"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

A fetus isn't a "child". And as long as is physically attached, is very much a part of a women's body.

Definition of CHILD


And no, the preborn is not "part" of the mother's body, unless you think a person can have 2 unique sets of DNA, 2 different blood types, 2 beating hearts, 4 arms and 4 legs, etc. Come on now, you're once against proving the OP correct.

Nope. A fetus isn't a child, and it should never be afforded legal rights apart from those of its owner. To do so is insane and creates a bizarre legal environment where pregnant women are treated as state property.

Well, you better get on the phone with a shitload of judges and inform them that all of the fetal homicide suspects they've sentenced were innocent & demand their release from prison.

Hop to it. :rolleyes:
Homicides? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Pro-aborts resorting to FICTION

Reminding you of your wet dream.
"In New York it was the Democrat elected Assembly and governor who passed, signed into law, and then gave themselves a standing ovation on the dead-of-night passage of that state’s new legalization of killing children after they had been born.

In Virginia it was a Democrat governor who eerily described on morning radio step by step what happens when they decide whether a born child has the right to live or be killed.

... three NYC Democrat-controlled zip codes are the only ones where abortions outnumber live births.

Democrats have argued for mandatory tax-payer funding for low income women to have their children killed without having to pay for it.

...this week Nancy Pelosi led the charge of Democrats and for the fiftieth consecutive time were able to kill legislation that prevented post birth killing of children already born. Akin to the dead of night New York State Assembly vote—Democrats on the national stage voted to keep the killing of born children—legal."
What Is It With Democrats And Death?
You still haven't proven that it is killing. You are a liar, and you make shit up.

Try to post sans vulgarity.....it gives away how deeply the post has wounded you.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.
That isn't a counter argument. That's a coward running from it.
Which is a lie once again, because no one has established that you're killing life, because we have yet to establish when life begins. And no manner of Biological science or teaching can tell us that, because there is much, if not more, that tells us exactly the opposite. By the way, have you seen any live egg and sperm cells from human beings lying around anywhere that missed their targets? Neither have I. They must have been aborted.


I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
"In New York it was the Democrat elected Assembly and governor who passed, signed into law, and then gave themselves a standing ovation on the dead-of-night passage of that state’s new legalization of killing children after they had been born.

In Virginia it was a Democrat governor who eerily described on morning radio step by step what happens when they decide whether a born child has the right to live or be killed.

... three NYC Democrat-controlled zip codes are the only ones where abortions outnumber live births.

Democrats have argued for mandatory tax-payer funding for low income women to have their children killed without having to pay for it.

...this week Nancy Pelosi led the charge of Democrats and for the fiftieth consecutive time were able to kill legislation that prevented post birth killing of children already born. Akin to the dead of night New York State Assembly vote—Democrats on the national stage voted to keep the killing of born children—legal."
What Is It With Democrats And Death?
You still haven't proven that it is killing. You are a liar, and you make shit up.

Try to post sans vulgarity.....it gives away how deeply the post has wounded you.
The truth is a horrible thing to swallow. And so is your non-argument.
"In New York it was the Democrat elected Assembly and governor who passed, signed into law, and then gave themselves a standing ovation on the dead-of-night passage of that state’s new legalization of killing children after they had been born.

In Virginia it was a Democrat governor who eerily described on morning radio step by step what happens when they decide whether a born child has the right to live or be killed.

... three NYC Democrat-controlled zip codes are the only ones where abortions outnumber live births.

Democrats have argued for mandatory tax-payer funding for low income women to have their children killed without having to pay for it.

...this week Nancy Pelosi led the charge of Democrats and for the fiftieth consecutive time were able to kill legislation that prevented post birth killing of children already born. Akin to the dead of night New York State Assembly vote—Democrats on the national stage voted to keep the killing of born children—legal."
What Is It With Democrats And Death?
You still haven't proven that it is killing. You are a liar, and you make shit up.

"You still haven't proven that it is killing."

Killing isn't killing????

More proof of Rule #1

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.
That isn't a counter argument. That's a coward running from it.

It's so absurd good grief kills it, dumbass

You're inherently stupid and are grasping at anything and everything in defense of baby murder

I cant believe I'm even taking the time to argue something this inane. If there was no life, then you wouldn't have to get an abortion! You would just leave it, because it wouldn't grow and rapidly devlop. OF COURSE THE PREBORN IS ALIVE, come on, you guys can do better than this. This is completely ridiculous.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
Once again folks, we see the grotesque failure of those on the Right who are inadequately prepared to lock horns with the truth, and accurate information. So, to hide from it, they attack the opposing side. Cheap shots by cowards are the crumbs we are left to debate with. Lol!
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.
That isn't a counter argument. That's a coward running from it.

It's so absurd good grief kills it, dumbass

You're inherently stupid and are grasping at anything and everything in defense of baby murder
You are so intellectually bankrupt and informatively unprepared, you simply resort to just shooting up in the air at nothing, because your argument is backed up with nothing.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
Once again folks, we see the grotesque failure of those on the Right who are inadequately prepared to lock horns with the truth, and accurate information. So, to hide from it, they attack the opposing side. Cheap shots by cowards are the crumbs we are left to debate with. Lol!

Actually, what you represent is the close and intimate association of Liberals/Democrats, with their forebears.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Your posts are a great service to our side.
Your argument is so unbelievably idiotic, it isn't worth the response. There you people go again, playing God. It's totally disgusting. No human has established when life begins. Are you that dense that you cannot grasp the understanding of what Life actually is? Maybe that is your problem? Did that fetus say hello to you? Did it tell you what it's name was? Did it open its eyes in the womb and say hello? This is madness to think adult humans do not understand the simple concept of life.

If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
Once again folks, we see the grotesque failure of those on the Right who are inadequately prepared to lock horns with the truth, and accurate information. So, to hide from it, they attack the opposing side. Cheap shots by cowards are the crumbs we are left to debate with. Lol!

You're an idiot and you spew nonsense. You're also unable to think outside your indoctrinated bubble world.

Mocking you is the only alternative
If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
Once again folks, we see the grotesque failure of those on the Right who are inadequately prepared to lock horns with the truth, and accurate information. So, to hide from it, they attack the opposing side. Cheap shots by cowards are the crumbs we are left to debate with. Lol!

Actually, what you represent is the close and intimate association of Liberals/Democrats, with their forebears.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Your posts are a great service to our side.
And yours are a true testament to mine. Thanks!
If a single celled organism were to be discovered on another planet the ENTIRE scientific community would hail it as a discovery of extra-terrestrial LIFE.

But somehow, if it's a multi-celled organism inside another organism - it's not a life? Are you fucking stupid or what?
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
Once again folks, we see the grotesque failure of those on the Right who are inadequately prepared to lock horns with the truth, and accurate information. So, to hide from it, they attack the opposing side. Cheap shots by cowards are the crumbs we are left to debate with. Lol!

You're an idiot and you spew nonsense. You're also unable to think outside your indoctrinated bubble world.

Mocking you is the only alternative
Ignorance in the form of total ad hominem is on full display here. You couldn't have an intelligent discussion over Biological sciences if your life depended on it.
Continue on with the ignorance and ad hominem. It's all you two have. I enjoy watching your posts as they are backed up by nothing. Lol! It's killing! It's life! It's murder. It's shit talk with nothing to back it up with except fanaticism.
We'll, if that's the rock of logic you want to die on, then abortion is going on all the time with women. Because, when the egg of cells doesn't meet the cells of sperms they just got aborted. You want to show us some science where that is wrong? I didn't think so. Hence, the anti-abortion argument is moot. And if you do not present counter arguments, then I proved you wrong.

Good grief....you've went over the edge.

They fall in line behind the most insane, absurd, counter-intuitive ideas possible.

It cannot be said often enough: Liberalism is a mental disease.
Once again folks, we see the grotesque failure of those on the Right who are inadequately prepared to lock horns with the truth, and accurate information. So, to hide from it, they attack the opposing side. Cheap shots by cowards are the crumbs we are left to debate with. Lol!

You're an idiot and you spew nonsense. You're also unable to think outside your indoctrinated bubble world.

Mocking you is the only alternative
Ignorance in the form of total ad hominem is on full display here. You couldn't have an intelligent discussion over Biological sciences if your life depended on it.

Look you ignorant toad, you stated an unfertlized egg discarded is an abortion

The definition of abortion is the termination of a human pregnancy. If the egg isn't fertilized there is no pregnancy you dumbed downed jackass

Sit your fucking stupid ass down
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
Bottom line is life isn’t that precious. If it is to you then don’t get an abortion.

I bet you believe taking the morning after pill is murder.

If the woman was pregnant and she took the morning after pill and that caused the murder of the baby, you believe that was a life and it was murdered correct?

Most people disagree.

Do you really think the morning after pill is murder? If not why not?

"Levonorgestrel is not the same as RU-486, which is an abortion pill. It does not cause a miscarriage or abortion. In other words, it does not stop development of a fetus once the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. So it will not work if you are already pregnant when you take it."

An Overview of Plan B (the Morning-After Pill)
You didn’t answer my question.

Do you consider taking a pill that causes a birth to not happen that would have happened otherwise murder?

Are you afraid to admit to women that in your opinion even that is murder?
Bottom line is life isn’t that precious.

Wow. Would you say that about your own life?
No. I think every human walking around life is precious. I just don’t think life is so precious that you can’t abort a 3 month old fetus.

I understand the Georgia or Alabama law is 8 weeks. They say most women don’t even know they are pregnant at 8 weeks.

So we need a cut off. Do I think a healthy fetus should be aborted at 7 months? No. But 3? Sure. Why? Because life isn’t that precious.

I’m over 3 months old
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
Bottom line is life isn’t that precious.....

There is nothing more precious. Normal humans know this on an instinctual level.
Bullshit. lol give you a great example. This pet pig got loose. The cops asked a neighbor if they could hold the pet pig intil they find the owner. The person didn’t wait and now they are going to charge the pig killer and send him to prison. Even though we kill and eat pigs all the time, this pig killer is going to jail for what he did.

We let women who are 3 months pregnant murder their fetuses every day.

So the law says life isn’t that precious. Not a fetus. Not until 4 months old.

You’ll serve jail time if you shoot my dog. Why? Because it’s living life is more precious than a fetus.
Bottom line is life isn’t that precious.

Wow. Would you say that about your own life?
No. I think every human walking around life is precious. I just don’t think life is so precious that you can’t abort a 3 month old fetus.

I understand the Georgia or Alabama law is 8 weeks. They say most women don’t even know they are pregnant at 8 weeks.

So we need a cut off. Do I think a healthy fetus should be aborted at 7 months? No. But 3? Sure. Why? Because life isn’t that precious.

I’m over 3 months old

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