My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President

I do not find him unhinged. I live on spite and Trump is the best weapon against Leftists. I thought the letter was on point and accurate. I hope he wins again in 2020.

It was unhinged. Trump is quite effective at manipulating people. You see him as your weapon. I see it the opposite. I see his followers Trump’s weapon. He can aim and fire his supporters at his target through manipulation. He can get his supporters to attack his enemies and support his friends.

He’s not your weapon. You don’t control him. No one does.
But he is because just the mere mention of him triggers Leftists. Hell even a little red hat triggers you. Btw your opinion is not a fact. Only fact here is that Trump remains president and he is your president. Enjoy.

I know. You enjoy pissing people off. That’s not exactly the best sign of character.
When you get hit nonstop eventually you hit back.

Sometimes that’s just an excuse to start hitting people because you enjoy it.
It is? Not for me.
I do not find him unhinged. I live on spite and Trump is the best weapon against Leftists. I thought the letter was on point and accurate. I hope he wins again in 2020.

It was unhinged. Trump is quite effective at manipulating people. You see him as your weapon. I see it the opposite. I see his followers Trump’s weapon. He can aim and fire his supporters at his target through manipulation. He can get his supporters to attack his enemies and support his friends.

He’s not your weapon. You don’t control him. No one does.
But he is because just the mere mention of him triggers Leftists. Hell even a little red hat triggers you. Btw your opinion is not a fact. Only fact here is that Trump remains president and he is your president. Enjoy.

Oh, and feel free to ignore this kind of rhetoric while you accuse me of being easily triggered.

You still sound hysterical.

No he doesn't you stupid faggot
Terri is a veteran. I thank her for her service. You kneel during the anthem. You tell me how she should react?

Like a real veteran or one of those lame veterans that got caught like McCain?
She is here so a real veteran. Why do you ask? Oh you’re trying to be funny. Still triggered? Need a safe space?

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