My body, my choice

Isn't that the lefts mantra when it comes to killing babies?

Well it's my body and my choice is no vaccine. If you're precious vaccine is the be all end all then me not being vaccinated is no threat to you.

Change my mind
Not going to or even trying to change your mind. Everyone has a right to make their own medical decisions, as long as they are conscious and of sound mind. I won't be getting one either.

They say if you had a mild case of COVID, immunity lasts only about 1.5 months. A severe case, which I would say my wife and I had, probably gives you immunity for at least three months, maybe "a season."

Similar immunity is provided by the vaccine. They think it will provide immunity for at least three months, probably "a season."

COVID is just like the flu. It mutates, and new strains arise. You can get it after you had it or have been vaccinated, after some time.

There are four other types of coronaviruses (prior to COVID) that most people acquire at some point in their lives. They also cause flu-like symptoms. SARS and MERS are two additional coronaviruses. They also cause flu-like symptoms.

There is nothing remarkable about COVID. It was a plandemic used to steal the election and reset America to help push a globalist and Socialist agenda.

Nothing wrong with getting the vaccine. Nothing wrong with not getting one.

If I was going to get one, I would prefer the J&J vaccine. It is a traditional vaccine. It uses a weakened form of the virus that does not typically cause severe symptoms.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can be considered experimental. They only have emergency use approval, as there is no long-term data about side effects.

The CDC VAERS website is currently reporting over 1100 deaths in the US after receiving the COVID vaccine. That doesn't mean the vaccine caused the deaths, only that the doctor thought they should report it. There are many more cases listed as permanent disability or severe reactions.

The Pfizer vaccine is the first mRNA vaccine ever, and the Moderna is similar, approved on an emergency use basis. It actually modifies your DNA, so that your own body produces a protein that resembles COVID. Then, your immune system creates antibodies against this protein your own body just made. These antibodies are also effective at attacking COVID. Crazy stuff.

RNA vaccine
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I hear you, posters.
Stick with your principles.

However, one of my waggish golf partners shared with me this morning the stat that something like '50% of GOP men say they won't get the Covid shot'.

And then my snarky friend asks if that is a "Herd Immunity" it a "Herd Culling"-dynamic?

I didn't know how to answer, for sure.
Darwinism, maybe?
The TRUTH is that Covid is, for most folks 99% survivable. Survivors pass along immunity just like with every other virus. The Covid vax protects older folks (most susceptible) (don't tell Cuomo) and will keep younger folks from getting an uncomfortable flu, just like every yearly flu shot does.
Fine with me if you don't get vaccinated. Your body, your choice.

Conservatives have really pushed back against fighting this pandemic every step of the way, prolonging it longer than it should have gone. You didn't take it seriously from the beginning, you didn't want to wear masks and now you don't want to get vaccinated. Then you sit there and bitch and whine about businesses closing down and people losing their jobs.

Fine. Act like children and do what you want. The adults are getting this country opened up again.
I am laughing at the cowards who think they are somehow heroic by chickening out on the vaccine.
Lowlifes like you don't even deserve this vaccine until 2025 dope.

I will not take it and loudly proclaim it to upset you bed wetting girlie man cowards.
I don't care if you take it or not. I laugh at every vocal covid/vaccine denier that has died. It's like the guy who fought legal battles against compulsory seat belt use dying in a car accident. In the end their lives are worth nothing more than an ironic chuckle.

Except the unvaccinated can be deadly to others. If it was only their own stupid selves they were effecting, fine, but they could kill someone that couldn't get the vaccine.
The only thing these people understand is spite. I know better than to attempt to use an appeal to decency argument on them. The best chance to get them to take the vaccine is to openly and vocally hope every Trumpbot vaccine denier dies.
I don’t have that in me. I don’t want them to die or lose someone close to them before they recognize the danger.
I don't either but many of them are not taking the vaccine simply to spite liberals. Can we instead make them take the vaccine to spite liberals?
Just tell us that WE Should Not take it, that might work. You do know most people are going to take it but we'll never ever fookin tell you Rita
Reverse psychology often works on reactionary types. I wish them death because I care.
I already got my first shot which I requested in the butt....There I admitted it.
Well bless your heart.
I've always been a huge proponent of vaccines. I've had a flu shot for more than 30 yrs. Get the sniffles once a year.

The autism hysteria that is still around even though 1000 DOUBLE BLIND says it it was all horseshit. People should go to hell for what they started. That ass hole Englisg doctor paid a price for his nonsense.y

Anyone that tells me they got the flu 2 days after the shot I want to slap silly. it takes 2 weeks to even start, if you got sick 5 days later you were already
I got a flu shot every year while I was in the service. Mandated. Okay, no problem.

Then one year there was a problem with the supplier and AF leadership limited the supply to rated aircrew.

And that year I got the flu.

Holy shit. I wasn't afraid I was going to die, I was afraid I was going to live.

I get the flu shot every year now, even though my current employer doesn't require it.
Around 40% of people who get the shot will get the flu, it is usually like a bad cold, but won't knock you to the ground
I've never gotten the flu when I've had the shot. I get an evening of body aches the day of the shot, and that's it. Gone the next morning.
Fine with me if you don't get vaccinated. Your body, your choice.

Conservatives have really pushed back against fighting this pandemic every step of the way, prolonging it longer than it should have gone. You didn't take it seriously from the beginning, you didn't want to wear masks and now you don't want to get vaccinated. Then you sit there and bitch and whine about businesses closing down and people losing their jobs.

Fine. Act like children and do what you want. The adults are getting this country opened up again.
It's always funny when someone throwing a tantrum says he's an adult.
That's why I'm not taking it. I always did the opposite of what libs say.
I will fucking kill ayone who tries to stick me or my family with that SHIT!!!nd eat an
I hear you, posters.
Stick with your principles.

However, one of my waggish golf partners shared with me this morning the stat that something like '50% of GOP men say they won't get the Covid shot'.

And then my snarky friend asks if that is a "Herd Immunity" it a "Herd Culling"-dynamic?

I didn't know how to answer, for sure.
Darwinism, maybe?
I think we're doing it to piss you guys off.......Most are getting it.

At least the anti vaxers ain't screamin...Autism....Autism.........My Lord.

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