular, it is working, and on every dimension that voters care about, it outperforms the Republican alternatives. And that makes it damn hard to replace.

Poll after poll shows more people now favor the Affordable Care Act than oppose it. It has higher approval ratings than Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or the Republican Party. It far outperforms the Republican replacement plans: A new Washington Post/ABC News poll found voters prefer Obamacare to the Republican health bill by a 2-to-1 margin — 50 to 24 percent. You rarely see numbers like that in American politics.

These numbers are strange if you listen to Republicans describe the Affordable Care Act. In their telling, it is always “imploding,” “failing,” “dying,” “disastrous.” How can a law in such crisis command such healthy public support? The answer is that the law is, for the most part, not in crisis. There are areas of the country where the exchanges have struggled to attract insurers, and there are markets in which premiums have increased rapidly. These problems are real and, if the party in power were interested in improving the law, solvable.

But even without improvements, the reality is that for most people, in most places, the Affordable Care Act is working. The bulk of its coverage expansion has been through Medicaid, which is immune to the problems of the insurance marketplaces. Surveys find that Medicaid enrollees really like their coverage; they’re just as satisfied as people who get health insurance at work. Indeed, the Medicaid expansion has proven so popular, and so effective, that Senate Republicans from Medicaid-expanding states like Ohio and Nevada have been fighting to preserve it.

Nor are the exchanges in anything close to a state of collapse. More than 10 million people are buying insurance off Obamacare’s exchanges, and surveys show most of them are happy with their plans. While there are some counties at risk of beginning 2018 without participating insurers, the total number is quite small — 38 out of 3,143 counties, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Nor has the Affordable Care Act seen exploding costs either in the program or in the health care system more broadly; the ACA has cost less than the Congressional Budget Office expected, and spending growth in the health system overall has been at historic lows (an achievement for which Obamacare deserves some, though not all, of the credit). Cost control in the health system has been so unexpectedly effective that the government is now projected to spend less on health care with Obamacare than we were projected to spend without Obamacare.

This is the reality that Republicans are flinging their repeal effort against — and it is a reality that their plans mostly worsen. According to the Congressional Budget Office, over the next 10 years, 23 million fewer people would have insurance if the House health bill passed, 22 million fewer people would have insurance if the Senate health bill passed, and 32 million fewer people would have insurance if the 2015 repeal bill — which McConnell now wants to bring to a vote — passed.

Obamacare’s biggest problem is the high cost sharing that frustrates those who buy coverage on the marketplaces. But all of the Republican bills would lead to higher deductibles, higher copays, sparer insurance, and, on an apples-to-apples basis, higher premiums. The reasons for this are simple: The GOP bills cancel the individual mandate, which pushes young and healthy people to buy health insurance, and then take hundreds of billions of dollars Obamacare is currently spending to make insurance more affordable and spend it instead on tax cuts and deficit reduction.

If the Affordable Care Act were truly as bad as Republicans say it is, it would be easier to replace. Hell, if it were as bad as they say it is, straight repeal would be an improvement — but even conservative Republicans don’t dare discuss repeal without some kind of vague, wonderful replacement.
The problem with obama care is that in order to give some freebies and subsidies the givers are now faced with high premiums, high co pays and very high deductibles. Now the givers cannot afford health care and the takers are riding free! Check yourself!
The politicians have no idea how the people suffer under Obamacare. A woman today said her premiums went from $300 a month to $1600! People can't afford to get sick.

Trump is right. If congress can't do its job, they need to just let it fail.

Before the ACA that woman may not have been able to get insurance if she had a pre-existing condition. Or she might not have been able to afford insurance before.

Obamacare repeal is flailing because Obamacare is working

But focusing on the problems obscures the overwhelming reality: The Affordable Care is popular, it is working, and on every dimension that voters care about, it outperforms the Republican alternatives. And that makes it damn hard to replace.

Poll after poll shows more people now favor the Affordable Care Act than oppose it. It has higher approval ratings than Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or the Republican Party. It far outperforms the Republican replacement plans: A new Washington Post/ABC News poll found voters prefer Obamacare to the Republican health bill by a 2-to-1 margin — 50 to 24 percent. You rarely see numbers like that in American politics.

These numbers are strange if you listen to Republicans describe the Affordable Care Act. In their telling, it is always “imploding,” “failing,” “dying,” “disastrous.” How can a law in such crisis command such healthy public support? The answer is that the law is, for the most part, not in crisis. There are areas of the country where the exchanges have struggled to attract insurers, and there are markets in which premiums have increased rapidly. These problems are real and, if the party in power were interested in improving the law, solvable.

But even without improvements, the reality is that for most people, in most places, the Affordable Care Act is working. The bulk of its coverage expansion has been through Medicaid, which is immune to the problems of the insurance marketplaces. Surveys find that Medicaid enrollees really like their coverage; they’re just as satisfied as people who get health insurance at work. Indeed, the Medicaid expansion has proven so popular, and so effective, that Senate Republicans from Medicaid-expanding states like Ohio and Nevada have been fighting to preserve it.

Nor are the exchanges in anything close to a state of collapse. More than 10 million people are buying insurance off Obamacare’s exchanges, and surveys show most of them are happy with their plans. While there are some counties at risk of beginning 2018 without participating insurers, the total number is quite small — 38 out of 3,143 counties, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Nor has the Affordable Care Act seen exploding costs either in the program or in the health care system more broadly; the ACA has cost less than the Congressional Budget Office expected, and spending growth in the health system overall has been at historic lows (an achievement for which Obamacare deserves some, though not all, of the credit). Cost control in the health system has been so unexpectedly effective that the government is now projected to spend less on health care with Obamacare than we were projected to spend without Obamacare.

This is the reality that Republicans are flinging their repeal effort against — and it is a reality that their plans mostly worsen. According to the Congressional Budget Office, over the next 10 years, 23 million fewer people would have insurance if the House health bill passed, 22 million fewer people would have insurance if the Senate health bill passed, and 32 million fewer people would have insurance if the 2015 repeal bill — which McConnell now wants to bring to a vote — passed.

Obamacare’s biggest problem is the high cost sharing that frustrates those who buy coverage on the marketplaces. But all of the Republican bills would lead to higher deductibles, higher copays, sparer insurance, and, on an apples-to-apples basis, higher premiums. The reasons for this are simple: The GOP bills cancel the individual mandate, which pushes young and healthy people to buy health insurance, and then take hundreds of billions of dollars Obamacare is currently spending to make insurance more affordable and spend it instead on tax cuts and deficit reduction.

If the Affordable Care Act were truly as bad as Republicans say it is, it would be easier to replace. Hell, if it were as bad as they say it is, straight repeal would be an improvement — but even conservative Republicans don’t dare discuss repeal without some kind of vague, wonderful replacement.
Is it affordable?
Where is the legislation from the Democratic party to fix Obamacare...........................don't see it.......

The GOP have looked like a bunch of dumbasses over this.........but 3 refused to vote for it because they didn't want to give up their medicaid expansion.............That simple.

Isn't over yet but a deal between parties isn't gonna happen anymore.
Calm down. It took Democrats over a year to pass Obamacare. The GOP was never going to do it in 6 months. Something will get done before 2018.
How will they do something next year when the reconciliation process is the only process that does not require a 60 vote majority in the Senate and that is shot till 2019 now.

Republicans are going to have to stand for re-election having failed to deliver on their promise to repeal and replace Obamacare when they had control of both houses of Congress and the White House.

There has never been a more impotent, corrupt and spineless bunch of idiots running our Congress than the buffoons we have today.

Rand Paul is a prime example, talking as if there is a chance in hell this country will return to Wild Jungle economics and a social Darwinist health care system. He refused half a loaf for an abstract loaf that has been seen since 1933. He is a fool and a harbinger of the final death throws of American Conservatism today.
Repubs never had any intention of replacing the ACA. That's why they came up short on repeal.
I am sure some of them did, but who can tell who is what any more?

The far right Senators had no intention of replacing Obamacare because these libertarian social darwinists WANT the health care system to go back to what we had in 2008, where we had millions with no medical coverage and people suffering from things that were not life threatening, like kidney stones, and getting no medical treatment for it. They want to allow medical insurance companies to once again be able to deny people coverage for cancer treatment because their IME report says that the cancer likely started 8 year ago before they got their medical insurance 7 years ago, etc.

Fuck these sorry bastards, I will never vote for a Republican for any Congressional office again the rest of my life, I swear to God.
The White House, House & Senate weren't enough for the GOP to come through.

That's all ya need to know.

Thie unwillingness of McConnel to end the 60 vote requirement to end filibusters proves that McConnel does not have the nerve to get things done and the whole plea for political power to end Obamacare was just a suckers ploy.

And of course that has nothing to do with the GOP's inability to fix or replace the ACA.

The question is whether McConnell will be willing to work with Democrats and Republicans to either fix the ACA, or create an alternative that is better.

That would require bipartisan consensus- and compromise. Something is short supply.

And doesn't sound as flashy as 'We gonna repeal Obamacare!"

A good first step would be to stop trying to sabotage it and highlight it's positives as well as it's negatives. You know, like a leader should.

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