"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

When we play semantics to justify the taking of human life we have lost our way. Nothing teaches our children - the ones we allow to be born - the value of life like abortion.
Feel free to teach your children anything you like. I will do the same.
Yanno, my objection to slaughtering babies isn't religious or ideological but simply a matter of defending the defenseless. I wonder what - beyond your required adherence to leftardism - drives your kill-the-babies POV?

I don't kill babies. You have me confused with Jim Jones, or somebody else.
Wrong. The mother can easily give the baby to adoptive parents. How heinous to kill your child, because you don’t want to carry it for nine months. Nothing a human being can do is easier than preventing an unwanted pregnancy...
So you avoided the position on the right to limit access top birth control.
Typically LAME, strawman deflection. Few if any here have argued to limit access to birth control. We are talking about what you leftards consider women's God-Given right to slaughter and flush a baby's life.
That is the only argument the baby killers have. Lame. They know abortion is legalized murder. They know there is no justifying it with logical honest discourse.
Which brings us back once again to the point of this thread ... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:
Wrong. The mother can easily give the baby to adoptive parents. How heinous to kill your child, because you don’t want to carry it for nine months. Nothing a human being can do is easier than preventing an unwanted pregnancy...
So you avoided the position on the right to limit access top birth control.
Typically LAME, strawman deflection. Few if any here have argued to limit access to birth control. We are talking about what you leftards consider women's God-Given right to slaughter and flush a baby's life.
That is the only argument the baby killers have. Lame. They know abortion is legalized murder. They know there is no justifying it with logical honest discourse.

"Legalized murder"? I could not possibly support an oxymoron.
... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:

If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
When we play semantics to justify the taking of human life we have lost our way. Nothing teaches our children - the ones we allow to be born - the value of life like abortion.
Feel free to teach your children anything you like. I will do the same.
Yanno, my objection to slaughtering babies isn't religious or ideological but simply a matter of defending the defenseless. I wonder what - beyond your required adherence to leftardism - drives your kill-the-babies POV?

I don't kill babies. You have me confused with Jim Jones, or somebody else.

You support it....no difference
Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.
And yet you assfucks back Trump's stealing children at the border.

AI guess we are supposed to accept your definition of when life begins because you assfucks know all about science, right?
Lying again..
You just can't help being a fucking scumbag lying liberal asshole!

Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

And as far as life goes...scientist agree...

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception - Princeton University
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm ... "I would say that among most scientists, the word 'embryo' includes the time from ...

upload_2019-5-25_15-50-48.pngCharlotte Lozier Institute › a-scientific-vi...
A Scientific View of When Life Begins | Charlotte Lozier Institute

Jun 11, 2014 · Yet what does science tell us about when life begins?[1] One of the ... are universally agreed upon and employed throughout the scientific ...

upload_2019-5-25_15-50-48.pnghttps://naapc.org › why-life-begins-at-co...
Why Life Begins At Conception - NAAPC

Scientists Attest To Life Beginning At Conception ... I do so, first, because I accept what is biologically manifest—that human life commences at the time of .
Again, I don't care at all about your moral judgements. They mean less than nothing to me.

My body. Not your body. My control. Not your control.

"My body. Not your body. My control. Not your control." - screeched the DUI suspect as he was hauled off to jail.
If only abortion was DUI, you'd have a point.

It's the same principle you're blathering about. Why the fuck is it anyone's business if I decide to get drunk and drive my car around? My body, my choice, right??

It the same way reality always works. You cannot stop someone from driving drunk, but you can arrest them and punish them if you catch them.

Same thing with abortion. You'll just have to find the pregnant woman who aborted the baby and then you can put her in jail. You CANNOT stop her from aborting the baby.

In 2015 (I think) there were well over 600,000 abortions. You probably need more jails.
No need for more jails, just a renewed education for prevention process to take place, and a renewed responsibility education, and to reinstate the conciousness of respect for human life that has been lost in all of this mess. The idoctronation of the citizens for years is something huge to undo.

Maybe some kind of boot camp, where young women are taught proper Christian values. What would the punishment be for refusing to go?
Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Thanks for your permission to control my body, though it is completely unnecessary. I will continue to control my body and ALL of the tissue contained inside of my body thank you very much.
Exactly, "there will be." In the mean time why the impregnated woman contemplates a "there will be", she has a right to her own body, and you do not have the right to tell her otherwise. And your radicalism is not invited into her body. You have received no invitations. Get it.

First of all, what gave you the idea that I’m a radical? It was a simple observation that you even acknowledged to be true. I said nothing about the woman’s rights.

Having said that, I don’t claim to have the answers as to how to reconcile a woman’s rights with the taking of a life.
How do you know it is life? Did God tell you it was?
However, I think pro-choice advocates should stop playing semantics with prenatal terms like “fetus” and “zygote” and whatnot and stop pretending that they are not essentially interrupting the course of nature and taking the life of a child.
Got it. Again, so when did you have thi9s conversation with God that someone was taking a life? Because, I know of no known definition in the womb, other than one's own philosophical or religious views. Life - Wikipedia

The pro-choice argument is akin to ripping a sapling out of the ground and saying it’s not a tree.
Is it? I seem to recall the sapling was already out of the ground? I'm not sure you can say the same for a fetus?

Don’t be an idiot. The point is, it’s not a tree yet but if you interrupt the course of nature, it never will be. And natural complications such as miscarriage notwithstanding, the ONLY reason it will never be a child is because you ripped it from the womb.
And if I cut the tree before it is a hundred years old before it matures, and use the lumber to build a house, I just interrupted nature in order to build a house. Man has been interrupting nature, since man walked this planet. Had man not interrupted nature, man would not be walking this planet.

If you think that cutting down a tree (that will never be sentient) is morally equivalent to ending the life of a child, well, therein lies your problem.

So save the bs about the "interruption." It insults my intelligence.

I certainly hope so.
So now the fetus is not just a baby but a child.
Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Thanks for your permission to control my body, though it is completely unnecessary. I will continue to control my body and ALL of the tissue contained inside of my body thank you very much.

I have no interest in your body or what you do with your body, don't flatter yourself. Oh, and I've asked you twice now to respond to my post about your failed bodily autonomy talking point. I take it either you don't have the courage to answer, or you keep missing my posts. I think we both know that it's not the latter. It's post #1217 in case you don't want to search for it.
Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Thanks for your permission to control my body, though it is completely unnecessary. I will continue to control my body and ALL of the tissue contained inside of my body thank you very much.

I have no interest in your body or what you do with your body, don't flatter yourself. Oh, and I've asked you twice now to respond to my post about your failed bodily autonomy talking point. I take it either you don't have the courage to answer, or you keep missing my posts. I think we both know that it's not the latter.

I don't respond to your post about my 'failed bodily autonomy talking point' because I don't need to! :21::21::21:

You think you can control what is INSIDE my body? Come for me friend. Go for it. THAT is the only 'talking point' that I am interested in.


Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Thanks for your permission to control my body, though it is completely unnecessary. I will continue to control my body and ALL of the tissue contained inside of my body thank you very much.

I have no interest in your body or what you do with your body, don't flatter yourself. Oh, and I've asked you twice now to respond to my post about your failed bodily autonomy talking point. I take it either you don't have the courage to answer, or you keep missing my posts. I think we both know that it's not the latter.

I don't respond to your post about my 'failed bodily autonomy talking point' because I don't need to! :21::21::21:

You think you can control what is INSIDE my body? Come for me friend. Go for it. THAT is the only 'talking point' that I am interested in.



That's not the way debate works, kid. If your argument for abortion is bodily autonomy (which it clearly is, since that's the only thing you talk about, over and over), then defend your position. Sticking your fingers in your ears like a 3 year old and saying "la la la la la... me me me me me!" is not an argument or defense.

You won't answer the question because you KNOW you can't, without looking like a complete psychopath!

But you know what? I'm going to keep asking you, since you keep talking about it, I won't let you forget it.

One more time, do you think there's anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery to butcher her full-term preborn baby (who is no different than a newborn) SIMPLY because he is in her body? Yes or no?
Of course it's alive, it's an organism in the women's womb within the placenta attached uterus. If by human being, you mean it's a member of species Homo sapiens, that is also true as it is true for a human corpse. However, the connotations we associate with "being human" is not the same as being a member of the species.

Getting back to the subject of the thread, abortion. 90% of abortions occur within the 1st 13 weeks and nearly half are at the embryo stage. At 13 weeks, when most women will see their fetus for the first time through an ultrasound scan, its neural circuitry is roughly on a par with that of an earthworm or a marine snail. It's neural circuity is sufficient to preform reflex reactions without any brain involvement. Movement doesn’t mean the fetus is exploring. At this stage there’s no link between the neurons of the spinal cord and the brain. In short, the fetus at 13 weeks has no sense of pain. It has no self awareness and no self-control and is incapable of living outside of a human body. Terminating a fetus at this point is not the same as taking a human life because the existence of the fetus is not human life as we know it and in some cases, never will be.

That in red.....A human fetus is alive and developing......a human corpse is dead and has no life. A human corpse is not a 'being' because it is no longer living. A human fetus IS a being because it is alive and has human DNA and.....will MOST LIKELY develop into a human infant and eventually a separate Human being with the parents' DNA. Do I have to really explain this basic stuff to you dunder heads?
Now let me get this straight. You are saying a human corpse is actually dead and a fetus is alive.
Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.

Yes, please do take your own advice and keep your hands to yourself instead of callously killing innocents, for the sake of convenience and selfishness.

Thanks for your permission to control my body, though it is completely unnecessary. I will continue to control my body and ALL of the tissue contained inside of my body thank you very much.
Then you must be overjoyed Obamacare was axed since that program disagreed with your above statement. Remember, they DID NOT let you control your body. Pay for a crappy plan or pay the fine

I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

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Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.

If you keep abortion legal you keep it safe. Truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Abortion isn't safe, you can die from it. Also have complications that can affect a woman for life.
You can die or have complications from childbirth too.
... the utter vacuous nature of the kill-the-babies POV. I've never been party to a thread that returns with such regularity. There has been not a single good argument for abortion.
Kudos to the OP. :beer:

If only you could control the nature of people, right?!

Pretty sure there will never be an end to this topic until people learn to keep their hands to themselves and stop trying to control tissue inside another person's body.
Yeah it’s just tissue. Like clipping your toenails. Nothing to be concerned about.
Wrong. The mother can easily give the baby to adoptive parents. How heinous to kill your child, because you don’t want to carry it for nine months. Nothing a human being can do is easier than preventing an unwanted pregnancy...
So you avoided the position on the right to limit access top birth control.
Typically LAME, strawman deflection. Few if any here have argued to limit access to birth control. We are talking about what you leftards consider women's God-Given right to slaughter and flush a baby's life.
That is the only argument the baby killers have. Lame. They know abortion is legalized murder. They know there is no justifying it with logical honest discourse.

"Legalized murder"? I could not possibly support an oxymoron.
Me either.
That's not the way debate works, kid. If your argument for abortion is bodily autonomy (which it clearly is, since that's the only thing you talk about, over and over), then defend your position. Sticking your fingers in your ears like a 3 year old and saying "la la la la la... me me me me me!" is not an argument or defense.

You won't answer the question because you KNOW you can't, without looking like a complete psychopath!

But you know what? I'm going to keep asking you, since you keep talking about it, I won't let you forget it.

One more time, do you think there's anything wrong with a woman who is minutes away from delivery to butcher her full-term preborn baby (who is no different than a newborn) SIMPLY because he is in her body? Yes or no?

I don't answer the question because I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK I'M A PSYCHOPATH! I'm fine with that. It does not upset me in any way I promise.

You're telling me I need to defend abortion. I don't. I won't.

You still haven't said how exactly you will stop pro-choice women from having abortions. Because you can't.

Bottom line here, I have the control over my body and EVERYTHING INSIDE OF IT including my uterus and the fetus inside.

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