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My Brother is a Cop and It's Getting Bad

Bad time to be a cop

They have lost the trust and goodwill of the public. Much of it is undeserved but the public has reached an “enough is enough” point.

It will take a while to patch things up.

It's the media that created this narrative and hysteria
BOOOOOOM!!! that is the MAIN problem..the MSM DOES need to be taken out !! I've said this many times......they lie and create myths

In the good ole days, Cops had a ready excuse...
He resisted arrest
He fell
I felt threatened

Now, everything shows up on videos. there is no hiding. Good police work comes out as good police work. Bad cops come off as bad cops.

Don’t blame the media
the media fans any flames that are there......they can turn a minor incident into a major incident.....
We live in a YouTube nation

EVERYTHING is recorded and EVERYTHING gets reported. The media is behind the curve. They pick up on what is trending on YouTube.

It is poor police work that is fanning the flames as people watch the video and say......What if that was me or my child?
actually it is the HIGH crime rates by blacks that cause the problems
They don’t care about crime
Bad time to be a cop

They have lost the trust and goodwill of the public. Much of it is undeserved but the public has reached an “enough is enough” point.

It will take a while to patch things up.

It's the media that created this narrative and hysteria
BOOOOOOM!!! that is the MAIN problem..the MSM DOES need to be taken out !! I've said this many times......they lie and create myths

In the good ole days, Cops had a ready excuse...
He resisted arrest
He fell
I felt threatened

Now, everything shows up on videos. there is no hiding. Good police work comes out as good police work. Bad cops come off as bad cops.

Don’t blame the media
the media fans any flames that are there......they can turn a minor incident into a major incident.....
We live in a YouTube nation

EVERYTHING is recorded and EVERYTHING gets reported. The media is behind the curve. They pick up on what is trending on YouTube.

It is poor police work that is fanning the flames as people watch the video and say......What if that was me or my child?
actually it is the HIGH crime rates by blacks that cause the problems
They don’t care about crime
We are finding that cops commit crimes too and are being held accountable.
just the kind of thing that happens when our president is a hateful divider in Chief.

Yeah, but enough about that twat Obama.

francoHFW you swooned like a school girl at this worthless PR stunt...

Bad time to be a cop

They have lost the trust and goodwill of the public. Much of it is undeserved but the public has reached an “enough is enough” point.

It will take a while to patch things up.
Because of what a cop's job entails, patching things up may not ever happen, especially when anything can be filmed and put out there online in just a blink of an eye for the rest of the world to judge.

God bless you and every person still wearing the uniform always!!!

We were supposed to have dinner at my brother's house yesterday, but he called me up when he got home from his shift and cancelled. He wanted to just chill after the shift he worked yesterday. He patrols a higher crime neighborhood, which is mostly blacks, and he said the past couple of weeks have gotten really bad. People aren't respectful at all. They're rude and belligerent towards him. He's been called names, taunted, it's been constant chaos. He stopped a car yesterday because the guy came up with a warrant in the system. Immediately, when he had the guy step out of his car he started screaming something about George Floyd and then became nasty and resistant. My brother and his partner, who arrived shortly after, had to tackle the guy to the ground in order to get him restrained. While this was going on he said a dozen or so blacks came running up on them, whipping out their phones recording, calling them names, taunting them. He said it was super nerve racking because in the middle of the skirmish he had no idea if any of these other people, who had no business being up that close to them, were going to run up and attack them from behind. He said it was like being in the middle of a zoo. He is starting to consider leaving the department at this point because it's become incredibly dangerous for them.

And my brother is Asian and the officer who responded to back him up is Hispanic, so this wasn't even a white cop thing; it's just an anyone in uniform thing. We're told we should be judging people by their character and not their skin color, but apparently these same people think it's fine to judge anyone in a uniform as evil.

He should do what all decent cops should do, not respond to calls in the area. Let them burn themselves out. It's not worth him getting hurt or killed, to try and appease assholes.

Fuck 'em.
Bad time to be a cop

They have lost the trust and goodwill of the public. Much of it is undeserved but the public has reached an “enough is enough” point.

It will take a while to patch things up.
Because of what a cop's job entails, patching things up may not ever happen, especially when anything can be filmed and put out there online in just a blink of an eye for the rest of the world to judge.

God bless you and every person still wearing the uniform always!!!

Cops have a tough job
But dealing with the community is part of that job.

Videos of rogue cops abusing their power makes it harder for legitimate cops to be trusted
We were supposed to have dinner at my brother's house yesterday, but he called me up when he got home from his shift and cancelled. He wanted to just chill after the shift he worked yesterday. He patrols a higher crime neighborhood, which is mostly blacks, and he said the past couple of weeks have gotten really bad. People aren't respectful at all. They're rude and belligerent towards him. He's been called names, taunted, it's been constant chaos. He stopped a car yesterday because the guy came up with a warrant in the system. Immediately, when he had the guy step out of his car he started screaming something about George Floyd and then became nasty and resistant. My brother and his partner, who arrived shortly after, had to tackle the guy to the ground in order to get him restrained. While this was going on he said a dozen or so blacks came running up on them, whipping out their phones recording, calling them names, taunting them. He said it was super nerve racking because in the middle of the skirmish he had no idea if any of these other people, who had no business being up that close to them, were going to run up and attack them from behind. He said it was like being in the middle of a zoo. He is starting to consider leaving the department at this point because it's become incredibly dangerous for them.

And my brother is Asian and the officer who responded to back him up is Hispanic, so this wasn't even a white cop thing; it's just an anyone in uniform thing. We're told we should be judging people by their character and not their skin color, but apparently these same people think it's fine to judge anyone in a uniform as evil.
So, in short, your brother got a taste -- for a week -- of what black people say they experience from the cops their whole lives.

Has your brother learned anything? Or is he just feeling sorry for himself?
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Beats gassing peaceful protestors so you can hold up a bible

Ok Dick Tracy prove they were peaceful... There was a chronic case of mob mentality in Lafayette Square Park that day throwing bricks and rocks...

Didnt see anyone beating heads from the protestors.

It was Trumps thugs who pulled out the tear gas so that Trump could show his devotion to Jesus
We were supposed to have dinner at my brother's house yesterday, but he called me up when he got home from his shift and cancelled. He wanted to just chill after the shift he worked yesterday. He patrols a higher crime neighborhood, which is mostly blacks, and he said the past couple of weeks have gotten really bad. People aren't respectful at all. They're rude and belligerent towards him. He's been called names, taunted, it's been constant chaos. He stopped a car yesterday because the guy came up with a warrant in the system. Immediately, when he had the guy step out of his car he started screaming something about George Floyd and then became nasty and resistant. My brother and his partner, who arrived shortly after, had to tackle the guy to the ground in order to get him restrained. While this was going on he said a dozen or so blacks came running up on them, whipping out their phones recording, calling them names, taunting them. He said it was super nerve racking because in the middle of the skirmish he had no idea if any of these other people, who had no business being up that close to them, were going to run up and attack them from behind. He said it was like being in the middle of a zoo. He is starting to consider leaving the department at this point because it's become incredibly dangerous for them.

And my brother is Asian and the officer who responded to back him up is Hispanic, so this wasn't even a white cop thing; it's just an anyone in uniform thing. We're told we should be judging people by their character and not their skin color, but apparently these same people think it's fine to judge anyone in a uniform as evil.
These are definitely interesting times we live in. Your bro made it through the day, so there's that.

I'm guessing he has a decade in already so he has to stick with it if he wants that retirement. Just stay safe out there and do what you know is right. That's all you can do.

I really don't like the way law enforcement acts these days. Roll it back a couple a couple decades and they were OK, even if I was doing wrong or whatever. These days a lot of them are not good people at all.
They're quick to give people tickets or arrest them for petty nothings, yet slow to go after violent criminals.
IOW, they go for the low-hanging fruit.
Bad time to be a cop

They have lost the trust and goodwill of the public. Much of it is undeserved but the public has reached an “enough is enough” point.

It will take a while to patch things up.
They have lost the goodwill of the fucking democrats!
The reason "patching things up" fails as a concept is due to the genderization of the Floyd-Cop assemblage, so were not buying the current media invoking females as it attempts to manipulate belief. Police as symbolic superego.

'Guattari considered castration to be a 'supplementary term in the situational; triangulation of the Oedipus complex, so that we will never finish with this threat which will permanently reactivate what Freud called "an unconscious need for punishment." The logic of this supplement is that, understood as a 'social reality', the need for punishment will be blindly repeated. Its basis is an 'irrational morality', Guattari specified, since it cannot be articulated as an 'ethical legality' : irrational to be sure, and a 'danger' belonging to the signifying logic of contemporary society. The threat of punishment plays, then, a regulatory role: it is blind but socially effective. What is regulated is desire.

If the castration complex is never satisfactorily resolved, and the need for punishment is endlessly repeated, it follows that the superego's growth will be stunted and the ego will be sacrificed on the altar of the mystifications of so-called great leaders who are at once fathers-kings-gods, and whose abilities to actually intervene in 'the signifying machine of the economic system' were never very great anyway, even though they were and are commonly and 'collectively pseudo-phallicized' by voters and the party faithful.

It is the castration complex that compels the little boy to give up his incestual attachments to mummy and ambivalence towards daddy, and with the threat of castration the superego is born, and thus daddy's injunction to stop plying with yourself is forever perpetuated, and forever triggered by desire, which cannot be separated from repression. With little girls things are, as Freud tried to have it, quite different because the threat of castration does nothing to demolish the Oedipus complex and the girl has no incentive to develop a superego akin to her brother's. Freud mused that the formation of the little girl's superego is impaired. Of course, Freud changed his mind between the parallel between boys and girls several times, until he decided to change the order of the Oedipus complex and castration complexes: with girls the castration complex comes first and precipitates the Oedipus complex. The girl doesn't have, so the story goes, any of the smashed bits of the Oedipus complex with which to fashion a cruel superego for herself. The point of this diversion into Freud's fabulations is to show that Guattari believed that the analyst must attend very carefully to the 'goal of modifying the objects "incorporated" by the superego, transmuting such objects in a sort of new "initiatic" reception, clearing from its path the blind social demand of a certain castrative procedure to the exclusion of all else.' Why should parental threats be constantly repeated as if life was an interminable drama of the threat of persecution for our desires?

Indeed, why should the mythic threats of psychoanalysis be constantly repeated as if life was an interminable analysis? Guattari is seeking nothing less than a way to limit the effects of the legacy of castration in the superego's hold over desire.'
(Guattari, The Three Ecologies)
I would suggest that your brother is getting a taste of what black people go through every day.

Black people do NOT go through this everyday. Their biggest problem blacks have in this country is themselves and their decayed subculture

I've seen it happen with my own eyes.

It's happened to me and I'm not black.

I worked music concerts and other events for 35 years. I've seen it at work and not at work. I've experienced it at work and not at work.

I have friends who are black and they have experienced it. I've been with them a couple times when it happened to them.

There is a problem with some police in America. Not all but enough to make the rest have to deal with the consequences of the behavior of the bad ones.

I can tell you, I can't stand telling a cop something and not being believed. Being forced to prove what I say to a cop shouldn't happen like that. They should believe something when they're told by that person that they are also working and supposed to be where they are. Or anything else. I got sick of it and just started carrying paperwork to prove who I am and why I am there. It gets old after a while. Especially when I'm well known at the places I worked.

Just because you may not see it or experience it or because your brother and those he works with doesn't do it or you don't see them do it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It does. More often than you think.

Sounds like some of your behavior is why you have had interactions with the police.

No I'm a professional photographer. Most musicians want photographers from Rolling Stone Magazine and Getty Images. In fact, I was the first person contacted to cover those concerts. I worked with the greatest musicians in rock and roll for 35 years. I'm well known in music photography and music in general. People say it's an honor for them to have me working with them. Others just say I'm the best fucking photographer in rock and roll.

When you first arrive you have to get a credential for that one specific event. There have been many times that I didn't have that credential yet and the police gave me a hard time. Mostly the ones who are new and didn't know who I was. All those who weren't new, knew who I was and never gave me any problem. In fact some would clear the road to one amphitheater for me to get there in time. Or other things so that I could do my job.

When those people find out who I am, they profusely apologize. A few have gotten in trouble for trying to prevent me from doing my job.

No you have no idea what you're talking about.

Ok Annie.

By the way, I bet I have more cameras than you. In fact, it wouldn't even be close.
The destruction of BLM's vandalism is comparable to the 'smashed bits' of Oedipus.
Bad time to be a cop

They have lost the trust and goodwill of the public. Much of it is undeserved but the public has reached an “enough is enough” point.

It will take a while to patch things up.
They have lost the goodwill of the fucking democrats!

People used to give cops the benefit of the doubt.

Events of the last few weeks have caused people to lose that trust as we see cops abusing power
We were supposed to have dinner at my brother's house yesterday, but he called me up when he got home from his shift and cancelled. He wanted to just chill after the shift he worked yesterday. He patrols a higher crime neighborhood, which is mostly blacks, and he said the past couple of weeks have gotten really bad. People aren't respectful at all. They're rude and belligerent towards him. He's been called names, taunted, it's been constant chaos. He stopped a car yesterday because the guy came up with a warrant in the system. Immediately, when he had the guy step out of his car he started screaming something about George Floyd and then became nasty and resistant. My brother and his partner, who arrived shortly after, had to tackle the guy to the ground in order to get him restrained. While this was going on he said a dozen or so blacks came running up on them, whipping out their phones recording, calling them names, taunting them. He said it was super nerve racking because in the middle of the skirmish he had no idea if any of these other people, who had no business being up that close to them, were going to run up and attack them from behind. He said it was like being in the middle of a zoo. He is starting to consider leaving the department at this point because it's become incredibly dangerous for them.

And my brother is Asian and the officer who responded to back him up is Hispanic, so this wasn't even a white cop thing; it's just an anyone in uniform thing. We're told we should be judging people by their character and not their skin color, but apparently these same people think it's fine to judge anyone in a uniform as evil.
That is so bad to hear. I can only imagine that a questionable move can change your life. I would guess that many of the men and women who are thinking about LE are now rethinking it.

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