My Body My Choice

well I certainly meant it to be a snotty reply to a nonsensical, ideology ridden, anti-science post. LOL
How is it nonsensical or anti-science? You don't really do much but troll here do you? Again: How are unvaccinated people making vaccinated people sick with COVID? It's a simple question yet you somehow can't grasp it so you lash out with insults.
No, it's just. . . . I don't like where I see this nation, and the world going.

If you can't see what I can see, you aren't very perceptive.

I have studied that numbers of deaths this disease is actually causing, I know what the risks are. . . the need for the establishment to take folks freedom away is not compelling. And yet? They are. They are doing it, and it was all planned from the start.

They are working with giant corporations, and the establishment, to strip folks liberty to move around, to gather, to freely exchange ideas and speak. . . empirically, it cannot be denied, they have destroyed the Bill of Rights and all the freedoms this nation is founded on, based on a disease that is barely more impactful than the Hong Kong Flue of '68.
If you don't want to look at the numbers and the facts, and instead, choose the corporate and government propaganda on your TEE VEE? That is on you.

Added to that, anyone that has done their research, by now knows, they used tax payer money to create this in the first place through gain of function research. IOW? This is a war against the little people by the global oligarchs.

TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance​

Daszak notes that “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”

You know who Mark Dice is? Top liked comment on this video is Mark Dice. . .
"Just two weeks ago YouTube would have censored this video for spreading "medical misinformation" and "conspiracy theories." My how things have changed."

All of these bastards need to be put before a Nuremberg type trial. . . instead? We let them control our media, to brainwash our citizens into the plans that they have had for a decade or more. And I have a pretty good idea of what they are planning next, but you won't listen. . . and when it comes? You will be here, cheering them on.

I find that fact that folks are even still listening to Tony Fauci, or that he even still has a job? Absurd. Anyone that does listen to that guy is a moron in my book.


Using my best Jon Stewart impersonation....

What a snotty reply.......Well, I have noticed you didn't answer the question. How are the unvaccinated spreading COVID to the vaccinated?
The vaccines are 90% effective. That leaves 10% open to infection. Did you not know that?
What a waste if our an end toe obsessed over the political mumbo jumbo and let it effect their happiness and relationships that they had in real life. Don’t you think?

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say with this sentence. .

But I do agree.

For the most part. . . I just ignore what is going on. But the establishment propaganda has really turned up the heat. Even before the FDA has approved these shots.
You write like it won't affect those who are opposed to them, like we should just ignore the whole thing if we are upset by it, yet? The government and corporate propaganda is censoring all dissent. You act like the information you are getting is correct, and anything that deviates. . . is somehow. . . "not honest intel.," when I am using the establishment's own numbers? WTF?!

Why the hell are you in denial? :dunno:
Using my best Jon Stewart impersonation....

No. . .a better analogy is forcing folks to use life jackets in swimming pools.

Do folks drown in swimming pools every year? You bet.

Should the government force folks to use life vests to swim in pools?

How is it nonsensical or anti-science? You don't really do much but troll here do you? Again: How are unvaccinated people making vaccinated people sick with COVID? It's a simple question yet you somehow can't grasp it so you lash out with insults.
Do you seriously not understand vaccine efficacy and how viruses are transmitted? There are many online sites that you can gain this information from. Measles being maybe the most discussed.

I simply took you to be an anti-vaccination idiot. If I was wrong, I apologize. I suppose you might actually not understand basic health science.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say with this sentence. .

But I do agree.

For the most part. . . I just ignore what is going on. But the establishment propaganda has really turned up the heat. Even before the FDA has approved these shots.
You write like it won't affect those who are opposed to them, like we should just ignore the whole thing if we are upset by it, yet? The government and corporate propaganda is censoring all dissent. You act like the information you are getting is correct, and anything that deviates. . . is somehow. . . "not honest intel.," when I am using the establishment's own numbers? WTF?!

Why the hell are you in denial? :dunno:
My bad, auto correct and fat thumbs and lack of proof reading. I meant to say…

What a waste if our ancestors obsessed over the political mumbo jumbo and let it effect their happiness and relationships that they had in real life. Don’t you think?
No. . .a better analogy is forcing folks to use life jackets in swimming pools.

Do folks drown in swimming pools every year? You bet.

Should the government force folks to use life vests to swim in pools?

That one works, but I like motorcycle helmets because the debate is about a random event and it has been politically controversial in the past....well for old non-conformists.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say with this sentence. .

But I do agree.

For the most part. . . I just ignore what is going on. But the establishment propaganda has really turned up the heat. Even before the FDA has approved these shots.
You write like it won't affect those who are opposed to them, like we should just ignore the whole thing if we are upset by it, yet? The government and corporate propaganda is censoring all dissent. You act like the information you are getting is correct, and anything that deviates. . . is somehow. . . "not honest intel.," when I am using the establishment's own numbers? WTF?!

Why the hell are you in denial? :dunno:
I don’t worry too much about the info given on the internet or in news stations. That’s all a game IMO. I’ll talk to doctors I know and refer to CDC guidelines when it comes to the pandemic. There is no doubt that masking and distancing will slow the spread and there’s no doubt that the vaccine has had an enormously positive effect. The dissent that you speak of is only prolonging this nightmare so I don’t mind when instititions don’t want to give them a megaphone. I’m ready to get past this… not prolong it.
Do you seriously not understand vaccine efficacy and how viruses are transmitted? There are many online sites that you can gain this information from. Measles being maybe the most discussed.

I simply took you to be an anti-vaccination idiot. If I was wrong, I apologize. I suppose you might actually not understand basic health science.
I'm not anti-vaccination, in fact, I am fully vaccinated. We were told than if one is vaccinated, they need not worry about getting sick from COVID so, as I said, my question is: How are the unvaccinated threatening the vaccinated in any way and why should there be any mask requirements or shut downs? If someone decides not to get vaccinated it's their own decision and any consequences lie totally on their shoulders. Maybe another way to put it is: Why should the unvaccinated dictate (through government dictates) how others live their lives?
That one works, but I like motorcycle helmets because the debate is about a random event and it has been politically controversial in the past....well for old non-conformists.
People’s personal choices with Helmets and pools aren’t responsible for others dying from head injuries and drowning. They aren’t propelling a worldwide public health crisis. Those are both bad analogies
I'm not anti-vaccination, in fact, I am fully vaccinated. We were told than if one is vaccinated, they need not worry about getting sick from COVID so, as I said, my question is: How are the unvaccinated threatening the vaccinated in any way and why should there be any mask requirements or shut downs? If someone decides not to get vaccinated it's their own decision and any consequences lie totally on their shoulders. Maybe another way to put it is: Why should the unvaccinated dictate (through government dictates) how others live their lives?
I’ve answered this and you’ve ignored my answers. Seems as if your not looking for answers or a discussion
The govt is not forcing anyone to get vaccinated. But I suppose if it were, I'm not sure any of those analogies would be logically valid. IF someone is injured because they have no motorcycle helmet or seat belt, the only consequence to me for their imprudent decision is ... monetary. I'm forced to subsidize their treatment either through higher insurance premiums or medicaid/social security disablitity. That is, their lack of concern doesn't make me getting injured in an auto wreck any more likely.

Conversely, the decision to not get vaccinated does carry some chance that they will infect people who have chosen to be vaccinated.

But the comparison might be valid if it was assumed no one not wearing seat belts or helmet should be allowed on the road. Or anyone not vaccinated should be allowed in public accomodations. But I don't think that assumption really jives with what really occurs.
I'm not anti-vaccination, in fact, I am fully vaccinated. We were told than if one is vaccinated, they need not worry about getting sick from COVID so, as I said, my question is: How are the unvaccinated threatening the vaccinated in any way and why should there be any mask requirements or shut downs? If someone decides not to get vaccinated it's their own decision and any consequences lie totally on their shoulders. Maybe another way to put it is: Why should the unvaccinated dictate (through government dictates) how others live their lives?
I don't believe anyone ever said getting vaccinated would create 100% immunity in you or anyone else. Vaccines don't really work that way. But thanks for the sincerity.
Really? the Two vaccines don't cause people to be something like 90% likely to not be infected?
It didn't work for the Democrat Reps who fled TEXAS on that plane. Unless they were lying about being vaccinated.

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