My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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OMG - wow!!!.... never thought of that!! Of course!!.... all of those people murdered there sacrificed their lives for the cause!! They were paid to die!! Martyrs!! All just to make black people look bad.... wow... you are so fucking brilliant. You should go out on the road with Al, write books! Keep racism alive!!

You're not making any sense. White people have been the most murderous people on the planet for past 400 years. It's not even close.

So I don't understand what you saying.
OMG - wow!!!.... never thought of that!! Of course!!.... all of those people murdered there sacrificed their lives for the cause!! They were paid to die!! Martyrs!! All just to make black people look bad.... wow... you are so fucking brilliant. You should go out on the road with Al, write books! Keep racism alive!!

You're not making any sense. White people have been the most murderous people on the planet for past 400 years. It's not even close.

So I don't understand what you saying.
Haha... white hate has free rent in your head to the point there is little left.
...When I think of the black inner city I think of the black mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, ...
Shouldn't the father being working the two jobs? With the mother working one as well, it should be possible to get by (if only just).
Shouldn't the father being working the two jobs? With the mother working one as well, it should be possible to get by (if only just).
... if you think I'm such nothing then why all the effort to diminish me? ...
Did it ever occur to you that I'm trying to help you?
No you ain't, lol..... you were trolling and being a smartass and you damn well know it.

Look, if you really think someone ain't shit, you don't try to tear them down, because it never even occurs to you to do so....... they ain't shit to you, right?
You only try to do that to people who are taking up too much space in your head. And apparently I have some rent-free space in there. I didn't bother you, but you were sure as hell bothered by me, if you get the distinction, and you reacted by trying to make small of me..... and that tells me and everybody else reading everything I need to know about you.

No let me help you..... get over it already. Go live your life and don't worry about other people so much.
... Why? Because I am more comfortable with violence than you are ...
You're not. You're really, really not. You are more comfortable making a fool of yourself trying to talk like a bad 80's movie. Stop playing the fool.
I deal with and apply violence and force for a living, and I have for my entire adult life. You seem bothered by that.
...Seriously guy, you must have been brought up really soft....
You really, really want to believe that saying this stupid shit will somehow make your metal problems seem normal. You fail again.
Like I said, soft.

You don't seem to realize this, but this is normal behavior for men ...
Like I said, you’re full of shit. Pretending you’re tough doesn’t normalize your psychotic declarations about wanting to kill all police in the country, or fantasizing about shooting people in the head. The fact that you have to try so hard leads me to believe that you have never so much as said a cross word to any man (or woman, or child) in your life.
LOL, I've shot more people than you've fucked, guy.
Oh shit. The internet gladiator thats afraid to come and see me claims he shot only 1 person. He probably shot himself in the ass.
Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon, but if you ever get over to Houston, let me know and I'll show you around. Be advised you won't be able to act like this in person though, that nonsense isn't tolerated.
"Well, I got no plans to see Oakland anytime soon,"

No one was ever expecting you to come to Oakland. You know better. So the next time you want to talk some shit that you are afraid to back up just remember this moment.
Remember what? A shit talker?

Guy, about twice a week some black guy goes off on me and tries to get all big and bad with me at work, and they get their asses thrown right out the door. They call me cracker and shit the whole time, but so what? They still get the boot, in spite of all their talking. One of the other guys there is a young black guy who is from a small town, and every time this shit happens, he ends up shaking his head at their antics, and asking rhetorically; "Why is it always my people?" He finds this sort of shit embarrassing, and I don't blame him.

I'm not taking a trip to see some racist troll but if you want to come here, that's fine. If you act right, I'll even feed you, that's how we do it here. If you behave like this though, you're going to wish you hadn't.

Always the same old song and dance with you keyboard badasses. “Come here and say that!” “No you come HERE and say that!”

Fucking pathetic.
I gotta agree with you there; he ain't going to come here and I ain't going to Oakland over some shit talking on the internet, so this is pretty ridiculous.
Trust me. If I had started the shit talking I would come see you. Since you were the one that started it i invited you to test your theory so dont put us in the same category. Dont make that mistake.
Now you're going to lie? You do nothing but talk shit, and now you're going to deny it just like you deny being a racist?

Now that is weak.
I talk shit in response to racists. Show me a link where I'm just talking shit out the blue. I'll wait.
And everybody is a racist except you and the other black folks right?

I rest my case.
Dont rest so fast. Where did I say everybody was a racist?
Okay, who here isn't a racist, then?
Aint no way in hell I'm going to list all the white people that are not racists. I'll give you a couple of examples.

Fair enough, I must not have seen you interact with them though, because just about every post of your's I have seen, you are saying something racist as fuck to someone.

Behavior is the truth, and the truth is, you are a racist.
And hiding behind shit like "I can't be racist, I'm black" is weak.

So in conclusion, racist as fuck and weak as hell...... got it now?
When you see me say something you consider racist dont get emotional. Your first step should be to see what it is I am replying to.

Now if that doesnt matter to you then tough shit. Ignore me or pretend you didnt see the post.

So in conclusion, youre being a whiny bitch and not focusing on the real racists.
I believe you are both a racist, and seriously in denial about it.
My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?
Why, yes. Yes you are.

WHat a stupid video.
People don't laugh at racist jokes - know why? Because hardly anyone tells them anymore.
And if someone did, they won;t be looked upon very well.
Racism is dying. It is still alive, but it is paralyzed the waist down and bed ridden. It is no longer the beast it once was.
But alas, instead of looking at the death of racism, there are those that do their best to keep it going. The race pimps, the race card dealers. Magnifying and taking every example they can find that shows racism and insist it is the norm.

Celebrate the dying.
Are you contributing to it's death - or are you someone still keeping it alive?

I do, but only in mixed company..... it's only funny then. :)
... if you think I'm such nothing then why all the effort to diminish me? ...
Did it ever occur to you that I'm trying to help you?
No you ain't, lol..... you were trolling and being a smartass and you damn well know it.

Look, if you really think someone ain't shit, you don't try to tear them down, because it never even occurs to you to do so....... they ain't shit to you, right?
Wrong. I'm all about helping people who need it.
... Why? Because I am more comfortable with violence than you are ...
You're not. You're really, really not. You are more comfortable making a fool of yourself trying to talk like a bad 80's movie. Stop playing the fool.
I deal with and apply violence and force for a living, and I have for my entire adult life.....
You're an orderly at a hospital, not Rambo, champ.
I'm contracted security. I am one of the only MOAB instructors in the state. I'm also retired Army, and no I wasn't special forces or anything cool like that, I was just a regular grunt. I never even went to Ranger school. I was the unit boxing and combative coach, mostly because I couldn't compete in the army tournaments with a pro record, even if it wasn't anything special.

I did go to Afghanistan and Iraq a bunch, and I did some time in Central America back in the late 90s. I was one of the original Americans in the Korengal valley.
... Why? Because I am more comfortable with violence than you are ...
You're not. You're really, really not. You are more comfortable making a fool of yourself trying to talk like a bad 80's movie. Stop playing the fool.
I deal with and apply violence and force for a living, and I have for my entire adult life.....
You're an orderly at a hospital, not Rambo, champ.
And there you go again.....

My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?
Why, yes. Yes you are.

WHat a stupid video.
People don't laugh at racist jokes - know why? Because hardly anyone tells them anymore.
And if someone did, they won;t be looked upon very well.
Racism is dying. It is still alive, but it is paralyzed the waist down and bed ridden. It is no longer the beast it once was.
But alas, instead of looking at the death of racism, there are those that do their best to keep it going. The race pimps, the race card dealers. Magnifying and taking every example they can find that shows racism and insist it is the norm.

Celebrate the dying.
Are you contributing to it's death - or are you someone still keeping it alive?

I do, but only in mixed company..... it's only funny then. :)

Oh for sure... that is when it is funny.
I use to have a mini-pin that absolutely hated my black friend. Partly because he was afraid of dogs, and I think Rocky sensed it - and then he had long dread locks. I don't think he like that either.
Anyway... he asked me "why does your damn dog hate me so much!?" - I replied - "because he can't see you in the dark".
We both laughed, Bill knows me - he knows I am not an asshole so it why would he take offense. Hell he has gave me a hard time more than once about my white ass :D
Haha... white hate has free rent in your head to the point there is little left.

White ppl are not in any moral position to point the finger at blk ppl for anything.

If you haven't noticed. We are the engine room for freedom and justice. We are the ones who are trying to set the record straight.

We are the ones who are trying to clean up the mess white people have left.

We have put racism front and center and the whole world follows our lead. Thats why there is demos against racism as far as Australia to Sweden to UK to Brazil.

And all that was to try to get white people to act like human being. Companies like Nike, coco cola, apple, Microsoft spends millions trying to mobilize and influence ppl.

A few blk ppl from Minneapolis have done in a week what they can only dream of in year.

Dont ever point the finger at blk ppl. When you look at the history of whites, it's almost like we are dealing with another species.
Shouldn't the father being working the two jobs? With the mother working one as well, it should be possible to get by (if only just).

The white supremacist control all the jobs.

And they make sure that black ppl have the highest unemployment rates and whites have the lowest.

I'm pretty sure you know that a white criminal has more of a chance of getting a job than a black person without one.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
Haha... white hate has free rent in your head to the point there is little left.

White ppl are not in any moral position to point the finger at blk ppl for anything.

If you haven't noticed. We are the engine room for freedom and justice. We are the ones who are trying to set the record straight.

We are the ones who are trying to clean up the mess white people have left.

We have put racism front and center and the whole world follows our lead. Thats why there is demos against racism as far as Australia to Sweden to UK to Brazil.

And all that was to try to get white people to act like human being. Companies like Nike, coco cola, apple, Microsoft spends millions trying to mobilize and influence ppl.

A few blk ppl from Minneapolis have done in a week what they can only dream of in year.

Dont ever point the finger at blk ppl. When you look at the history of whites, it's almost like we are dealing with another species.
Shouldn't the father being working the two jobs? With the mother working one as well, it should be possible to get by (if only just).

The white supremacist control all the jobs.

No, they don’t. You are just terrified of the very notion of personal responsibility, aren’t you?
Shouldn't the father being working the two jobs? With the mother working one as well, it should be possible to get by (if only just).

The white supremacist control all the jobs.

And they make sure that black ppl have the highest unemployment rates and whites have the lowest.

I'm pretty sure you know that a white criminal has more of a chance of getting a job than a black person without one.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
What I know is that every black person I know over the age of 16 has a job.
... Why? Because I am more comfortable with violence than you are ...
You're not. You're really, really not. You are more comfortable making a fool of yourself trying to talk like a bad 80's movie. Stop playing the fool.
I deal with and apply violence and force for a living, and I have for my entire adult life.....
You're an orderly at a hospital, not Rambo, champ.
I'm contracted security. I am one of the only MOAB instructors in the state. I'm also retired Army, and no I wasn't special forces or anything cool like that, I was just a regular grunt. I never even went to Ranger school. I was the unit boxing and combative coach, mostly because I couldn't compete in the army tournaments with a pro record, even if it wasn't anything special.

I did go to Afghanistan and Iraq a bunch, and I did some time in Central America back in the late 90s. I was one of the original Americans in the Korengal valley.
If true, I certainly thank you for your service.
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