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My Compilation of Comey Firing Stuff


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
There are literally hundreds of articles and memes all over the internet about this, both foreign and domestic sites. Almost as many as on this forum already. Anyhow, hereā€™s my compilation of just a very few I picked up this morning:





Deputy AG says he 'cannot defend' Comey's handling of FBI's investigation of Clinton emails

President Donald Trump terminated FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday at the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Story @ Deputy AG says he 'cannot defend' Comey's handling of FBI's investigation of Clinton emails

SIX Major FBI Scandals That Happened ON COMEYā€™S WATCH @ SIX Major FBI Scandals That Happened ON COMEYā€™S WATCH

Trump Fires Comey After Justice Department Said He Should Go @ Breaking: Trump Fires Comey

Liberals who demanded Comey be fired outraged that Comey is fired Read more: Liberals who demanded Comey be fired outraged that Comey is fired
Hereā€™s the letter:

Dear Director Comey,

I have received the attached letters from the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of the United States recommending your dismissal as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately.

While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgement of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.

It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Donald J. Trump

Read more: Trump fires Comey: Letter of Dismissal

Hereā€™s the Deputy AGā€™s memo @ LOOK: The Memo That Got Comey Fired

Three Former Assistant FBI Directors feel ā€œComey had it coming.ā€ @ Right After Comey Is Fired, Ex-FBI Agents Drop Bombshell [Video]

Trump Slams Democrat Phony for Criticizing Him about Comey

ā€œWatching Senator Richard Blumenthal speak of Comey is a joke. ā€˜Richieā€™ devised one of the greatest military frauds in U.S. history. For years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam ā€“ except he was never there. When caught, he cried like a baby and begged for forgivenessā€¦and now he is judge & jury. He should be the one who is investigated for his acts,ā€ Trump wrote in a three-part tweet.

Now, they not only whine about firing Comey but rail against the way it was done!

You're fired! Top tips for getting a sacking right @ You're fired! Top tips for getting a sacking right - BBC News

Lucy Adams agrees. "There's no right way to write a letter telling someone they're fired but in my experience it should be short and sweet, shouldn't try and pass the blame for the decision onto anyone."

An awesome read on the presidentā€™s firing of Comey ---

Trump: Genius or Savant?

And this genius is his ability to get liberals tied up in knots on an almost daily basis. To adapt an old Dennis Miller line, Trump has liberals more off balance than a Chinese acrobat with an inner-ear infection.

And then comes this:

So now it can be told: Bill Clinton cost his wife the presidency.

Got that?

ā€œThe capper was ā€” and Iā€™m not picking on Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who I like very much ā€” but her meeting with President Clinton on that airplane was the capper for me,ā€ Comey said.

And it ends with this:

This also adds more fuel to the fire that Bill really didnā€™t want Hillary to win the election in the first place. After all, he could have campaigned for her on his in own in Michigan and Wisconsin if heā€™d wanted to. Heā€™d have been much more effective than she would have been anyway. I think the Big Dog just didnā€™t want to be succeeded by a . . .

The full read is @ Trump: Genius or Savant?
Trump didn't even have the balls to fire Comey himself.

He sent him a letter- except not to where Comey was.

I am surprised he didn't fire him by tweet.
Trump didn't even have the balls to fire Comey himself.

He sent him a letter- except not to where Comey was.

I am surprised he didn't fire him by tweet.

he was too busy screaming at the TV
Three former FBI Assistant Directors say Comey "Danced With The Devil" and deserved to be fired.

Former FBI Assistant Directors Weigh In On Comeyā€™s Firing

Three former assistant directors of the FBI joined Fox News Tuesday night to share their thoughts on President Donald Trumpā€™s decision to fire James Comey.

All three thought Comey had it coming, and some were glad to see it happen.

Former FBI Assistant Directors James Kallstrom, Bill Gavin and Ron Hosko all thought Comey sealed his fate after his July 5 press conference in which he assumed the role of a prosecutor and recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Former FBI Assistant Directors Weigh In On Comey's Firing
Three former FBI Assistant Directors say Comey "Danced With The Devil" and deserved to be fired.

Former FBI Assistant Directors Weigh In On Comeyā€™s Firing

Three former assistant directors of the FBI joined Fox News Tuesday night to share their thoughts on President Donald Trumpā€™s decision to fire James Comey.

All three thought Comey had it coming, and some were glad to see it happen.

Former FBI Assistant Directors James Kallstrom, Bill Gavin and Ron Hosko all thought Comey sealed his fate after his July 5 press conference in which he assumed the role of a prosecutor and recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Former FBI Assistant Directors Weigh In On Comey's Firing
Donald Trumpā€™s Story About Why He Fired FBI Director James Comey Is Already Falling Apart | HuffPost

Donald Trumpā€™s Story About Why He Fired FBI Director James Comey Is Already Falling Apart
Trump never complained that Comey was too hard on Hillary Clinton until he needed a reason to fire him.

Hours after Comey was fired, Kellyanne Conway, a top Trump adviser, appeared on television to defend the presidentā€™s decision. At first, Conway stuck to the talking points, reading verbatim from a three-page letter written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, criticizing Comeyā€™s treatment of Clinton. But minutes later in the same interview, she contradicted herself.

ā€œThis has nothing to do with the campaign from six months ago,ā€ Conway told CNNā€™s Anderson Cooper early Wednesday morning. ā€œThis has everything to do with the performance of the FBI director since the president has been in the White House.ā€

More and more reporting is suggesting that Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation
A source close to Comey told CNN the FBI head was fired because the investigation was ā€œaccelerating.ā€

More and more reporting is suggesting that Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation

On Wednesday, a new report from CNNā€™s Jake Tapper quoted a ā€œsource close to Comeyā€ claiming that Comey was fired for two reasons ā€” first, because he refused to provide Trump ā€œwith any assurance of personal loyalty,ā€ and second, because the FBIā€™s Russia investigation was not going away and instead ā€œwas accelerating.ā€

Tuesday night, Politicoā€™s Josh Dawsey reported that, per his sources, the decision to oust Comey came from the president and not the Justice Department. For more than a week, Dawsey writes, Trump ā€œweighed firingā€ Comey because, according to two advisers, ā€œhe had grown enraged by the Russia investigationā€ ā€” not the Clinton email case. He continues:

[Trump] repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldnā€™t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said...

...[A White House] spokesman said Trump did not ask for the [Justice Department] letters in advance, and that White House officials had no idea they were coming. But several other people familiar with the events said Trump had talked about the firing for more than a week, and the letters were written to give him a rationale for firing Comey.
Three former FBI Assistant Directors say Comey "Danced With The Devil" and deserved to be fired.

Former FBI Assistant Directors Weigh In On Comeyā€™s Firing

Three former assistant directors of the FBI joined Fox News Tuesday night to share their thoughts on President Donald Trumpā€™s decision to fire James Comey.

All three thought Comey had it coming, and some were glad to see it happen.

Former FBI Assistant Directors James Kallstrom, Bill Gavin and Ron Hosko all thought Comey sealed his fate after his July 5 press conference in which he assumed the role of a prosecutor and recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Former FBI Assistant Directors Weigh In On Comey's Firing
Donald Trumpā€™s Story About Why He Fired FBI Director James Comey Is Already Falling Apart | HuffPost

Donald Trumpā€™s Story About Why He Fired FBI Director James Comey Is Already Falling Apart
Trump never complained that Comey was too hard on Hillary Clinton until he needed a reason to fire him.

Hours after Comey was fired, Kellyanne Conway, a top Trump adviser, appeared on television to defend the presidentā€™s decision. At first, Conway stuck to the talking points, reading verbatim from a three-page letter written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, criticizing Comeyā€™s treatment of Clinton. But minutes later in the same interview, she contradicted herself.

ā€œThis has nothing to do with the campaign from six months ago,ā€ Conway told CNNā€™s Anderson Cooper early Wednesday morning. ā€œThis has everything to do with the performance of the FBI director since the president has been in the White House.ā€

And she was right on point - and right.
More and more reporting is suggesting that Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation
A source close to Comey told CNN the FBI head was fired because the investigation was ā€œaccelerating.ā€

More and more reporting is suggesting that Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation

On Wednesday, a new report from CNNā€™s Jake Tapper quoted a ā€œsource close to Comeyā€ claiming that Comey was fired for two reasons ā€” first, because he refused to provide Trump ā€œwith any assurance of personal loyalty,ā€ and second, because the FBIā€™s Russia investigation was not going away and instead ā€œwas accelerating.ā€

Tuesday night, Politicoā€™s Josh Dawsey reported that, per his sources, the decision to oust Comey came from the president and not the Justice Department. For more than a week, Dawsey writes, Trump ā€œweighed firingā€ Comey because, according to two advisers, ā€œhe had grown enraged by the Russia investigationā€ ā€” not the Clinton email case. He continues:

[Trump] repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldnā€™t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said...

...[A White House] spokesman said Trump did not ask for the [Justice Department] letters in advance, and that White House officials had no idea they were coming. But several other people familiar with the events said Trump had talked about the firing for more than a week, and the letters were written to give him a rationale for firing Comey.

Your anti-Trump syndrome in showing.

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