CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


You are blowing against the wind, Jake. Gun nuts will not relinquish their toys, and the messages they get through their tin foil hats warns them that they must be prepared for the black helicopters and New World Order when they come in the night.

they don't need to relinquish their toys... they have to get out of the way so people who shouldn't have guns, don't get them.

Been a lot of people, judged by the SSA as mentally incompetent because they can't do their own finances, going on mass shooting sprees?

if you need a guardian to handle your finances, the default position should be that you probably shouldn't have a gun.

are there a lot of people with guardians who want guns? how many? what are the problems which resulted in a guardianship proceeding and the grant of the guardianship order?

Why? Not everyone is a dumbass like you!
There was no guardianship proceeding or grant of guardianship order, dumbass! No due process!
How do we know whose child is going to shoot up a school? I believe that for children living at home even if they are over 18, parents should bear criminal responsibility in cases like this.

maybe if the NRA and it's idiot brigade stopped fighting background checks...

and maybe if Donald hadn't made it easier for mentally ill people to get guns....

More bullshit ... it never ceases.

NRA does not oppose background checks.

Donald made it easier for mentally ill people to get guns .... just how do you propose he did that?

(This ought to be interesting -- a piece of fiction worthy of the name)

that is a lie

Pathetic NRA Excuses For Opposing Background Checks

Opinion: Why the NRA fights background checks - CNN

the first bill Donald signed into law was a bill to

Last February, Trump signed a bill making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

If you are going to get all het up and start ranting and raving, you should probably tell the truth occasionally.

Reality try it... it's an important construct

Why don't you find some real sources that will tell the truth?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


Where does the constitution say that?
Last time I read the Constitution, I saw absolutely NOTHING that guarantees any kind of education or schools.
Admiral DumbAss, the NRA is fighting the expansion of background checks, yes.

9thIDdoc and GW, we are not living in 1789. SCOTUS and most of America accepts the Constitution as a living document. Your arguments thus are useless if they feel good.
Admiral DumbAss, the NRA is fighting the expansion of background checks, yes.

9thIDdoc and GW, we are not living in 1789. SCOTUS and most of America accepts the Constitution as a living document. Your arguments thus are useless if they feel good.

Bullspit. The Constitution remains the highest law in the land and it is unchanging except for the the amendment process. The concept of it being "a living document" is treasonous. End of story.
Admiral DumbAss, the NRA is fighting the expansion of background checks, yes.

9thIDdoc and GW, we are not living in 1789. SCOTUS and most of America accepts the Constitution as a living document. Your arguments thus are useless if they feel good.

Bullspit. The Constitution remains the highest law in the land and it is unchanging except for the the amendment process. The concept of it being "a living document" is treasonous. End of story.
Well, bless you. Write SCOTUS and the rest of the federal judiciary they have it wrong.
Admiral DumbAss, the NRA is fighting the expansion of background checks, yes.

9thIDdoc and GW, we are not living in 1789. SCOTUS and most of America accepts the Constitution as a living document. Your arguments thus are useless if they feel good.

Bullspit. The Constitution remains the highest law in the land and it is unchanging except for the the amendment process. The concept of it being "a living document" is treasonous. End of story.
Well, bless you. Write SCOTUS and the rest of the federal judiciary they have it wrong.

They don't; you do. The express purpose of SCOTUS is to interpret (not change) the Constitution.It is not empowered to change one word, comma, or period and they are in fact sworn to protect and defend the Constitution (as written). As a part of government the possibility of SCOTUS becoming corrupt is a type of tyranny the 2nd Amendment was intended to counter.
I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms

Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon? Are you that bad of a shot?

They simply want a gun that goes bang when they pull the trigger. Working the mechanism is one less thing to think about when they're facing a life and death situation.

If working a hammer on a gun is too much to think about, then operating a gun is something that is outside your skill set.
I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms

Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon? Are you that bad of a shot?

Why do you need to know what other people do?

Because your recklessness ends up affecting society at large. So it's my concern as to who, why, when, and where you're fetishizing your weapons.

Criminal negligence is against the law but that judgement is made in a court of law and not by members of society at large.
Members of society at large are well advised to mind their own business rather than speculate about people they do not know.
I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms

Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon? Are you that bad of a shot?

Why do you need to know what other people do?

Because your recklessness ends up affecting society at large. So it's my concern as to who, why, when, and where you're fetishizing your weapons.

I'm not reckless never have been

And you would never know I was carrying if you happened to see me in public and you certainly would not know if I owned any firearms so you must just walk around assuming everyone in the world is reckless but you
I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms

Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon? Are you that bad of a shot?

They simply want a gun that goes bang when they pull the trigger. Working the mechanism is one less thing to think about when they're facing a life and death situation.

If working a hammer on a gun is too much to think about, then operating a gun is something that is outside your skill set.
Projecting again I see
Criminal negligence is against the law but that judgement is made in a court of law and not by members of society at large.

Problem is when it comes to gun owners, none of them are held criminally negligible for when their guns go missing, get stolen, and/or are used in crimes.

Members of society at large are well advised to mind their own business rather than speculate about people they do not know.

So I guess that applies to abortion too, then?
Criminal negligence is against the law but that judgement is made in a court of law and not by members of society at large.

Problem is when it comes to gun owners, none of them are held criminally negligible for when their guns go missing, get stolen, and/or are used in crimes.

Members of society at large are well advised to mind their own business rather than speculate about people they do not know.

So I guess that applies to abortion too, then?
Is the owner of a car held criminally liable if his car is stolen and used in a crime?
I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms

Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon? Are you that bad of a shot?

Why do you need to know what other people do?

Because your recklessness ends up affecting society at large. So it's my concern as to who, why, when, and where you're fetishizing your weapons.

Except that gun collectors, hunters and target shooters are not killing other people with their guns. Find a different reason.

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