My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?

The proof was hardly necessary.

Every reader of his posts is already convinced.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.
The main suspect in the torching of the Burger King where Brooks was murdered is a white woman.

View attachment 355359

Her boyfriend was Brooks.

attorneys for the Brooks family said they are "unaware of any connection" between the two.
It is being reported that way here on the radio. If they retract it on WSB, I will let you know... if I hear anything. It will be interesting either way to find out her motive.

The radio?

Some fat blowhard talking head most likely

That is everyone connected to the media.
And you listen to them.

Why am I not surprised
I listen to the radio on my way to the store, restaurant, and doing errands around town. Beats the Hell out of the crap they call "music."

They have these things now called cellphones that you can download any music you want onto and play through your car stereo
  • Funny
Reactions: IM2
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?
I think I can fathom much more than you. White supremacists do not admit to being such. They post the garbage you just posted. The 14th amendment was legally ratified. Social Security has been long required. You are a loon, a right wing extremist, white identity loon. I researched this crap in the 1990's.

You talk about inalienable rights, but blacks inalienable rights in America were denied and the 14th gave them to us. Whatever you have studied, you misinterpreted.

AND poli chic, you're retarded.
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?

The proof was hardly necessary.

Every reader of his posts is already convinced.
Apparently they aren't. Only the mentally conflicted.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

I would say that yes, you are racist in that you believe there is some difference between rural black people and urban black people. Yet you seem on the cusp of enlightenment as well. I saved the bit above to reply to as an example.

Basically people come in two main groups -- assholes and regular. All races have both types. There are always going to be criminals, druggies, slackers, losers. Thankfully the rest of us far outnumber them. Some people are born jerks. Others are made. Maybe it's the environment they grow up in? Maybe it's the environment they currently live in?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

I would say that yes, you are racist in that you believe there is some difference between rural black people and urban black people. Yet you seem on the cusp of enlightenment as well. I saved the bit above to reply to as an example.

Basically people come in two main groups -- assholes and regular. All races have both types. There are always going to be criminals, druggies, slackers, losers. Thankfully the rest of us far outnumber them. Some people are born jerks. Others are made. Maybe it's the environment they grow up in? Maybe it's the environment they currently live in?
This is a fair assessment. Thank you.
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

I would say that yes, you are racist in that you believe there is some difference between rural black people and urban black people. Yet you seem on the cusp of enlightenment as well. I saved the bit above to reply to as an example.

Basically people come in two main groups -- assholes and regular. All races have both types. There are always going to be criminals, druggies, slackers, losers. Thankfully the rest of us far outnumber them. Some people are born jerks. Others are made. Maybe it's the environment they grow up in? Maybe it's the environment they currently live in?
Is it possible that the urban areas contain a higher concentration of black assholes than rural areas?
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

I would say that yes, you are racist in that you believe there is some difference between rural black people and urban black people. Yet you seem on the cusp of enlightenment as well. I saved the bit above to reply to as an example.

Basically people come in two main groups -- assholes and regular. All races have both types. There are always going to be criminals, druggies, slackers, losers. Thankfully the rest of us far outnumber them. Some people are born jerks. Others are made. Maybe it's the environment they grow up in? Maybe it's the environment they currently live in?
Is it possible that the urban areas contain a higher concentration of black assholes than rural areas?
Is it possible that America has more white assholes than assholes from other races?
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

I would say that yes, you are racist in that you believe there is some difference between rural black people and urban black people. Yet you seem on the cusp of enlightenment as well. I saved the bit above to reply to as an example.

Basically people come in two main groups -- assholes and regular. All races have both types. There are always going to be criminals, druggies, slackers, losers. Thankfully the rest of us far outnumber them. Some people are born jerks. Others are made. Maybe it's the environment they grow up in? Maybe it's the environment they currently live in?
Is it possible that the urban areas contain a higher concentration of black assholes than rural areas?
Is it possible that America has more white assholes than assholes from other races?
Would you like to take a try at answering the question you replied to without using another question?

note: edited for clarity
Last edited:
And guess what? The same goes for the shitty white trash around here as well. The meth heads, the moped/scooter riding drunken losers - they are white. I have no time for them either.
Both don't deserve what they have, let alone more from my tax dollars.

I would say that yes, you are racist in that you believe there is some difference between rural black people and urban black people. Yet you seem on the cusp of enlightenment as well. I saved the bit above to reply to as an example.

Basically people come in two main groups -- assholes and regular. All races have both types. There are always going to be criminals, druggies, slackers, losers. Thankfully the rest of us far outnumber them. Some people are born jerks. Others are made. Maybe it's the environment they grow up in? Maybe it's the environment they currently live in?
Is it possible that the urban areas contain a higher concentration of black assholes than rural areas?
Is it possible that America has more white assholes than assholes from other races?
Anything is possible, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.
The main suspect in the torching of the Burger King where Brooks was murdered is a white woman.

View attachment 355359

Her boyfriend was Brooks.

attorneys for the Brooks family said they are "unaware of any connection" between the two.
It is being reported that way here on the radio. If they retract it on WSB, I will let you know... if I hear anything. It will be interesting either way to find out her motive.

The radio?

Some fat blowhard talking head most likely

That is everyone connected to the media.
And you listen to them.

Why am I not surprised
I listen to the radio on my way to the store, restaurant, and doing errands around town. Beats the Hell out of the crap they call "music."

They have these things now called cellphones that you can download any music you want onto and play through your car stereo

I'm not in the car long enough to justify spending the money.
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?
I think I can fathom much more than you. White supremacists do not admit to being such. They post the garbage you just posted. The 14th amendment was legally ratified. Social Security has been long required. You are a loon, a right wing extremist, white identity loon. I researched this crap in the 1990's.

You talk about inalienable rights, but blacks inalienable rights in America were denied and the 14th gave them to us. Whatever you have studied, you misinterpreted.

AND poli chic, you're retarded.

Prior to the National ID / REAL ID Act you did not need a Socialist Surveillance Number (Social Security Number.) My own father rescinded his, never paid the income tax and when he died his million dollar plus estate was successfully probated. The SSN was not required. Sorry, but you are factually WRONG.

And, no sir, I have several court wins that refute the bullshit you post on here. Again, if my arguments were being promoted by "white identity loons," they would not be MAGA supporters. You're an idiot. You forgot... in the 1990s Bill Clinton was a Trump kind of wall guy too...

Oh you mean the racist teaching I had while my black friends hung out at my house?
Or the black families that began going to our church and were welcomed in with hospitality... that teaching?
Or the several blacks I have hired over the years?...that lesson?
Or the black friends I have right now?
Not sure what racist teachings you are referring to since you assume to know my background better than myself.
Guess them black folks are okay as long as they copy after you. Act different though, and your out of the country club.
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.
I have a question. When a show like blackish confirms some of the things we believe, why are you so quick to disgusts that shows views and say you never liked that show? I’ve talked to other blacks and they love how spit on that show is about the state of our country from the perspective of blacks?

I think we should assume that show is more speaking for blacks than you. Know what I mean? And can you show me any negative views on the show in vibe magazine?
You guys are so brainwashed by the corporate media, Republicans and Trump are you kidding me?
The corporate media is pandering to the BLM criminals running lose on our streets
You guys are demonizing blm just like you demonized those protesters when Obama was running. Occupy wall street.
I stand with black lives matter. I get it. I too kneel for the national anthem
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?
Do you believe the income tax is unconstitutional? Ever see freedom to fascism?
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

I responded to this once before and then saw unkotare's reply to you wherein that POS wants to say negative things to me. Soooo... IN SEVEN PARAGRAPHS I AM GOING TO PROVE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, THAT IM2 IS AN UNEDUCATED IDIOT AND A BLACK SUPREMACIST OR A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

Ever since I came onto USM, IM2 has maintained that white supremacists embrace my work on the 14th Amendment. Occasionally, a white supremacist will come along, realize that my work would lead to a much better political outcome for white people; however, my work on the 14th Amendment shows that the illegally ratified 14th Amendment did not give blacks any "rights," but rather repealed the Bill of Rights and it had little to do with race except that the United States Supreme Court did, in fact, rule prior to the 14th Amendment that the Constitution was not intended to cover the black race. What Roger Taney wrote in the Dred Scott v. Sanford ruling is fact and I cannot change that in order to make blacks people feel good about themselves. As an example that this issue of the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified, I direct your attention to the following post on this board:

If the Bill of Rights makes liberalism illegal how does liberalism survive? See my post # 38

Approximately FOUR DECADES ago, while in school, a law professor kept telling us about the "facts" of a case. My law professor found a "right to smoke cigarettes" and I challenged it. Where were the facts? It resulted in a disciplinary action that almost got me thrown out of school. Moral: Don't challenge law school presuppositions. So, it motivated me to study the subject of Rights. I uncovered the fact that whether by accident or design the government was attacking our unalienable Rights and by the passage of the illegally ratified 14th Amendment, they nullified any God given Rights we could claim as the above link will explain. The 14th Amendment DID create TWO distinct categories of citizenship: a Preamble Citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. The man who pioneered that legal argument was Howard Freeman and here is his introduction to the subject so that you can see THAT was not predicated on any "racist" argument: The Two United States and the Law

My work was an extension of the research Freeman had begun. I discovered that through the use of the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," and the illegally ratified 14th Amendment we had been reduced to absolute slavery. We no longer had unalienable Rights, but mere privileges with ownership papers making every person in America a slave. Oh, we have the illusion of Freedom and Liberty, but at the end of the day, we are owned and controlled by puppet masters. Those puppet masters control the Ds and the Rs so that it ends up being one hand washing the other.

IF white supremacists embraced my work, then have IM2 explain to you how the anti - immigrant Tea Party Republican, United States Congressman James Sensenbrenner, introduced not only the unconstitutional so - called "Patriot Act," but the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. that mandates all of you subjects to have a Socialist Surveillance Number ... there I go again "Social Security Number" so that you can be tracked 24 / 7 / 365. If my work was about white supremacy, how in the Hell did the white supremacists end up supporting National ID? IM2 wants to credit my work with being part of white supremacy; however, if any of you have the courage to do the research, that is not the case. I've been at war with white supremacists, ESPECIALLY, the dumb asses on the anti - immigrant side who reversed almost 25 years of hard won court victories by imposing the SSN as a unique identifier on the American people. WITHOUT the SSN (which you were not required to have prior to National ID), you did not have to pay the income tax. Neither could the government lay claim to owning you as chattel property. Yes, it would have been of a major benefit to the white people, but that was just a natural outcome like building a park for kids results in giving birds healthy trees to nest in.

Both the Ds and the Rs are being played and that is not about white supremacy. The white supremacists do not back my work, but are working hard for the far left. The far left socialists want back-ground checks on firearms. But, those would mean very little without the National ID that makes tracking and surveillance of all the government's subjects possible. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are making it easier for the government to control them. BOTH the Ds and the Rs are eliminating the Right to Privacy. I've shown to the white supremacists that Donald Trump's nutty wall idea was Bill Clinton's idea BEFORE Trump championed the idea. How did both the Ds and the Rs support the same, exact idea at different times... unless they were being controlled by forces they don't understand?

Some neo-Confederates make some lip service argument about illegitimacy regarding the 14th Amendment only to jump onto Trump's MAGA bandwagon and lobby for National ID and enforcing the draconian E Verify laws, proving they don't understand a damn thing about the arguments they make except to the extent that it tells them what they want to hear about a very narrow issue. At the end of the day, they end up helping the far left realize their goals and objectives while doing damage to the work I began many decades ago. IM2 doesn't have a freaking clue as to what he's talking about and now comes his opportunity to research the subject and find out he's been played by world powers operating in a capacity he cannot fathom. Will he do the right thing OR continue to misrepresent me?
Do you believe the income tax is unconstitutional? Ever see freedom to fascism?

I have referred many a person to that documentary. I worked with people like Tupper Saussy, Robert Clarkson, and Irwin Schiff back in the good old days, learning what worked and what didn't by reading their case files and what the courts were saying. That is how I learned about SSN based ID, adhesion contracts, and how the government used the race issue to destroy the concept of unalienable Rights. Still, with the facts on the table the Ds and the Rs allow themselves to be played and racial extremists are so wrapped up in their cause that they can't see the forest for the trees. The people like IM2 are claiming that it's about white supremacy while the white supremacists uphold the 14th Amendment and deny unalienable Rights because they live under a delusion that the immigration laws only allow "legal" Americans any rights (sic.) NEITHER the Ds nor the Rs; black racist or white racist sees any benefit of Rights that are above the reach of government - so they are all equally bound by the slave state they vote for.

Yale University founder Elihu Yale who has not only been revealed to be a slave owner but also a slave trader, despite the Britannica Encyclopedia terming his as a "philanthropist".

In wake of the debate, the #CancelYale hashtag movement has been growing in strength on social media with over 50,000 tweets on the microblogging site Twitter by Saturday evening.

The Boston-born Yale was the President of the East India Company's Madras (present-day Chennai) settlement in St George, India. An American-born British merchant, Yale has been accused of racism and slavery in India, most famously by two of his paintings that used to hang inside Yale University - both featuring its founder prosperous founder Yale along with a brown boy, seemingly an Indian slave, wearing a collar like an animal.
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