My Body My Choice

Let's break this down shall we.
Whatever for?
1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
I, too, oppose open abortion, HOWEVER... abortion doe not hold the potential to kill multiple persons OUTSIDE the womb without warning... false analogy.

2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
Because your freedom NOT to protect yourself ends where particulates from your exhalation run the risk of becoming my INhalation?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
You damned fool... the shot DOES work... 99.9% of Delta Variant deaths are among the UN-vaccinated... case closed.

4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
It's not a political statement, dullard... it's an Intelligence Test... one that you-and-yours are failing...
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.
Straw Man argument... apples and oranges... pure Rumpian bull$hit... disingenuous... irrational...
I personally have not gotten the shot.
Like I said... it's an Intelligence Test...
Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN.
Whereas the long-term effects of being six feet underground for eternity ARE completely known...
As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession.
Newsflash... taking the vaccine MIGHT backfire in 1 out of 1,000,000 cases... being six feet under will DEFINITELY jeopardize your future...
I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood.
That's fine... keep your distance... wear a mask when amongst others indoors... keep your Bad Choice and your potentially infected exhalations to yourself...
Call it selfish
if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.
And when you come down with a severe case of the Delta Variant and you're not allowed to see your people and when they put you on a vent?
And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.
Yes... yes... yes... very egalitarian-sounding, I'm sure... except that it pertains to you potentially infecting a great many innocent people and their families.

God forgive you for your idiocy... and your reckless endangering of the lives and health of everyone you come in contact with... and for spreading lies.
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You can still get and give covid to others after you been vaccinated. So fuck off, I won't get it.

but with a much lower incidence of sickness & viral load.

damn that science.

btw ... ever hear the side effects of medications... including death?

are you anti meds too?
I fully support your choice to get sick and die .... at home.
You really don't. You need the resources from others taxes for your own ways of living. Please do not turn us into a total 2nd and 3rd world nation. Learn from others. We were top dog. Now we are in a kennel with others in the cage. Still the biggest. But there is another growing up and we are supporting that growth.
Tell that to the five texan vaccinated democrats that ran. You know 5 got covid.

do you not understand what 95% efficacy means? do you not understand what low incidence of serious illness/hospitalizations means?

i got the flu after getting the vaccine a few years ago - when they miss the mark on the particular strain that the vaccine was developed for. i was much less sicker than when i didn't get the flu shot a few years b4 THAT. THAT flu virus knocked me on my ass for a week with full blown symptoms & convinced me never to miss a shot again.

this is the same scenerio.
Let's break this down shall we.

1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.

I personally have not gotten the shot. Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN. As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession. I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood. Call it selfish if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.

And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.

Please tell us that you don't think pregnancy is a transmittable disease.

Your opinion is worthless because your brain is impaired.
do you not understand what 95% efficacy means? do you not understand what low incidence of serious illness/hospitalizations means?

i got the flu after getting the vaccine a few years ago - when they miss the mark on the particular strain that the vaccine was developed for. i was much less sicker than when i didn't get the flu shot a few years b4 THAT. THAT flu virus knocked me on my ass for a week with full blown symptoms & convinced me never to miss a shot again.

this is the same scenerio.

It took you having a sever flu to be convinced of getting a flu shot every year, do you not think it will take the same for people regarding getting a COVID jab several times a year? Many people who don't plan on getting the jab all ready had a mild case of COVID. Do you really think all of the of people who get the COVID jab first go around will continue with the yearly 2+ jabs every year?
Don’t you find it unusual that the oceans of data always point to the vax being the answer?

Even as the vaccines are failing.


And the early treatment meds are only available through what are basically black market schemes even though they actually ARE safe and effective.

Having a hard time believing this is my nation and we are all indentured servants to Pfizer and Moderna. And the "liberals" just adore the corporate boot licking at peril of their own health.

But you know. Here we are.
But if you're vaxxed it's extremely unlikely that you will die, or even get very sick.

I think I'll set a reminder on my calendar for 7 months from now telling me to look up how long ago was the last post from jknowgood.
I was in a vehicle all day with someone that tested positive for covid in January. I'm still alive.
Even as the vaccines are failing.


And the early treatment meds are only available through what are basically black market schemes even though they actually ARE safe and effective.

Having a hard time believing this is my nation and we are all indentured servants to Pfizer and Moderna. And the "liberals" just adore the corporate boot licking at peril of their own health.

But you know. Here we are.
When many Americans approve of eliminating the First Amendment for some Americans, you know things are screwed up.

When they cheer a president getting silenced by social media, crazy town. Now we have a president actively working to silence those he dislikes, which just so happens to align with those big pharma dislike.

We live in a failed ever increasing Fascist state, but many Americans are fine with it.
Ignorant jerks are spreading the disease to hundreds or more.

The good news is that its very likely a whole lot of them will stop exhaling, thus saving countless lies.

(There is obviously no comparison between the two. )
Like your fat lady Texas Dims you mean? Oh yeah, but they had the vaccination right Dimmer??
do you not think it will take the same for people regarding getting a COVID jab several times a year?

false comparison given that freezer trucks were lined up for the amt of covid dead; upwards of 4000 a day at one point.

nice try though....
false comparison given that freezer trucks were lined up for the amt of covid dead; upwards of 4000 a day at one point.

nice try though....

Cuomo death traps killing the elderly in nursing homes....

Not asking about your customers. But say a store you went into asked all unvaccinated to wear a mask. I’d support their requirement and supplier making you wear a mask, or leave.
Hospitals are becoming overcrowded again. Is this influx blown out of proportion? Florida hospitals are inundated with variant patients who never got vaccinated, resulting in the rejection of sick patients.

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