My Body My Choice

Ignorant jerks are spreading the disease to hundreds or more.

The good news is that its very likely a whole lot of them will stop exhaling, thus saving countless lies.

(There is obviously no comparison between the two. )
Tell that to the five texan vaccinated democrats that ran. You know 5 got covid.
Please were are you getting the stats for "thousands a day" and if true what are the stated reasons for allowing thousands a day to cross the border?
There has been over a million illegals cross the border since Biden took over. You're ignorant because you believe what the main stream media tells you.
None, i just told you. I consider it the mothers' choice. But not always, like later in pregnancy. Like the vast majority of America. Now i repeat myself.
Therein lies the rub. How MUCH later?

I would place the line at a fetal hearbeat, myself. Some place it at the point where the baby is starting to crown. Others, still, place it at conception.
If you have the shot and it works then my decision has zero bearing on you.

I thought you were smarter than this....wait, no I actually didn't
But we don't know for certain. It's working right now, with the original Covid-19, which was weaker and less contagious. If we all got vaccinated against that we'd be in great shape! But assholes are gonna asshole, and now we have Delta Covid, deadlier and more aggressive.

Will this vaccine hold against it? Who knows? It wasn't engineered for Delta.
Actually it's your false sense of security and vaccine-superiority complex that makes you a threat to everyone else. It doesn't matter that you and you family took the clotshot. You can still become infected, you can still infect others, and you can still die from either the vacccine or the coronavirus

You think everything is going back to normal, just because you allowed yourself to be used as a human guinea pig? You might as well stay home the rest of your life, put on three masks, curl up in your closet, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. Because you will never ever be "normal" again.
Read my last post in this thread. You're wrong once again.
Statistics would show that someone who hasn't been vaccinated isn't really threatening your life, either.

I thought you were smarter than this...
Well, I don't know. If I took the Astra-Zenica or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and was exposed to someone sick with Delta? I'd be worried.

I don't know how many times I have to post this:

Now, this was a few weeks ago. Vaxxed people are dying. It's not a lot. There are usually underlying conditions yada yada yada. But other people are getting brain fog, or fatigue, or any number of other things because they were exposed to Covid or Delta after vaccination.

Guess what? If everyone gets vaccinated, this situation will not occur because no one will be exposed to someone with Covid.
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No I believe abortion is pre meditated murder.

You've lost the plot of your own thread.
But we don't know for certain. It's working right now, with the original Covid-19, which was weaker and less contagious. If we all got vaccinated against that we'd be in great shape! But assholes are gonna asshole, and now we have Delta Covid, deadlier and more aggressive.

Will this vaccine hold against it? Who knows? It wasn't engineered for Delta.
What if the unvaxxed people mutate Delta into something even more resistant, more aggressive and deadly? Or what if it mutates and jumps species, decimating our chicken or pork or beef industries. Or our dogs or cats.

Time to grow up and stop being narcissistic, petty, and a threat to society.
But if you're vaxxed it's extremely unlikely that you will die, or even get very sick.

I think I'll set a reminder on my calendar for 7 months from now telling me to look up how long ago was the last post from jknowgood.
Your balls will probably have fallen off by then and talk in a squeaky clean voice Karen
Gramps you don’t see the difference between pregnant women and a pandemic?! Come on. Getting the shot is your choice. But there is a public health crisis going on and it is being propelled by people who don’t want to mask, distance or get the shot. If those who are supposed to be about less government and more personal responsibility could have just acted responsible we would not be in as much of a mess.

Let's circle back in 5-8 years since we dont know the long term effects of this dangerous injection.
What if the unvaxxed people mutate Delta into something even more resistant, more aggressive and deadly? Or what if it mutates and jumps species, decimating our chicken or pork or beef industries. Or our dogs or cats.

Time to grow up and stop being narcissistic, petty, and a threat to society.

Nope, will not take this dangerous injection.
(the vaccine protection layer)......."The layer does not protect. It's like wearing a paper bag in a soaking rain. It's awful--a total failure. Clear yet?......Oh look. 60% of people hospitalized with covid in the UK are partially vaccinated; 40% are FULLY vaccinated."

Well, poster Sue there is an ocean of data on Covid and vaccines revealed everyday .....being assembled and analyzed every day.

In this morning's WaPo Kate Cohen offers us this suggestion: Media sources could be of greater service if they simply headlined, or made it a prominent staple every single day, just two numbers on Covid deaths:

  1. Those who died who were vaccinated;
  2. and those who died who weren't.

She argues those two simple numbers highlight the dichotomy of getting the shots vs. not.

For example she offers:

  • "....... figures provided by the CDC, found that of the more than 18,000 Americans who died of covid in May, only about 150 were fully vaccinated. That’s 0.8 percent."
  • "Between Jan. 21 and July 9, 2,471 Virginians died of covid; 18 of them were vaccinated, or 0.7 percent."
  • "Between Jan. 1 and June 30, 37,180 Californians died of covid; about 71 — 0.2 percent — were vaccinated.
  • "Maryland reported that of the 130 Marylanders who died of covid in June, none were vaccinated."

    She suggests billboard(s).........with such numbers, for example:
    "130 vs 0"
".... the Leftists there that are hoping for and cheering on the deaths of the unvaccinated."
Ah, poster Sue, why do you do that?
Such rather, ummm, 'questionable' sweeping statement play right into the hands of those who are skeptical of Trump Supporters. It feeds the stereotype that Trumpers are ill-informed, under-educated ne'er-do-wells wallowing in a sea of grievances because their lives didn't turn out as successfully as they dreamed. Don't feed that stereotype, Sue. It ain't a good look for you, or for Trumpers. It makes you, and by extension, them.....look ignorant and reactionary.

Viruses always mutate jack.
If that is an argument to never get vaccinated I'll take my chances with the drug v. the mutations.
I honestly don't know if smallpox or polio were 'viruses'........but I'm pretty doggone sure they didn't go away by themselves.

Vaccines did that.
So good on us and for that real-world reality.

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