"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.
... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:

If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
Yeah it’s just tissue. Like clipping your toenails. Nothing to be concerned about.

You can be concerned about the tissue inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.

Maybe you can legislate the exorcisms and try to enforce that. It might make you feel better.

You can be as mean as you want, you won't hurt my feelz.
... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:

If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
Yeah it’s just tissue. Like clipping your toenails. Nothing to be concerned about.

You can be concerned about the tissue inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you
The problem you have is lack of intelligence. Like most supporters of baby killing, you must convince yourself it isn’t a baby.
... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:

If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
Yeah it’s just tissue. Like clipping your toenails. Nothing to be concerned about.

You can be concerned about the tissue inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you
The problem you have is lack of intelligence. Like most supporters of baby killing, you must convince yourself it isn’t a baby.

You can be concerned about the BABY inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you.

Is that better?
That's not the way debate works, kid. If your argument for abortion is bodily autonomy (which it clearly is, since that's the only thing you talk about, over and over), then defend your position. Sticking your fingers in your ears like a 3 year old and saying "la la la la la... me me me me me!" is not an argument or defense.

You won't answer the question because you KNOW you can't, without looking like a complete psychopath!

But you know what? I'm going to keep asking you, since you keep talking about it, I won't let you forget it.

One more time, do you think there's anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery to butcher her full-term preborn baby (who is no different than a newborn) SIMPLY because he is in her body? Yes or no?

I don't answer the question because I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK I'M A PSYCHOPATH! I'm fine with that. It does not upset me in any way I promise.

You're telling me I need to defend abortion. I don't. I won't.

You still haven't said how exactly you will stop pro-choice women from having abortions. Because you can't.

Bottom line here, I have the control over my body and EVERYTHING INSIDE OF IT including my uterus and the fetus inside.

That's all the more reason to answer the question! If you don't care if you look like a psychopath, then you should have no problem answering this question: Do you think there would be anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery butchering her full-term preborn baby who is no different than a newborn, simply because he is still inside her body? Come on! If you don't care what anyone thinks, then just answer the question.

If you don't, then you can't defend your position, not rationally or in a sincere way. All you can do is stick your fingers in your ears and yell "la la la la la" like a 3 year old, and stomp your feet like an angry rebellious teenager. How sad. Pathetic.
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.
…and still nothing from the right as how to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and respecting a woman’s right to privacy – all conservatives have are lies, demagoguery, and sophistry; all they offer is more and bigger government interfering with citizens’ private lives.
The problem you have is lack of intelligence. Like most supporters of baby killing, you must convince yourself it isn’t a baby.

You can be concerned about the BABY inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you. I will be concerned about the BABY inside mine.

Is that better?
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.
…and still nothing from the right as how to end the practice of abortion consistent with the Constitution and respecting a woman’s right to privacy – all conservatives have are lies, demagoguery, and sophistry; all they offer is more and bigger government interfering with citizens’ private lives.
That's not the topic of this thread. Feel free to start a new thread, if you want to discuss that.
... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:

If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
Yeah it’s just tissue. Like clipping your toenails. Nothing to be concerned about.

You can be concerned about the tissue inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you
The problem you have is lack of intelligence. Like most supporters of baby killing, you must convince yourself it isn’t a baby.

You can be concerned about the BABY inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you.

Is that better?
No. I don’t think you are comprehending. Murder of innocents is immoral.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That's all the more reason to answer the question! If you don't care if you look like a psychopath, then you should have no problem answering this question: Do you think there would be anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery butchering her full-term preborn baby who is no different than a newborn, simply because he is still inside her body? Come on! If you don't care what anyone thinks, then just answer the question.

If you don't, then you can't defend your position, not rationally or in a sincere way. All you can do is stick your fingers in your ears and yell "la la la la la" like a 3 year old, and stomp your feet like an angry rebellious teenager. How sad. Pathetic.

Who is tantrumping here? I'm presenting you with REALITY. It's not a position. Can you not understand that, realistically, you can't stop abortion?

It sucks not to have control. I get it. 3-year olds have many problems with loss of control.

I however, have NOT lost control of my body and everything inside of it.

You seem to be the one stomping around, mad and enraged that you want to control the fetus inside my uterus, but cannot.
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.

There is no need whatever to bring Trump into this conversation.
If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
Yeah it’s just tissue. Like clipping your toenails. Nothing to be concerned about.

You can be concerned about the tissue inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you
The problem you have is lack of intelligence. Like most supporters of baby killing, you must convince yourself it isn’t a baby.

You can be concerned about the BABY inside YOUR body. I will not make any attempt to stop you.

Is that better?
No. I don’t think you are comprehending. Murder of innocents is immoral.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.

It's definitely a start in the right direction. Even then, it would be best to be triple wrapped if you are concerned about any life you might be creating.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.

It's not 100%. But, I am all for protection as much as possible. Besides Bill Clinton taught us that there are lots of other ways to have sex. Cigar, etc. LOL
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.

If that's all you got from my post you are either an idiot or illiterate. Maybe both.

I don't want to be mean, but after reading this entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the ardent proaborts here fall into two categories. They're either dense as hell and willfully ignorant... OR they're completely morally bankrupt and some appear to be demonic. And I'm not even joking about that, I've seen that in other places, some really do seem like they need an excorcism.

It's both
Here's some reality for you to ponder. You have no control over MY pregnancy. ZERO. ZILCH. NONE. NADA.

You'll never even know if I'm pregnant. How you gonna stop me?

Don't like it? Tough shit. Come for me and see what happens big boy.

This kind of attitude is why I always tell men NOT to put penis in vagina unless they have a signed contract with the woman.
That’s stupid. Have your ever heard of a condom? Are you aware that it is extraordinarily inexpensive and even a dumb believer in baby killing can easily use it without expert instruction.
And there are different holes, if you can find a willing partner.
That's all the more reason to answer the question! If you don't care if you look like a psychopath, then you should have no problem answering this question: Do you think there would be anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery butchering her full-term preborn baby who is no different than a newborn, simply because he is still inside her body? Come on! If you don't care what anyone thinks, then just answer the question.

If you don't, then you can't defend your position, not rationally or in a sincere way. All you can do is stick your fingers in your ears and yell "la la la la la" like a 3 year old, and stomp your feet like an angry rebellious teenager. How sad. Pathetic.

Who is tantrumping here? I'm presenting you with REALITY. It's not a position. Can you not understand that, realistically, you can't stop abortion?

It sucks not to have control. I get it. 3-year olds have many problems with loss of control.

I however, have NOT lost control of my body and everything inside of it.

You seem to be the one stomping around, mad and enraged that you want to control the fetus inside my uterus, but cannot.

It's clear to me now that you don't understand how debate works. None of those things you brought up matter right now. That's not even the topic here. We've been debating abortion, and you have yet to provide an argument, all you have are red herrings, and immature, selfish, unthinking responses.

How old are you, 15 maybe? That's my guess. Actually, I take that back. My 14 year old niece is FAR more mature than you.

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