CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"

So far, all of the school shootings and other horrific massacres (Las Vegas, etc.) have had the AR-15 in common. Let's start with that. If we start going down that slippery slope (horror of horrors--gun lover nutcases might not have access to other machine guns), I'll support your rights to take the AR-15's off the ban.

your entire post is bullshit because you don't know that an AR 15 is not a machine gun

So maybe before you start lecturing people about guns you might want to not be so fucking ignorant on the topic

It is now.

CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


And I should have the right to go to the mall, a concert, work, the gym, grocery store and feel safe too.
Where is the right to safety in the constitution?
Certainly what you wrote, Homer. You need to be part of the solution and not the problem.

ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"
You are numbskull (pun intended :) ) maybe 14 people want to ban all the guns

You try your scare tactics and you are crying that this time it won't work

Quit yer cryin and lyin and be part of the solution

Then there is absolutely no reason to ban one semiautomatic rifle is there?

Really How will banning one rifle stop anyone from using a different rifle in the next school shooting?

This is nothing but feel good knee jerk reactionism at its best
How many rounds does it hold? If it holds more than 5 we don't make those anymore.
ANd that solution is not curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"

So far, all of the school shootings and other horrific massacres (Las Vegas, etc.) have had the AR-15 in common. Let's start with that. If we start going down that slippery slope (horror of horrors--gun lover nutcases might not have access to other machine guns), I'll support your rights to take the AR-15's off the ban.

your entire post is bullshit because you don't know that an AR 15 is not a machine gun

So maybe before you start lecturing people about guns you might want to not be so fucking ignorant on the topic

It is now.

CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting

Define tighter gun laws

Means nothing.

SO tell me how will banning one particular rifle stop the next asshole from just walking into a school with a different type pf rifle?

And why aren't you asking the more important question

How the fuck do these assholes just walk into a school?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


And I should have the right to go to the mall, a concert, work, the gym, grocery store and feel safe too.
Where is the right to safety in the constitution?

14th amendment.

nor shall any State deprive any person of life

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." That quote often comes up in the context of new technology and concerns about government surveillance.
Sensible regulations in no way curbs your rights. You have no right to weapons that the legislatures, per case law and SCOTUS, have the right to ban. It's the law.

But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"

So far, all of the school shootings and other horrific massacres (Las Vegas, etc.) have had the AR-15 in common. Let's start with that. If we start going down that slippery slope (horror of horrors--gun lover nutcases might not have access to other machine guns), I'll support your rights to take the AR-15's off the ban.

your entire post is bullshit because you don't know that an AR 15 is not a machine gun

So maybe before you start lecturing people about guns you might want to not be so fucking ignorant on the topic

It is now.

CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting

Define tighter gun laws

Means nothing.

SO tell me how will banning one particular rifle stop the next asshole from just walking into a school with a different type pf rifle?

And why aren't you asking the more important question

How the fuck do these assholes just walk into a school?

Can a guy who has a restraining order against him buy a gun?

Can you buy a gun at a gun show without a background check?

How many rounds can a gun legally carry? Do we cut it off at 20 or is 500 rounds ok?

Does everyone have to register their guns with the police?

I could go on and on. There are a thousand little regulations that would tighten up our laws as they should be.
But you are too stupid to see that banning one specific type of semiautomatic rifle is not the goal. Because banning one specific rifle or even rifles that look like that one evil rifle will do absofuckinglutely nothing to stop anyone from shooting up a school.

You kid your self that it will but it won't. So the real goal is to get the entire camel into the tent and ban all semiautomatic rifles. Yeah yeah deny it all you want but it is the long game that is being played here.

So we ban a particular rifle then some asshole shoots up a school with a different rifle. Well hey at least it wasn't an AR 15 right?
So ban that last rifle used by some asshole to shoot up a school. Another crisis averted.

Then some other asshole use a different rifle to shoot up a school well at least it wasn't an AR 15 or one of those other rifles we banned but now let's ban this third rifle.

Then some completely different asshole shoots up a school with a few sawed off shotguns and a couple of rifles that were't banned and a few handguns but hey at least those kids weren't killed by an AR 15 or one of those other 2 rifles that were banned..

And you fail to see the fucking idiocy of your argument?

And why is no one asking the much more relevant question,

"How the fuck did that asshole just walk into school with a shit load of guns??"

So far, all of the school shootings and other horrific massacres (Las Vegas, etc.) have had the AR-15 in common. Let's start with that. If we start going down that slippery slope (horror of horrors--gun lover nutcases might not have access to other machine guns), I'll support your rights to take the AR-15's off the ban.

your entire post is bullshit because you don't know that an AR 15 is not a machine gun

So maybe before you start lecturing people about guns you might want to not be so fucking ignorant on the topic

It is now.

CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting

Define tighter gun laws

Means nothing.

SO tell me how will banning one particular rifle stop the next asshole from just walking into a school with a different type pf rifle?

And why aren't you asking the more important question

How the fuck do these assholes just walk into a school?

Can a guy who has a restraining order against him buy a gun?

Can you buy a gun at a gun show without a background check?

How many rounds can a gun legally carry? Do we cut it off at 20 or is 500 rounds ok?

Does everyone have to register their guns with the police?

I could go on and on. There are a thousand little regulations that would tighten up our laws as they should be.

Those are all state laws and I don't know what state you live is so look it up

I have never gone to a gun show and never will,

And if I were to sell one of my guns privately I would run the transaction through an FFL dealer who could run a check (FYI I don't sell my guns if I want to get rid of one I trade it in when I buy a new one)

And I don't care how many rounds a firearm can hold.

It really makes no difference in real life situations anyway

My carry firearm is a Glock 19 that can handle a 15 round magazine but the morons in my state say a magazine can only be 10 rounds so instead of carrying one spare magazine with 15 rounds I carry 2 spare magazines with 10 rounds so I am carrying 30 rounds anyway
RGS, SCOTUS will determine if the weapon is protected by the 2dA for ownership.

Skull is entitled to his opinion, but that is such on the definition of machine guns not fact.

Skull, most of the mass killings with shoulder arms has been this weapon.

Skull, the ‘right to safety’ derives from the General Welfare Clause and the 14th Amendment.
RGS, SCOTUS will determine if the weapon is protected by the 2dA for ownership.

Skull is entitled to his opinion, but that is such on the definition of machine guns not fact.

Skull, most of the mass killings with shoulder arms has been this weapon.

Skull, the ‘right to safety’ derives from the General Welfare Clause and the 14th Amendment.

There is no right to safety.

And regardless of the fact that a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people who own an AR 15 commit murder with one, please tell me how banning that one rifle will do anything to stop any would be murderer from using a different semiautomatic rifle?
RGS, SCOTUS will determine if the weapon is protected by the 2dA for ownership.

Skull is entitled to his opinion, but that is such on the definition of machine guns not fact.

Skull, most of the mass killings with shoulder arms has been this weapon.

Skull, the ‘right to safety’ derives from the General Welfare Clause and the 14th Amendment.

There is no right to safety.

And regardless of the fact that a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people who own an AR 15 commit murder with one, please tell me how banning that one rifle will do anything to stop any would be murderer from using a different semiautomatic rifle?
You have not been paying attention the INTENT is to ban ALL semi automatics INCLUDING hand guns. And when Jake the fake claims that is not true tell him to check the bill submitted by the democrats in Congress.
RGS, SCOTUS will determine if the weapon is protected by the 2dA for ownership.

Skull is entitled to his opinion, but that is such on the definition of machine guns not fact.

Skull, most of the mass killings with shoulder arms has been this weapon.

Skull, the ‘right to safety’ derives from the General Welfare Clause and the 14th Amendment.

There is no right to safety.

And regardless of the fact that a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people who own an AR 15 commit murder with one, please tell me how banning that one rifle will do anything to stop any would be murderer from using a different semiautomatic rifle?
You have not been paying attention the INTENT is to ban ALL semi automatics INCLUDING hand guns. And when Jake the fake claims that is not true tell him to check the bill submitted by the democrats in Congress.

I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


And I should have the right to go to the mall, a concert, work, the gym, grocery store and feel safe too.
Where is the right to safety in the constitution?

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


And I should have the right to go to the mall, a concert, work, the gym, grocery store and feel safe too.
Where is the right to safety in the constitution?

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

None of those words spell S A F E T Y
Skull, your opinion is only that, nothing more.

RSG, post the bill the Dems have submitted in Congress and point to where it bans all semi automatic long arms and short arms.

SCOTUS will decide what are “weapons of war” not you.
I know that I'm trying to get these idiots to admit that the real goal is a ban on all semiauto firearms

Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon? Are you that bad of a shot?

They simply want a gun that goes bang when they pull the trigger. Working the mechanism is one less thing to think about when they're facing a life and death situation.
Why did the FBI slow walk the reports on this guy?
He took his rifle to school in a soft case to that school using Uber.
Is that a NORMAL Uber run?
He posted an open threat 6 months ago and no mental health check?

How many people missed this despite the complaints of friends, teachers and staff?

And local cops had been to his home 39 times......on domestic disturbances with mental health issues........
39 visits SHOULD have put him on the no buy list! Who failed to follow the existing law and do that?

What was he convicted of doing?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

My child has a constitutional right to get to school safely, therefore, all drivers must be alcohol and drug free or we will confiscate all automobiles.
I am curious as to where you find constitutional justification for that, given that government schooling didn't even exist when the constitutional was written.

Not entirely true; some states gave their established churches the power to levy taxes for the purpose of funding schools and other social purposes. One of the reasons the Fed was limited and prevented from doing so is because they never would have agreed on which church would be the national church. Not many were opposed to the states doing so in 1787.

Well, good reasoning except that the Constitution specifically forbade that from happening with the Bill of Rights.

The Northwest Ordinance set aside land to be sold to finance schools. That predates the Constitution.
How do we know whose child is going to shoot up a school? I believe that for children living at home even if they are over 18, parents should bear criminal responsibility in cases like this.

maybe if the NRA and it's idiot brigade stopped fighting background checks...

and maybe if Donald hadn't made it easier for mentally ill people to get guns....


Keep repeating the lie, dumbass! Maybe some other libtards will believe your lies if you repeat it often enough.

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