"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

No need for more jails, just a renewed education for prevention process to take place, and a renewed responsibility education, and to reinstate the conciousness of respect for human life that has been lost in all of this mess. The idoctronation of the citizens for years is something huge to undo.

Heh.. un.

At least you admit the scope of what you want to do. Does the term "social engineering" ring a bell?
Saving lives is social engineering now ??? LOL

No, taking it up as a government responsibility to indoctrinate people is.

You people keep dipping deeper and deeper into the standard tropes of fascism. I hope you wake up soon.
And HOW exactly is the law going to know I was ever pregnant in the first place? Or that I performed an abortion on myself?

Reality. It's always better to concentrate on the things you CAN control.

When you show up at a hospital with injuries you sustained in your attempt, idiot.

Did I say or imply that every person who has an abortion would be caught? No, I did not. FFS there are murderers roaming free right all over the country at this very moment. The fact that they haven't been caught doesn't absolve them.

I guess I better stay away from the hospital! You still haven't caught me OR stopped me. And the abortion still happened. You failed again.

Are you talking pre-meditated murder, and then hiding the fact ?[/QUOTE]

No, but I'm fine if you call it that. How you gonna catch me? You gonna find the body?
No need for more jails, just a renewed education for prevention process to take place, and a renewed responsibility education, and to reinstate the conciousness of respect for human life that has been lost in all of this mess. The idoctronation of the citizens for years is something huge to undo.

100% I support unwanted pregnancy prevention. That's where all the efforts should be concentrated. Once the unwanted pregnancy has occurred, it can't be controlled by anyone except the mother who contains it inside her body.
Control and killing are two different things unless control is used wrongfully for evil purposes. Controlling what you eat, smoke, drink etc is examples of good control that will lead to a healthy outcome for you and the baby, but controlling the way that you will kill the life within you uhh is evil. What maybe controlling the way the coat hanger is held while fishing for that life inside in order to kill it ?? That is an example of evil control.
The prohibition against abortion is about as useful as the prohibition against suicide. Abortion has been with us since the caveman days when the herbal healers identified plants which were aborificants and women used them. The "witches" who were burned at the stake were midwives and herbal healers who often provided women with abortions as well as delivering their babies. Burn them alive. Witches all!

You fools are no different. Seeking to control women or jail them for making their own decisions. As always, only the poor will be forced to procreate. The middle class white people will still be able to afford a weekend in Canada. Only the poor will be harmed by these laws.

Same as it ever was.

That is incorrect. That's actually one of the myths put forth by your side, but it is simply untrue.

In this video, she thoroughly debunks that and 2 other myths:

No need for more jails, just a renewed education for prevention process to take place, and a renewed responsibility education, and to reinstate the conciousness of respect for human life that has been lost in all of this mess. The idoctronation of the citizens for years is something huge to undo.

100% I support unwanted pregnancy prevention. That's where all the efforts should be concentrated. Once the unwanted pregnancy has occurred, it can't be controlled by anyone except the mother who contains it inside her body.
Control and killing are two different things unless control is used wrongfully for evil purposes. Controlling what you eat, smoke, drink etc is examples of good control that will lead to a healthy outcome for you and the baby, but controlling the way that you will kill the life within you uhh is evil. What maybe controlling the way the coat hanger is held while fishing for that life inside in order to kill it ?? That is an example of evil control.

I'm not sure how any of that affects my ability to say NO to letting anyone control any living tissue inside of my body.

So I have a total and complete disagreement with any argument that allows any other person to claim a right of control over my body and what is inside of my body. We are at a log jam.

I win because I have the upper hand - you don't know I'm pregnant. You can't stop me from aborting the pregnancy.

You just can't change those two facts, unfortunately for you.
Of course it's alive, it's an organism in the women's womb within the placenta attached uterus. If by human being, you mean it's a member of species Homo sapiens, that is also true as it is true for a human corpse..
I believe the focus of this thread - "Worst Abortion Talking Points" - has been validated by the herculean efforts the anti-lifers have descended to prove it but your argument has to be the single most brain-dead argument in support of anything … ever. Congrats.

Well, you do have your beliefs, don't you? Fortunately, for now at least, the Court and the Constitution protect us from your desire to force you beliefs on others. We'll see how that holds up. Lord knows you chickenshit fuckers are working hard to tear it all down.
Perhaps it is your belief - that people have the constitutional right to slaughter babies in the womb because a court once said "it's just a fetus" - which is threatened. I see any adult that lacks the cojones to speak for those too small to speak for themselves to the true chickenshit fuckers, Chickenshit.

I suppose it's a matter of perspective.
Right wingers have no idea when life begins, but yet, it's slaughtering babies. You people are a trip with your lies and ignorance.
And right on cue a bitter leftard steps up to explain that he does indeed lack the cojones to speak for those whose voices are too small to be heard.

Thank you.
When we're they hollering, and who heard them?
I believe the focus of this thread - "Worst Abortion Talking Points" - has been validated by the herculean efforts the anti-lifers have descended to prove it but your argument has to be the single most brain-dead argument in support of anything … ever. Congrats.

Well, you do have your beliefs, don't you? Fortunately, for now at least, the Court and the Constitution protect us from your desire to force you beliefs on others. We'll see how that holds up. Lord knows you chickenshit fuckers are working hard to tear it all down.
Perhaps it is your belief - that people have the constitutional right to slaughter babies in the womb because a court once said "it's just a fetus" - which is threatened. I see any adult that lacks the cojones to speak for those too small to speak for themselves to the true chickenshit fuckers, Chickenshit.

I suppose it's a matter of perspective.
Right wingers have no idea when life begins, but yet, it's slaughtering babies. You people are a trip with your lies and ignorance.
And right on cue a bitter leftard steps up to explain that he does indeed lack the cojones to speak for those whose voices are too small to be heard.

Thank you.
When we're they hollering, and who heard them?
Get an adult in your life to explain what "those whose voices are too small to be heard" means.
I win because I have the upper hand - you don't know I'm pregnant. You can't stop me from aborting the pregnancy.

You just can't change those two facts, unfortunately for you.

All I hear from you is "me me me me me!!!" "It's all about ME!!!!"

I truly hope, for your own sake, that you grow up one day and begin to be less selfish, more responsible and grow a conscience. Most people eventually do because with years of life experience comes wisdom, but some sadly never do.
I believe the focus of this thread - "Worst Abortion Talking Points" - has been validated by the herculean efforts the anti-lifers have descended to prove it but your argument has to be the single most brain-dead argument in support of anything … ever. Congrats.

Well, you do have your beliefs, don't you? Fortunately, for now at least, the Court and the Constitution protect us from your desire to force you beliefs on others. We'll see how that holds up. Lord knows you chickenshit fuckers are working hard to tear it all down.
Perhaps it is your belief - that people have the constitutional right to slaughter babies in the womb because a court once said "it's just a fetus" - which is threatened. I see any adult that lacks the cojones to speak for those too small to speak for themselves to the true chickenshit fuckers, Chickenshit.

I suppose it's a matter of perspective.
Right wingers have no idea when life begins, but yet, it's slaughtering babies. You people are a trip with your lies and ignorance.
And right on cue a bitter leftard steps up to explain that he does indeed lack the cojones to speak for those whose voices are too small to be heard.

Thank you.
When we're they hollering, and who heard them?
God hears them. You will give an accounting soon enough.
Maybe the Right should give alcohol prohibition another shot, instead. It went over so well last time.

The 18th Amendment was proposed by the US Senate on December 18th, 1917 and it was ratified on January 16th, 1919. Democrats held both chambers of Congress and the Presidency at that time. History is your friend. :rolleyes:

Huh. Then you'd really think Republicans would know better. Guess they are following the Democrats' lead.

Would know better than what?
You'd think they might have learned the folly of trying to force widespread change on society without a consensus.

Sorry, but of the two sides - pro-life and pro-abort - it's not the pro-lifers who did an end run around "the consensus".

These laws are being passed by the people the voters elected to create laws, and I'm relatively certain that the representatives passing these laws were open with the voters about where they stood on this issue. If the voters decide they don't like the laws being passed, they retain the power to replace those lawmakers and demand that the laws be changed. That is how the system is supposed to work, and is the opposite of "forcing widespread change on society without a consensus."

Pro-aborts, by contrast, looked at a nation which had laws reflecting the wishes of the voters of different states, said "That's not how I think it should be", and then bypassed the voters entirely to have a group of nine lawyers-in-robes tell hundreds of millions of people that they were wrong and this was how it was going to be and they were no longer going to have input into it. THAT is "forcing widespread change on society without a consensus."

There is no such thing as a "pro-abort".
I win because I have the upper hand - you don't know I'm pregnant. You can't stop me from aborting the pregnancy.

You just can't change those two facts, unfortunately for you.

All I hear from you is "me me me me me!!!" "It's all about ME!!!!"

I truly hope, for your own sake, that you grow up one day and begin to be less selfish, more responsible and grow a conscience. Most people eventually do because with years of life experience comes wisdom, but some sadly never do.

Well...yes....it is my body after all. I appreciate your concern over my life choices. I'm all good!
When we desensitize ourselves to be able to legally murdering of unborn babies, it desensitizes people to murder children. ... Parents were responsible for 61-percent of child murders under the age of five. ... statistics, 450 children are murdered by their parents each year in the United States. ....The sanctity of life no longer exists.

When we desensitize ourselves to the redefined definitions of words, like, "abortion" is "murder", and so many other redefinitions that can be found in the novel, "Animal Farm", like, "everyone is created equal" means that, "everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others", then, authoritarian Big Brother (from "1984") becomes our dictatorial leader. As much as he may think that is true, it is not, and we are not sheep of the RW.
When we play semantics to justify the taking of human life we have lost our way. Nothing teaches our children - the ones we allow to be born - the value of life like abortion.

Feel free to teach your children anything you like. I will do the same.
Well...yes....it is my body after all. I appreciate your concern over my life choices. I'm all good!

You have 2 heads, 2 hearts, 4 arms, 4 legs, 2 different blood types and 2 unique sets of DNA? WOW!

I haven't been talking about YOUR body, Einstein, I've been talking about the innocent body you want to dismember and dispose of like garbage.

Also, you never acknowledged my post about the utter failure of the bodily autonomy talking point. It collapses when you try to apply it to the entire 9 months of pregnancy. Do you think it would be perfectly OK to butcher a full-term precious preborn baby who is minutes away from delivery, if a mother wanted to, simply because he was still on the other side of the birth canal? Yes or no. And don't try to weasel out of that, answer the question please.
When we play semantics to justify the taking of human life we have lost our way. Nothing teaches our children - the ones we allow to be born - the value of life like abortion.
Feel free to teach your children anything you like. I will do the same.
Yanno, my objection to slaughtering babies isn't religious or ideological but simply a matter of defending the defenseless. I wonder what - beyond your required adherence to leftardism - drives your kill-the-babies POV?
Wrong. The mother can easily give the baby to adoptive parents. How heinous to kill your child, because you don’t want to carry it for nine months. Nothing a human being can do is easier than preventing an unwanted pregnancy...
So you avoided the position on the right to limit access top birth control.
Typically LAME, strawman deflection. Few if any here have argued to limit access to birth control. We are talking about what you leftards consider women's God-Given right to slaughter and flush a baby's life.
That is the only argument the baby killers have. Lame. They know abortion is legalized murder. They know there is no justifying it with logical honest discourse.
Since we cannot prevent a woman from having an abortion, maybe we should be looking for other solutions to unwanted pregnancy.

I saw an interesting argument a couple of days ago. I don't remember who made it but the gist is this -

The technology to transfer a fetus from a mother's womb to an incubator may not be far off.

If it does become possible, and you could transfer the fetus from the woman to the incubator, and it cost $1,000,000 to bring that fetus to birth, do you think society should or would bear that cost?

In 2015, 638,169 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. 638,169 x $1,000,000 = over $638 BILLION. That's per year. Every year. In addition, you would have to provide medical care for the birth. Do you think society will accept it? How will you pay for it?

To be sure, every pro-choice woman will not agree to this, but perhaps you could save SOME of the lives you are agonized about. Where do you stand on this idea?

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