My Body My Choice

Not really.

Link me to the papers/studies that prove folks that have had these gene therapy treatments are any less likely to cause the mutations, than folks with unmolested immune systems.

You are just repeating propaganda, that isn't based on any known research. It is just a hypothesized theory.

The theory behind these gene therapies are based on the human immune system. . . thus, it seems logical, that there is just as much chance that mutations would derive form those who have had these treatments, as those who haven't. If anything, from what we know of colds and flues? I posit that the variations/mutations came from those who have been vaccinated.

Do you have studies that prove otherwise?

The stats show the vaccines to be effective. If everybody got the shots then they cover 90% and that is well above herd immunity. That’s how you wipe this thing out. The faster you get to herd the less breeding ground there is for variants. But our spoiled asses her in the USA are fighting back against a surplus while other countries crave our resources. It’s a sad thing
I dont really know

There are reports that it can cause some people to be less resistant to mutant strains

I dont think the authorities are as sure or well informed as they pretend to be
Well I haven't read of any credible claims that the vaccine increases chances you'll get a mutation virus.
The stats show the vaccines to be effective. If everybody got the shots then they cover 90% and that is well above herd immunity. That’s how you wipe this thing out. The faster you get to herd the less breeding ground there is for variants. But our spoiled asses her in the USA are fighting back against a surplus while other countries crave our resources. It’s a sad thing
What's sad is the disinformation are intentional lies to deceive a group that is susceptible to absurd conspiracy theories.
Let's break this down shall we.

1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.

I personally have not gotten the shot. Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN. As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession. I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood. Call it selfish if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.

And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.
It’s only your choice if you stay the bell away from us
When this started all I asked was please mask OR stay 6 feet away. That seemed to be to much to ask of you to help protect my life, you said " you can't make me" and you are right I can't. So please don't expect me to understand your not really pro life stance.
Sure, okay, your body your choice. Just like that from the pro-choice side.

So, the government doesn't pay for abortions.

You choose not to be vaccinated and you get COVID, the government doesn't pay for your care.

Let's go with that.
Sure, okay, your body your choice. Just like that from the pro-choice side.

So, the government doesn't pay for abortions.

You choose not to be vaccinated and you get COVID, the government doesn't pay for your care.

Let's go with that.
Fine by me. We've already blown billions on this barely stronger than Flu bullshit.
The stats show the vaccines to be effective. If everybody got the shots then they cover 90% and that is well above herd immunity. That’s how you wipe this thing out. The faster you get to herd the less breeding ground there is for variants. But our spoiled asses her in the USA are fighting back against a surplus while other countries crave our resources. It’s a sad thing
It's clear you never watched that video I posted by the expert on this, who helped engineer this virus in the first place.

A real "vaccine," can't stop the COVID, and there can't be herd immunity. . . you are living in a fantasy.

It will never, ever be wiped out, even if every person on the planet got shots, it would mutate, b/c of the nature of the coronaviruses. Do you even know how many coronaviruses are circulating among humans?

Did you even watch that interview Vincent Racaniello did with Peter Daszak? DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHO PETER DASZAK IS? :dunno:

30 mins in.
VR: "So you say these are diverse coronaviruses and you can't vaccinate against them and no anti-virals, so what do we do?"
PD: "Well, coronaviruses are pretty good... you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easy, you know. Spike protein drives a lot what happens in a coronavirus. Zoonotic risk. So you can get the sequence, you can bulid a protein, and we work with Ralph Baric at UNC, a genius, insert into the backbone of another virus, and do some work in the lab, and you can get more predictive, when you find a sequence..."

(READ) The Covid-19 lab leak hypothesis: Did the media fall victim to a misinformation campaign?​


(READ) The Covid-19 lab leak hypothesis: Did the media fall victim to a misinformation campaign?​

No....The media is a misinformation campaign.
Your opinion. NO FACTS. No links.

While research suggests that COVID-19 vaccines are slightly less effective against the variants,
the vaccines still appear to provide protection against severe COVID-19. For example:
  • Early research from the U.K. suggests that, after full vaccination, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is 88% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 virus. The vaccine is also 96% effective at preventing severe disease with the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant.
  • Early research from Canada suggests that, after one dose, the Moderna COVID-19vaccine is 72% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant. One dose of the vaccine is also 96% effective at preventing severe disease with the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant.
  • The Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is 85% effective at preventing severe disease with the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant, according to data released by Johnson & Johnson.

So simple to refute your subjective, personal and inaccurate opinion.
Cuomo death traps killing the elderly in nursing homes....


yep ... that was stupid & contributed to NY's numbers. are you trying to say that was the sole cause nation wide or what?
what about philly?
other than deflecting - what's yer point?

you have none.
Let's break this down shall we.

1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.

I personally have not gotten the shot. Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN. As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession. I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood. Call it selfish if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.

And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.
What about young women who may want to get pregnant later in life, and find out oops?

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