CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

/——/ How would that stop a nut from using Home made bombs to kill kids at school? How would that stop a crazed loon from sneaking into a school with a few knives baracading himself in a classroom with little kids and killing them?

Banning AR-15's would make anti-gun nuts feel smug and victorious, but would do nothing to make kids safer in school. That's why all talk of banning this or that is so suspect. It would do nothing to enhance safety, but would prepare the way for the ultimate goal, which is total firearm confiscation.
Your points may well be part of the solution.

IMO they are the ONLY solution. These traumatized kids at their rally are being used by Democrat gun-grabbers that care only about the next election. These perps need to be put down on site as quickly as possible and the only way is trained, armed teachers and staff maybe along with some guards. It's time to stop dreaming the guns will go away. Teachers can conceal carry handguns which are also semi auto and just as deadly especially when the perp thinks they are not armed.
Don't blame the Dems when a GOP congress has had years do something.
Obama was president for 8 years and had congress completely dem for 2 and then he had the senate for 2 or 4 more
Remind me what they did again?
Remind what the GOP has done when they have had it.
They are not the ones calling for more laws your side does that ad has never even tried when in power it is simply a talking point to gen up votes.
My side is the sane GOP, and, yes, Ryan, and even Trump, has talked about laws.
More SROs and hardened entry sites and CCTV are part of the solution.

Identifying crazy people who should not have weapons is part of the solution.
More SROs and hardened entry sites and CCTV are part of the solution.

Identifying crazy people who should not have weapons is part of the solution.

Also, smaller schools would not need as much armed security as larger schools. And yes, CCTV, hardened entries...all good ideas.

Banning AR-15's would make anti-gun nuts feel smug and victorious, but would do nothing to make kids safer in school. That's why all talk of banning this or that is so suspect. It would do nothing to enhance safety, but would prepare the way for the ultimate goal, which is total firearm confiscation.

The only way to make kids safe at school is to arm the teachers and staff and train them regularly. Also the school psychologist could be trained in profiling likely perpetrators. Today I heard someone say that his wife is a teacher but does not want the 'awesome responsibility' of carrying a weapon. What?!!! Actually this is pretty typical of gun grabbers who (IMO) really believe a gun can make someone suddenly a psychopathic murderer. Frankly, I don't want someone who is afraid of an inanimate object teaching my kids because obviously they are exhibiting limited self control.
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My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

No he doesn't.
Yes, he does.
Show me where it says that in the constitution.
I can show you where it says I have the right to bear arms.
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


That’s fine, but your rights don’t trump mine . Neither does your child’s. No where in the constitution does it imply that it does.
I would think that ALL schools would have some kind of security measures in place! That is just common sense in today's day and age!
I would think that ALL schools would have some kind of security measures in place! That is just common sense in today's day and age!

If they were serious about safety, there would be metal detectors at the doors, armed guards in the halls, and teachers with concealed carry weapons in the classrooms. A sign on the door forbidding guns is not security.

Seriously, not a single one of the administrators would put a sign in their own front yard proclaiming their house a gun free zone.
GUNS have been around LONG before these MASS MURDERING YOUNG PEOPLE.

So WHY IS IT that it's YOUNG PEOPLE that have turned into MASS MURDERERS?

They can get guns very easily.
Much more difficult now, than it was THEN ... so why doesn't gun control work?
Its working well over here. Our kids go to school and dont get shot up.
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
GUNS have been around LONG before these MASS MURDERING YOUNG PEOPLE.

So WHY IS IT that it's YOUNG PEOPLE that have turned into MASS MURDERERS?

They can get guns very easily.
Much more difficult now, than it was THEN ... so why doesn't gun control work?
Its working well over here. Our kids go to school and dont get shot up.
That's a non-sequitur.

One has nothing to do with the other.
You make me chuckle. Our kids dont shoot up schools, your kids are doing it every week.
The only difference is access to guns.
Any other excuse is just waffle.
Notice career criminals, who can get guns legal or not, are not the ones shooting up schools.
MOST people are not shooting up schools. Only insane people want to do these types of things and that is why laws to prevent crazy people from killing are not going to work.
The laws, if enforced, can be crafted to identify and deny weapons to crazy people, the possession of which automatically puts the nut cases in an institution.
xfr 4 billion from DOD and we can secure every school in the country

Taking back our schools from dope addled idiot 'progressives' and their constant experimenting with the latest fads from mentally ill deviants and 'progressives' still stuck in the 1960's Communist culture war narratives would be a lot cheaper and of course almost 100% effective.

Recent studies of academia are proving over half of them are nutjobs and loons. Weed them out.

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