My body, my choice

Isn't that the lefts mantra when it comes to killing babies?

Well it's my body and my choice is no vaccine. If you're precious vaccine is the be all end all then me not being vaccinated is no threat to you.

Change my mind
Lie #1 the left doesn't kill babies but Republican policies do.
Your "choice" is a threat to each and every unvaccinated with which you come in contact. Personally, you don't want the vaccine, or distance, or mask don't, PLEASE DON'T.

Because when you and yours start dying off you won't be voting.
I call that a WIn-Win!
Stay in your house pussy. No one is forcing you to go out amongst the unwashed masses
I go where I need to go.
When I go I wear a mask.
If I don't need to go, I don't.

Still not understanding the angst.
I support your decision.
Stupid as it is I support it
The people the virus kills will be people who think and act like you.
This reduction in the general stupid level will, according to Darwin result in a general improvement to the species.
Even if it doesn't the elimination of the MAGA hat overflow will improve everyone's life.


See how strong my support is?
If you get vaccinated, it doesn't matter if I do or not. You'll be protected.
I'm not too keen on the vaccine myself, but it's not based on being anti-science.

It's based on America's racist history of medical treatment of black people, including till this day.

Blacks have a legitimate reason to be skeptical.

It reminds me of talking to conservatives on the internet. You people are always fake offended when your own race to the bottom bullshit gets thrown back at you.
You wished death upon people, fuckhead. That is offensive, dumbshit.
Ever been on a "The coming civil war thread"? Ever think it was offensive when someone "joked" about joyfully killing liberals? Happens every time and in twenty years I have never seen a "conservative" that thought it was offensive. I have had death wished on me so many times on internet discussion groups it's gotten boring.
This thread is:

Ever been on a "The coming civil war thread"? Ever think it was offensive when someone "joked" about joyfully killing liberals? Happens every time and in twenty years I have never seen a "conservative" that thought it was offensive. I have had death wished on me so many times on internet discussion groups it's gotten boring.
I haven't seen a coming civil war thread. I have never read about 'someone' joking about killing anyone and you sure did not seem like you were joking. I would advise you to stop posting shit about killing people especially if you are getting personal death threats.
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Except the unvaccinated can be deadly to others. If it was only their own stupid selves they were effecting, fine, but they could kill someone that couldn't get the vaccine.

And the vaccination can be deadly to others.

But that doesn't matter to people like you, does it?
Ever been on a "The coming civil war thread"? Ever think it was offensive when someone "joked" about joyfully killing liberals? Happens every time and in twenty years I have never seen a "conservative" that thought it was offensive. I have had death wished on me so many times on internet discussion groups it's gotten boring.
To be a Conservative means that things don't register to them unless and until it happens to THEM, specifically.
Ever been on a "The coming civil war thread"? Ever think it was offensive when someone "joked" about joyfully killing liberals? Happens every time and in twenty years I have never seen a "conservative" that thought it was offensive. I have had death wished on me so many times on internet discussion groups it's gotten boring.
You are full of shit.
I really wish I was in this case. Do you seriously not pay attention to how these whackadoodles talk when they get their rage on? All I said is that I was going to use spite in my arguments on taking the vaccine. I did not actually say I hoped anyone died. I did say I think it's funny when some vocal covid denier dies but that's just the delicious irony of it.
I really wish I was in this case. Do you seriously not pay attention to how these whackadoodles talk when they get their rage on? All I said is that I was going to use spite in my arguments on taking the vaccine. I did not actually say I hoped anyone died. I did say I think it's funny when some vocal covid denier dies but that's just the delicious irony of it.
Sorry I edited that post right after I posted it. I had no idea you were replying while I was editing. You are replying to a post that no longer exists.
I am laughing at the cowards who think they are somehow heroic by chickening out on the vaccine.
Lowlifes like you don't even deserve this vaccine until 2025 dope.

I will not take it and loudly proclaim it to upset you bed wetting girlie man cowards.
I don't care if you take it or not. I laugh at every vocal covid/vaccine denier that has died. It's like the guy who fought legal battles against compulsory seat belt use dying in a car accident. In the end their lives are worth nothing more than an ironic chuckle.

Except the unvaccinated can be deadly to others. If it was only their own stupid selves they were effecting, fine, but they could kill someone that couldn't get the vaccine.
The only thing these people understand is spite. I know better than to attempt to use an appeal to decency argument on them. The best chance to get them to take the vaccine is to openly and vocally hope every Trumpbot vaccine denier dies.
I don’t have that in me. I don’t want them to die or lose someone close to them before they recognize the danger.
I am laughing at the cowards who think they are somehow heroic by chickening out on the vaccine.
Lowlifes like you don't even deserve this vaccine until 2025 dope.

I will not take it and loudly proclaim it to upset you bed wetting girlie man cowards.
I don't care if you take it or not. I laugh at every vocal covid/vaccine denier that has died. It's like the guy who fought legal battles against compulsory seat belt use dying in a car accident. In the end their lives are worth nothing more than an ironic chuckle.

Except the unvaccinated can be deadly to others. If it was only their own stupid selves they were effecting, fine, but they could kill someone that couldn't get the vaccine.
The only thing these people understand is spite. I know better than to attempt to use an appeal to decency argument on them. The best chance to get them to take the vaccine is to openly and vocally hope every Trumpbot vaccine denier dies.
I don’t have that in me. I don’t want them to die or lose someone close to them before they recognize the danger.
I don't either but many of them are not taking the vaccine simply to spite liberals. Can we instead make them take the vaccine to spite liberals?
Isn't that the lefts mantra when it comes to killing babies?

Well it's my body and my choice is no vaccine. If you're precious vaccine is the be all end all then me not being vaccinated is no threat to you.

Change my mind

Just as a level set, is it your choice whether to put drugs in your body? I say yes. What say you?
Speaking ONLY for myself, I got/am getting the vaccine to protect myself from those who choose not to get it. It's common sense.
Afterall, when Trump came down with Covid, did he refuse the experimental drug that got him back on his feet in a few days?
We know he didn't. Common sense.
Go ahead. Politicize this til' y'all are blue in the face!
Six members of my family tested positive in Jan. None of us were offered any treatment at all--five of us did not show serious symptoms (slight fatigue, reduced sense of smell and taste) The one that did show serious symptoms (extreme shortness of breath and fatigue) was recommended to use pedialyte and Ensure. All of recovered completely within three weeks. The worst was incapacitated for a week. The only reason this is still in the news is because of politicization.
What's so funny about that Murked?
Your excuse for not getting the vaccine is NO DIFFERENT THAN MINE.

The vaccine has not been tested for long term effects. That is a scientific fact. Therefore I don't trust it.

You also don't trust it albeit for different reasons.

Yet only I am anti science even though my trust is based in science while yours is based on politics

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