My Body My Choice

Let's break this down shall we.

1. That mantra has been used as a political weapon to defend killing human beings for decades.
2. Why doesn't that very same mentality carry over to the choices people make on immunization?
3. If the shot actually worked then the only risk would be to TRUMPERS, as the left love to lable those who won't get the shot.
4. Blacks, young adults and children are a large portion of the percentage who have not received the shot so are they all TRUMPERS?
5. My Body My Choice seemingly is only applicable to the left.

I personally have not gotten the shot. Not because I am an antivaxer but because the long term effects of the drug are COMPLETELY UNKNOWN. As a self employed individual I can not take the risk of intentionally putting a substance in my body that could jeopardize my future in my profession. I do incredibly demanding physical labor for a living and with some of the known reactions to the drug I CHOOSE to take my chances for my life & livelihood. Call it selfish if you want but unless YOU are going to support me if I were to be one of the few to get the debilitating side effects that some have gotten then you know what you can do with your opinion.

And just to be clear I have no opinion of those that choose to get the shot. It is your life to live not mine.
Your body… is an incubator for more variants… that could make vaccinations moot
Nope, will not take this dangerous injection.
You're vaxxed.
Not really.
Hot Spots.
You're the unvaccineated.
You live with and near the unvaccinated
When one of you gets sick, MANY f you will get sick.
And since you're all in the same place and elections are held in places...
SAY, Dija know....
Enough people died of COVID in Georgia to swing the election.
But, I'm in it for more than the GOP primaries.
With a survival rate of over 99% you should start seeing the rewards of your plan in about 40,000 years.
The surge in Covid-19 cases fueled by the Delta variant and vaccine hesitancy has now led to increasing rates of hospitalizations and deaths. More than 97% of people getting hospitalized with Covid-19 now are unvaccinated, and 99.5% of deaths are among the unvaccinated.

At last weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., told the crowd: "Don't come knocking on my door with your 'Fauci ouchie.' You leave us the hell alone."
Nearly 30 percent of Republicans say they are not planning to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows:
-- The average number of new Covid-19 cases each day the past week was 32,278. That's a 66% jump from the average daily rate the previous week, and 145% higher than the rate from two weeks ago.
-- An average of 258 Americans died from Covid-19 each day this past week -- up 13% from the rate of daily deaths the previous week.
-- 24,923 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. That's a 26% increase from last week and a 50% increase from two weeks ago.

Because of the unvaccinated, hospitalizations have dramatically increased.

Because of the unvaccinated, deaths have dramatically increased.

And Republicans have nothing to say. Instead, they and their children are getting ill and killing themselves to make a political point.

I told you, today's Republicans are intelligence challenged.
It’s only your choice if you stay the bell away from us
Nope. Still America.............despite your ilk trying to turn it into Cuba.

If you want to stay away from everyone, that's your choice. You don't get to make that choice for others, Dumbass.
The unvaccinated propell the virus. As the virus propelled it mutants and variants are created. What happens when a career is resistant to the vaccines? What happens if it is more deadly and contagious than what we’ve seen? Think about it.
No slade---------believe it or not VIRUS's have been around for well FOREVER. Virus's serve a specific purpose in nature----they are meant to cull the herds of the weak, already sick, and elderly. These are the virus's favorite food supply

They run a certain course....they attack, first year they usually aren't as bad as the second year as they spread quickly and eat threw most victims. Winter is generally always the worse season for them killing. Once the virus wipes out or causes most of its food supply/carriers to die or become immune then its spread is retarded and eventually can't find enough victims to jump around to forcing it to fade away. Instinct usually causes all species even man before they were dumbed down to do basics like stay away from the sick (self isolating) also slowing the virus spread.

But hey we got the vax now-----vax that slow the spread but can't stop it because well they only last a few months (even if they stopped the virus 100%) which means they are simply SLOWING the process down---meaning that the virus's stick around longer and the longer they stick around the more they get to mutate.

On top of this Biden is spreading infected illegals all over the damn place......we are never going to get rid of the virus. You want to stop the virus's (PLURAL NOW) isolate clusters of people, HAND WASH HAND WASH HAND WASH, avoid sick people, keep your personal space, USE THE SUN and FRESH AIR, stop allowing the infected in and cut its food and carrier sources. Overpopulation always pushes the spread of virus's and we are overpopulated already.
Link me to the papers/studies that prove folks that have had these gene therapy treatments are any less likely to cause the mutations, than folks with unmolested immune systems.
It’s not really gene therapy but whatever.

Fewer infections means fewer replications and fewer replications means fewer mutations.
Nearly 30 percent of Republicans say they are not planning to be vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows:
-- The average number of new Covid-19 cases each day the past week was 32,278. That's a 66% jump from the average daily rate the previous week, and 145% higher than the rate from two weeks ago.
-- An average of 258 Americans died from Covid-19 each day this past week -- up 13% from the rate of daily deaths the previous week.
-- 24,923 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. That's a 26% increase from last week and a 50% increase from two weeks ago.

Because of the unvaccinated, hospitalizations have dramatically increased.

Because of the unvaccinated, deaths have dramatically increased.

And Republicans have nothing to say. Instead, they and their children are getting ill and killing themselves to make a political point.

I told you, today's Republicans are intelligence challenged.
How many Democrats aren’t taking the jab? Only fools think taking the jab is politically based.
No slade---------believe it or not VIRUS's have been around for well FOREVER. Virus's serve a specific purpose in nature----they are meant to cull the herds of the weak, already sick, and elderly. These are the virus's favorite food supply

They run a certain course....they attack, first year they usually aren't as bad as the second year as they spread quickly and eat threw most victims. Winter is generally always the worse season for them killing. Once the virus wipes out or causes most of its food supply/carriers to die or become immune then its spread is retarded and eventually can't find enough victims to jump around to forcing it to fade away. Instinct usually causes all species even man before they were dumbed down to do basics like stay away from the sick (self isolating) also slowing the virus spread.

But hey we got the vax now-----vax that slow the spread but can't stop it because well they only last a few months (even if they stopped the virus 100%) which means they are simply SLOWING the process down---meaning that the virus's stick around longer and the longer they stick around the more they get to mutate.

On top of this Biden is spreading infected illegals all over the damn place......we are never going to get rid of the virus. You want to stop the virus's (PLURAL NOW) isolate clusters of people, HAND WASH HAND WASH HAND WASH, avoid sick people, keep your personal space, USE THE SUN and FRESH AIR, stop allowing the infected in and cut its food and carrier sources. Overpopulation always pushes the spread of virus's and we are overpopulated already.
Republicans have become modern day eugenicists.
How many Democrats aren’t taking the jab? Only fools think taking the jab is politically based.
There’s a wealth of information and data pointing towards a significant discrepancy between vaccination status and political affiliation.

How many Democrats aren’t taking the jab? Only fools think taking the jab is politically based.

there are dolts on both sides of the aisle - but it is overwhelming lopsided as to who is getting vaxxed & who isn't.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates is Growing​

Jennifer Kates, Jennifer Tolbert , and Kendal Orgera
Jul 08, 2021

One of the main factors driving differences in COVID-19 vaccination rates across the country is partisanship. Our surveys consistently find that Democrats are much more likely to report having been vaccinated than Republicans, and Republicans are much more likely to say that they definitely do not want to get vaccinated. In May, just as vaccine supply was starting to outstrip demand, we examined average vaccination rates by county and found that rates were lower in counties that voted for Trump in the 2020 Presidential election compared to those that voted for Biden. Now, two months later, we find that not only does this remain the case, the gap has grown.

We obtained data on the share of the population fully vaccinated by county from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Integrated County View and data on the 2020 Presidential election results by county from here (for more detailed methods, see: Vaccination is Local: COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Vary by County and Key Characteristics). To create a longer time series, we also looked at vaccination rates in April 2021.


The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates is Growing
There’s a wealth of information and data pointing towards a significant discrepancy between vaccination status and political affiliation.

you beat me to it!
There’s a wealth of information and data pointing towards a significant discrepancy between vaccination status and political affiliation.

That should concern us all. Why is a vaccine political?
Because some people have been trained to just do the opposite of what liberals want. It’s called owning the libs.
Remember the old adage, it’s always about the money? Seems to apply here.

Pfizer has said it expects at least $15-$30 billion in revenue from its mRNA vaccine this year with cost and profit margins split equally with BioNTech. At the Barclays event, D’Amelio said his company expects “return after taxes” of around 25% on the $15 billion figure, or around $3.75 billion.

The CFO previously said he expects margins for the vaccine to grow over time, Fierce Pharma reported.

Moderna said it expects 2021 sales of $18.4 billion. Barclays analyst Gena Wang forecasts sales of $19.6 billion in 2021, $12.2 billion in 2022, and $11.4 billion in 2023, assuming recurring vaccinations.

According to The Guardian, a group of investors that backed Moderna when it was founded in 2010 will make substantial returns, with CEO Stéphane Bancelnow worth nearly $5 billion.

J&J expected sales of $10 billion in 2021
prior to the U.S. pause on its vaccine, with CEO Alex Gorsky poised to receive a $30 million pay package.
Scientists Warn of ‘Vaccine Treadmill’ as Vaccine Makers Gear Up for COVID Booster Shots

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