My Body My Choice

You think it’s immaterial that Harris stated she would take a vaccine recommended by healthcare professionals?

Because that’s exactly what she did.
And she said she wouldn't take any vaccine promoted by Trump.

I wonder what kind of emotional meltdown she went through when she found out they were the same?
And she said she wouldn't take any vaccine promoted by Trump.

I wonder what kind of emotional meltdown she went through when she found out they were the same?
It seems the point went over your head.

Trump didn’t promote the vaccine.
Someone aborting a fetus doesn't threaten my life or my family's life.

I thought you were smarter than this.
Just the life inside. A guaranteed kill. Geez I thought you were smarter than this. And judges (one trump appointed) in Iowa just ruled that you have bodily autonomy. So, I guess we can repeal roe v wade. Yay.

Before we even get into this conversation, there are 3 major questions about the vaccines.

1. Does it actually work? Answer to that would be no. Gibraltar is 100% vaccinated by mandate, they’re now have a COVID spike. Explain that. Israel is a much larger case study in which 70% are vaccinated, and among the new covid infections, 40% are fully vaccinated. The UK, also heavily vaccinated, same as Israel with 30% of COVID deaths coming from the fully vaccinated. Sweden on the other hand, lowest vaccination rate of the developed world at 3%, lowest mask compliance and barely any lockdowns ever...well they are barely even feeling COVID and only have 20 critical cases nationwide. We have never created a vaccine for this type of rapidly mutating RNA virus. Not because we don’t have the ability, but by the time you’d make, test, and distribute, that vaccine would already be old news. This is what we’re seeing in haveily vaccinated countries. It’s not working against the delta variant, and the delta variant will soon be old news to the lambda variant.

2. Is it safe? No, not compared to any other vaccine created, or treatment. Notice the language I used. For you fucks who don’t take note and come back with “your saying people are dropping dead everywhere from the vaccine”, fuck off, no. Chances are you’ll be fine taking it. Compared to other vaccines, it is the most dangerous vaccine in history by far. More combined deaths on VAERS than all other vaccines combined since VAERS data was being measured. More adverse events than all other vaccines combined in the 30 year history of VAERS. Let me explain how the vaccine (it can hardly be considered a vaccine) works. Standard vaccines work by using inert or harmless viruses to get your immune system to recognize the pathogen. The mRNA(phizer/moderna) and the adenovirus(J&J, AZ) are two different technologies to achieve the same goal. That goal being have your body itself produce the spike protein of the coronavirus. The spike protein was chosen long ago because it is what’s called immunodominent, meaning it’s obvious for the immune system to recognize and create antibodies too. It is most certainly not the only immunodominent antigen site, but it’s an obvious one. Here’s the problem, turns out that spike protein is cytotoxic to our bodies. Remember hearing about COVID symptoms with seeing strange inflammation in the lungs, strange clotting interactions, etc. Well, all of that was determined to be caused by an autoimmune reaction to the spike protein. Now phizer and moderna adamantly claim this isn’t a problem since it doesn’t leave the injection site in the deltoid muscle...but it very clearly does. In fact they went about a very dishonest way of checking to make sure it doesn’t travel. The correct test would be to slice up tissue samples into slides and individually check them. They instead looked at the organs as a whole and said “I don’t see anything, all good”. Which is absurd. So, we’re seeing tens of thousands of bizarre autoimmune reactions, that look a lot like the ones from COVID. We’re seeing kids having heart attacks and myocarditis after getting the vaccine. And we’re up to 12,000 deaths on VAERS and counting since VAERS takes about a month to confirm and are even more backlogged than usual.

3. Why give this vaccine to people who do not need it? In particular those who have already recovered, and kids who are neither victims nor meaningful vectors of COVID. We don’t give the chicken pox vaccine to someone whose already had chicken pox. That’d be silly. We already know that your kid has a better shot of being struck by lightening than dying of COVID. The flu is more deadly to people under 30 than COVID. We already know that natural immunity is more robust than vaccine immunity. You can even see this play out in Israel where less than 1% of new cases come from those who have already recovered from COVID. So, why aren’t we asking have you already had COVID before giving the shots? Why are we telling kids not to get the shots?

I have never seen a more obvious money making scheme in my life. Wouldn’t be the first time big pharma has done this. They’ve actually done it many times. The only problem is, is that this vaccine is actually dangerous as far as vaccines go. In the past I wouldn’t harp on big pharma and their money making schemes, because I want them to be financially free to take risks on new life saving drugs. As an RN who mostly works with cancer patients, I want to see better cancer drugs developed. In this case, they’ve crossed a line and I have to speak up.
Gibraltar is 100% vaccinated by mandate, they’re now have a COVID spike
How many deaths attributed to Covid in vaccinated people?



How many deaths attributed to Covid in vaccinated people?


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The Gibraltar question wasn’t about deaths. It was about breakthrough infections. Which begs the question of why Fauci and company are saying it’s dire for us to get the vaccine for the variants, when the vaccine is clearly not protecting against the variants. And I already posted death data from UK in which 30% of COVID deaths are coming from fully vaccinated folks.

So... nice work.

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