CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.
How do we know whose child is going to shoot up a school? I believe that for children living at home even if they are over 18, parents should bear criminal responsibility in cases like this.

You only bear criminal responsibility for something after the fact. We’re talking about ways to prevent these shootings from ever happening.

The easiest way to stop school shootings is to prevent teenagers from having access to semi-automatic people killers.

That's not easy. Easier is to stop making schools such soft targets.
Stopping access is not easy, but has to be tried. You are right about eliminating soft targets.
Calling out gun huggers and bunnies who will not accept sensible and legal regulation of guns are criminals and crazies who support such violence. Such people as 9thIDdoc and Picaro are the foes of children at school.
YEah people who own guns are all child killers at heart Just like all men with penises are rapists at heart
Oh, are you not goofy to believe such things, Skull Pilot. :)

Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?

Your kids have more of chance of being abused by a relative that they do getting shot in school

Whenever you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting argument I'll use the same "logic" for other crimes so you can see the inanity of that argument

No one said all gun owners are criminals and you know it. This is deflection and to muddy the discussion.

That's bullshit and you haven't been reading the posts on this board about gun control for very long if you believe it

I hear the same old bullshit all the time here

Like this from the quote above

Such people... are the foes of children at school.

And the term "such people" refers to law abiding gun owners who don't think their rights should be curbed because some piece of shit murderer shoots kids.
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit.

You're the one who posted

"Such people are the foes of children at school"

So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
They can get guns very easily.
Much more difficult now, than it was THEN ... so why doesn't gun control work?
Its working well over here. Our kids go to school and dont get shot up.
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
You make me chuckle. Our kids dont shoot up schools, your kids are doing it every week.
The only difference is access to guns.
Any other excuse is just waffle.
The only difference? Is that right? How naive you are - how provincial you are.

Tell me --- what is the average number of times a child attends church? What are your rules for incarcerating the mentally ill? What is your adult-to-child average? What is the average population of your middle to small cities and villages? Do you have religious, or ethics, classes in your mid-to-lower grades? What is your working mothers ratio? How many single parent families do you have? How many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants do you have?

The list goes on ..... it's nice and easy - and intellectually dishonest - to not consider all the influences on the situation. I recognize that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you have a nice, easy, one size fits all, answer to the world's problems. And, from your very provincial, very limited view of the issue, I can see why you think that.

Unfortunately, it just ain't so.

You left out one KEY factor. Other countries have single payer health care which provides the mentally ill with proper care instead of privately owned insurance companies which required large copays and severely limit and curtail treatment for the mentally ill

The numbers in Canada and the UK and the US are very similar in ALL of your societal excuses. Only 30% of Canadians attend church regularly. Half of all marriages end in divorce. Most women work.

The only difference is that you can’t walk into a store and walk out with an AR15 or similar weapon.
They can get guns very easily.
Much more difficult now, than it was THEN ... so why doesn't gun control work?
Its working well over here. Our kids go to school and dont get shot up.
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
You make me chuckle. Our kids dont shoot up schools, your kids are doing it every week.
The only difference is access to guns.
Any other excuse is just waffle.
The only difference? Is that right? How naive you are - how provincial you are.

Tell me --- what is the average number of times a child attends church? What are your rules for incarcerating the mentally ill? What is your adult-to-child average? What is the average population of your middle to small cities and villages? Do you have religious, or ethics, classes in your mid-to-lower grades? What is your working mothers ratio? How many single parent families do you have? How many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants do you have?

The list goes on ..... it's nice and easy - and intellectually dishonest - to not consider all the influences on the situation. I recognize that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you have a nice, easy, one size fits all, answer to the world's problems. And, from your very provincial, very limited view of the issue, I can see why you think that.

Unfortunately, it just ain't so.
We have all of those things. Our mentally ill people are treated very badly by our government, particularly ex forces personnel. We have all of the social problems you have. Drugs,poverty, family breakdown and so on.

But some kid in school who has a few issues, maybe his girl has dumped him, cant just walk into the friendly local death shop and buy a killing machine. That is the difference. That is it.

All of your waffling cant change that.
Much more difficult now, than it was THEN ... so why doesn't gun control work?
Its working well over here. Our kids go to school and dont get shot up.
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
You make me chuckle. Our kids dont shoot up schools, your kids are doing it every week.
The only difference is access to guns.
Any other excuse is just waffle.
The only difference? Is that right? How naive you are - how provincial you are.

Tell me --- what is the average number of times a child attends church? What are your rules for incarcerating the mentally ill? What is your adult-to-child average? What is the average population of your middle to small cities and villages? Do you have religious, or ethics, classes in your mid-to-lower grades? What is your working mothers ratio? How many single parent families do you have? How many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants do you have?

The list goes on ..... it's nice and easy - and intellectually dishonest - to not consider all the influences on the situation. I recognize that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you have a nice, easy, one size fits all, answer to the world's problems. And, from your very provincial, very limited view of the issue, I can see why you think that.

Unfortunately, it just ain't so.
We have all of those things. Our mentally ill people are treated very badly by our government, particularly ex forces personnel. We have all of the social problems you have. Drugs,poverty, family breakdown and so on.

But some kid in school who has a few issues, maybe his girl has dumped him, cant just walk into the friendly local death shop and buy a killing machine. That is the difference. That is it.

All of your waffling cant change that.

He wasn't a kid he was an adult.
Its working well over here. Our kids go to school and dont get shot up.
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
You make me chuckle. Our kids dont shoot up schools, your kids are doing it every week.
The only difference is access to guns.
Any other excuse is just waffle.
The only difference? Is that right? How naive you are - how provincial you are.

Tell me --- what is the average number of times a child attends church? What are your rules for incarcerating the mentally ill? What is your adult-to-child average? What is the average population of your middle to small cities and villages? Do you have religious, or ethics, classes in your mid-to-lower grades? What is your working mothers ratio? How many single parent families do you have? How many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants do you have?

The list goes on ..... it's nice and easy - and intellectually dishonest - to not consider all the influences on the situation. I recognize that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you have a nice, easy, one size fits all, answer to the world's problems. And, from your very provincial, very limited view of the issue, I can see why you think that.

Unfortunately, it just ain't so.
We have all of those things. Our mentally ill people are treated very badly by our government, particularly ex forces personnel. We have all of the social problems you have. Drugs,poverty, family breakdown and so on.

But some kid in school who has a few issues, maybe his girl has dumped him, cant just walk into the friendly local death shop and buy a killing machine. That is the difference. That is it.

All of your waffling cant change that.

He wasn't a kid he was an adult.
There is more to being an adult than age. Lets call him a teenager shall we ?
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
You make me chuckle. Our kids dont shoot up schools, your kids are doing it every week.
The only difference is access to guns.
Any other excuse is just waffle.
The only difference? Is that right? How naive you are - how provincial you are.

Tell me --- what is the average number of times a child attends church? What are your rules for incarcerating the mentally ill? What is your adult-to-child average? What is the average population of your middle to small cities and villages? Do you have religious, or ethics, classes in your mid-to-lower grades? What is your working mothers ratio? How many single parent families do you have? How many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants do you have?

The list goes on ..... it's nice and easy - and intellectually dishonest - to not consider all the influences on the situation. I recognize that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you have a nice, easy, one size fits all, answer to the world's problems. And, from your very provincial, very limited view of the issue, I can see why you think that.

Unfortunately, it just ain't so.
We have all of those things. Our mentally ill people are treated very badly by our government, particularly ex forces personnel. We have all of the social problems you have. Drugs,poverty, family breakdown and so on.

But some kid in school who has a few issues, maybe his girl has dumped him, cant just walk into the friendly local death shop and buy a killing machine. That is the difference. That is it.

All of your waffling cant change that.

He wasn't a kid he was an adult.
There is more to being an adult than age. Lets call him a teenager shall we ?

He was an adult in the eyes of the law.

Don't like that then change the age of majority.
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"

So far, all of the school shootings and other horrific massacres (Las Vegas, etc.) have had the AR-15 in common. Let's start with that. If we start going down that slippery slope (horror of horrors--gun lover nutcases might not have access to other machine guns), I'll support your rights to take the AR-15's off the ban.
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"
You are numbskull (pun intended :) ) maybe 14 people want to ban all the guns

You try your scare tactics and you are crying that this time it won't work

Quit yer cryin and lyin and be part of the solution
Who has said, "Why is that people who own guns are somehow a threat to your kids but not anyone else?"

Who said, "you people use the gun owners are all murderers in waiting?"

Those comments make no sense.

The time for action is swelling, so you better get on the right side so you have a say on the final product.

Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.
The 2nd amendment is all about the right of the people to form militias and be armed. A semi automatic rifle is by DEFINITION the type of weapon PROTECTED by the intent of the 2nd amendment.
Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"

So far, all of the school shootings and other horrific massacres (Las Vegas, etc.) have had the AR-15 in common. Let's start with that. If we start going down that slippery slope (horror of horrors--gun lover nutcases might not have access to other machine guns), I'll support your rights to take the AR-15's off the ban.

your entire post is bullshit because you don't know that an AR 15 is not a machine gun

So maybe before you start lecturing people about guns you might want to not be so fucking ignorant on the topic
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


And I should have the right to go to the mall, a concert, work, the gym, grocery store and feel safe too.
Cut the shit. You're the one who posted "Such people are the foes of children at school" So what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"
You are numbskull (pun intended :) ) maybe 14 people want to ban all the guns

You try your scare tactics and you are crying that this time it won't work

Quit yer cryin and lyin and be part of the solution

Then there is absolutely no reason to ban one semiautomatic rifle is there?

Really How will banning one rifle stop anyone from using a different rifle in the next school shooting?

This is nothing but feel good knee jerk reactionism at its best

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