My Body My Choice

Ignorant jerks are spreading the disease to hundreds or more.

The good news is that its very likely a whole lot of them will stop exhaling, thus saving countless lies.

(There is obviously no comparison between the two. )
If the vaccine works then, how are the unvaccinated "jerks" spreading it to the vaccinated?
Millions of small businesses (especially minority owned) have been bankrupt while Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have benefitted to the tune of tens of BILLIONS of dollars.

Only an idiot would fail to notice the connection between policy and this unprecedented transfer of wealth.
Elaborate on that please. Are you saying those guys are responsible for the bankruptcies or that the government is responsible and those guys weren’t effected in the same way?
Wow, that’s quite the statement. Is life really that bad for you? Perhaps it’s time for you to tune out the politics and focus on real life stuff
No, it's just. . . . I don't like where I see this nation, and the world going.

If you can't see what I can see, you aren't very perceptive.

I have studied that numbers of deaths this disease is actually causing, I know what the risks are. . . the need for the establishment to take folks freedom away is not compelling. And yet? They are. They are doing it, and it was all planned from the start.

They are working with giant corporations, and the establishment, to strip folks liberty to move around, to gather, to freely exchange ideas and speak. . . empirically, it cannot be denied, they have destroyed the Bill of Rights and all the freedoms this nation is founded on, based on a disease that is barely more impactful than the Hong Kong Flue of '68.
If you don't want to look at the numbers and the facts, and instead, choose the corporate and government propaganda on your TEE VEE? That is on you.

Added to that, anyone that has done their research, by now knows, they used tax payer money to create this in the first place through gain of function research. IOW? This is a war against the little people by the global oligarchs.

TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance​

Daszak notes that “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”

You know who Mark Dice is? Top liked comment on this video is Mark Dice. . .
"Just two weeks ago YouTube would have censored this video for spreading "medical misinformation" and "conspiracy theories." My how things have changed."

All of these bastards need to be put before a Nuremberg type trial. . . instead? We let them control our media, to brainwash our citizens into the plans that they have had for a decade or more. And I have a pretty good idea of what they are planning next, but you won't listen. . . and when it comes? You will be here, cheering them on.

I find that fact that folks are even still listening to Tony Fauci, or that he even still has a job? Absurd. Anyone that does listen to that guy is a moron in my book.

No, it's just. . . . I don't like where I see this nation, and the world going.

If you can't see what I can see, you aren't very perceptive.

I have studied that numbers of deaths this disease is actually causing, I know what the risks are. . . the need for the establishment to take folks freedom away is not compelling. And yet? They are. They are doing it, and it was all planned from the start.

They are working with giant corporations, and the establishment, to strip folks liberty to move around, to gather, to freely exchange ideas and speak. . . empirically, it cannot be denied, they have destroyed the Bill of Rights and all the freedoms this nation is founded on, based on a disease that is barely more impactful than the Hong Kong Flue of '68.
If you don't want to look at the numbers and the facts, and instead, choose the corporate and government propaganda on your TEE VEE? That is on you.

Added to that, anyone that has done their research, by now knows, they used tax payer money to create this in the first place through gain of function research. IOW? This is a war against the little people by the global oligarchs.

TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance​

Daszak notes that “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”

You know who Mark Dice is? Top liked comment on this video is Mark Dice. . .
"Just two weeks ago YouTube would have censored this video for spreading "medical misinformation" and "conspiracy theories." My how things have changed."

All of these bastards need to be put before a Nuremberg type trial. . . instead? We let them control our media, to brainwash our citizens into the plans that they have had for a decade or more. And I have a pretty good idea of what they are planning next, but you won't listen. . . and when it comes? You will be here, cheering them on.

I find that fact that folks are even still listening to Tony Fauci, or that he even still has a job? Absurd. Anyone that does listen to that guy is a moron in my book.


Let me ask you a simple question… why do you think Japan decided to ban fans from the Olympics?

They built stadiums and invested billions for these events. Why do you think they decided to lock down?
No, it's just. . . . I don't like where I see this nation, and the world going.

If you can't see what I can see, you aren't very perceptive.

I have studied that numbers of deaths this disease is actually causing, I know what the risks are. . . the need for the establishment to take folks freedom away is not compelling. And yet? They are. They are doing it, and it was all planned from the start.

They are working with giant corporations, and the establishment, to strip folks liberty to move around, to gather, to freely exchange ideas and speak. . . empirically, it cannot be denied, they have destroyed the Bill of Rights and all the freedoms this nation is founded on, based on a disease that is barely more impactful than the Hong Kong Flue of '68.
If you don't want to look at the numbers and the facts, and instead, choose the corporate and government propaganda on your TEE VEE? That is on you.

Added to that, anyone that has done their research, by now knows, they used tax payer money to create this in the first place through gain of function research. IOW? This is a war against the little people by the global oligarchs.

TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance​

Daszak notes that “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”

You know who Mark Dice is? Top liked comment on this video is Mark Dice. . .
"Just two weeks ago YouTube would have censored this video for spreading "medical misinformation" and "conspiracy theories." My how things have changed."

All of these bastards need to be put before a Nuremberg type trial. . . instead? We let them control our media, to brainwash our citizens into the plans that they have had for a decade or more. And I have a pretty good idea of what they are planning next, but you won't listen. . . and when it comes? You will be here, cheering them on.

I find that fact that folks are even still listening to Tony Fauci, or that he even still has a job? Absurd. Anyone that does listen to that guy is a moron in my book.


Fauci needs to go to jail.
Someone aborting a fetus doesn't threaten my life or my family's life.

I thought you were smarter than this.
Someone not getting vaccinated provides no threat to you or your family either-------if you are vaccinated. (Thought I should tell you the obvious since you seemed to have missed the point. The dems telling and acting otherwise---is a big FUCKING warning signal that there is something else going on with the "vaccines"....which btw pumpkin at most offers 2.5 to 5.5 months of supposed protection if they work.

I assume your vac has already expired. You should be spending your time worrying about your vaccinations and not mine. I caught the virus---and my immunity from catching the original virus is far superior to your vac. Those getting vaccinated are actually going to turn out to be the spreaders because of this fact.........those getting exposed now while the sun is out to help weaken the virus will get long enough herd immunity to beat the virus back-------unfortunately you damn stupid selfish vaxers will continually become spreaders because humans 1) won't be able to keep up with shots every few months and 2) the damn shots don't stop the virus anyways. Thanks vaxers--you are stretching the virus out giving it enough victims and food to last years. Oh as an added bonus, corrupt pols will be use the virus continually for control and money stealing from taxpayers and via several other ways.
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No, it's just. . . . I don't like where I see this nation, and the world going.

If you can't see what I can see, you aren't very perceptive.

I have studied that numbers of deaths this disease is actually causing, I know what the risks are. . . the need for the establishment to take folks freedom away is not compelling. And yet? They are. They are doing it, and it was all planned from the start.

They are working with giant corporations, and the establishment, to strip folks liberty to move around, to gather, to freely exchange ideas and speak. . . empirically, it cannot be denied, they have destroyed the Bill of Rights and all the freedoms this nation is founded on, based on a disease that is barely more impactful than the Hong Kong Flue of '68.
If you don't want to look at the numbers and the facts, and instead, choose the corporate and government propaganda on your TEE VEE? That is on you.

Added to that, anyone that has done their research, by now knows, they used tax payer money to create this in the first place through gain of function research. IOW? This is a war against the little people by the global oligarchs.

TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance​

Daszak notes that “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”

You know who Mark Dice is? Top liked comment on this video is Mark Dice. . .
"Just two weeks ago YouTube would have censored this video for spreading "medical misinformation" and "conspiracy theories." My how things have changed."

All of these bastards need to be put before a Nuremberg type trial. . . instead? We let them control our media, to brainwash our citizens into the plans that they have had for a decade or more. And I have a pretty good idea of what they are planning next, but you won't listen. . . and when it comes? You will be here, cheering them on.

I find that fact that folks are even still listening to Tony Fauci, or that he even still has a job? Absurd. Anyone that does listen to that guy is a moron in my book.


I reread this post of yours and while you often say things that I can respect, in this post you sound like you’re lost in a rabbit hole. If your mental health is suffering then perhaps you should take a break from politics and see that there is a life to live that doesn’t involve obsessing about a bunch of things you can’t control and you can’t get honest intel about. Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents have all had reason to say the same things yoir saying right now and yet we survived and we thrived. What a waste if our an end toe obsessed over the political mumbo jumbo and let it effect their happiness and relationships that they had in real life. Don’t you think?
Elaborate on that please. Are you saying those guys are responsible for the bankruptcies or that the government is responsible and those guys weren’t effected in the same way?
Just use your brain, kid.

The government shuts down only the small businesses, and tells everybody to stay home.

What do you THINK is going to happen? Like, duh!
Someone not getting vaccinated provides no threat to you or your family either-------if you are vaccinated. (Thought I should tell you the obvious since you seemed to have missed the point. The dems telling and acting otherwise---is a big FUCKING warning signal that there is something else going on with the "vaccines"....which btw pumpkin at most offers 2.5 to 5.5 months of supposed protection if they work----I assume your vac has already expired. You should be spending your time worrying about your vaccinations and not mine. I caught the virus---and my immunity from catching the original virus is far superior to your vac.
The unvaccinated propell the virus. As the virus propelled it mutants and variants are created. What happens when a career is resistant to the vaccines? What happens if it is more deadly and contagious than what we’ve seen? Think about it.
Just use your brain, kid.

The government shuts down only the small businesses, and tells everybody to stay home.

What do you THINK is going to happen? Like, duh!
I run a small business. I didn’t have to shut down. many small businesses didn’t have to shut down and thrived. Some didnt. Depends on the nature of the biz. Many big biz had to shut down and were tremendously impacted. Look at airlines and cruise ships and hotels etc.
Let me ask you a simple question… why do you think Japan decided to ban fans from the Olympics?

They built stadiums and invested billions for these events. Why do you think they decided to lock down?
The world is a collection of nations from the totally oppressed to the less oppressed. There are some areas where people may do more of what they want. But they are under the radar. Of all the nations in the west, we had less oppression then most. Although that is changing in areas. The Japanese are a very civil people compared to us. Their freedoms though are not as broad. It is like that with economics. We are near the end of the line now in total economic devastation in our empire. Unless something affects us directly in some way. We have been trained to give up our rights.
The world is a collection of nations from the totally oppressed to the less oppressed. There are some areas where people may do more of what they want. But they are under the radar. Of all the nations in the west, we had less oppression then most. Although that is changing in areas. The Japanese are a very civil people compared to us. Their freedoms though are not as broad. It is like that with economics. We are near the end of the line now in total economic devastation in our empire. Unless something affects us directly in some way. We have been trained to give up our rights.
Ok thanks for that… but you didn’t answer my question. Why did Japan shut down for the Olympics?
Well, I've noticed your posts aren't sincere and you should not be taken seriously
What a snotty reply.......Well, I have noticed you didn't answer the question. How are the unvaccinated spreading COVID to the vaccinated?

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