My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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...Ive [sic] seen lots of good family men ...
Looking in their windows from outside in the hedges? So sad....................
You've been on this site from at least 7-11:30pm yesterday. How do you have time for this and family? What's wrong don't you have anyone real to hang out with? My brother and his brother in law came out last night to go out on the boat. We had a blast.

This board is unkotare's life. His job is to prevent any legitimate conversations from taking place. Notice how his posts have nothing to do with the topic at hand, but rather end in personal pissing contests. Word has it that when it comes to black dudes (which is that prompted unkotare to access this thread) is if he had as many on him as he's had in him, he'd look like a penis porcupine. But, back to the subject at hand.

Another person who notices Unkotares character flaw. It sure does seem like his job is to prevent legitimate conversation on any subject. Doesn't matter what the subject is. Racism, politics, unions, etc you can never get a straight answer from him and yes he does derail every thread. I wonder why he does this.

And yes I believe this is his entire life. That is when he's not out making a million dollars or teaching inner city kids or being a wrestling coach.

I believe he is a inner city public school teacher but remember those teachers are not good enough to work in the suburbs. He'll claim he does it because he's a humanitarian but we all know that's a lie. You first have to be a human to be a humanitarian.
...Ive [sic] seen lots of good family men ...
Looking in their windows from outside in the hedges? So sad....................
You've been on this site from at least 7-11:30pm yesterday. How do you have time

Wow, you and your boyfriend porter sure do spend a lot of time obsessing over me. Maybe you two should get a hobby. I hear you people enjoy antiquing.
You ruin every thread we find you in.
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.

No vulgarity....I'm trying to train you to post as though you were an adult.
You aren't training anyone you stupid bitch. I choose the words that express what I want expressed. Now maybe one day you'll be cured of your self hate and understand how white racists play those like you.

That's the language you were exposed to growing up?

Trash, huh?
It's the same language you hear every day walking in the city so don't even try it. At least I was raised to be proud of what I look like instead of wishing I was white so bad that I'm an Asian calling COVID19 the chinese virus. Get help for your internalized racism.
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.

No vulgarity....I'm trying to train you to post as though you were an adult.
You aren't training anyone you stupid bitch. I choose the words that express what I want expressed. Now maybe one day you'll be cured of your self hate and understand how white racists play those like you.

That's the language you were exposed to growing up?

Trash, huh?
It's the same language you hear every day walking in the city so don't even try it. At least I was raised to be proud of what I look like instead of wishing I was white so bad that I'm an Asian calling COVID19 the chinese virus. Get help for your internalized racism.

The language one hears used by low-class trash.

Raise your paw.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.
The main suspect in the torching of the Burger King where Brooks was murdered is a white woman.

View attachment 355359

Her boyfriend was Brooks.
The family says different but she was still white, burned down the store and blacks got blamed for it. This has been a consistent pattern.

According to this guy on the radio, Eric Erickson, the largest support base for the BLM (outside of black people) is white millennial females. So, as long as the BLM accepts their help, they will be stuck with getting the blame for what those sick bitches do in the name of the BLM movement.
Eric Erickson? C'mon man. You have a problem with BLM based on lies you believe. This was a white person that burned down wendys and your ignorant ass is looking for a reason to blame blacks.

Blacks are blaming all their failures in life on whites. Get your facts straight.
The root cause of the problems blacks face IS white racism. That was proven in 1968 by the Kerner Commission. Seek help for your delusions tuna fish because I speak the truth.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.

No vulgarity....I'm trying to train you to post as though you were an adult.
You aren't training anyone you stupid bitch. I choose the words that express what I want expressed. Now maybe one day you'll be cured of your self hate and understand how white racists play those like you.

That's the language you were exposed to growing up?

Trash, huh?
It's the same language you hear every day walking in the city so don't even try it. At least I was raised to be proud of what I look like instead of wishing I was white so bad that I'm an Asian calling COVID19 the chinese virus. Get help for your internalized racism.

The language one hears used by low-class trash.

Raise your paw.
You are low class trash so I speak to you in the language you understand.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.

No vulgarity....I'm trying to train you to post as though you were an adult.
You aren't training anyone you stupid bitch. I choose the words that express what I want expressed. Now maybe one day you'll be cured of your self hate and understand how white racists play those like you.

That's the language you were exposed to growing up?

Trash, huh?
It's the same language you hear every day walking in the city so don't even try it. At least I was raised to be proud of what I look like instead of wishing I was white so bad that I'm an Asian calling COVID19 the chinese virus. Get help for your internalized racism.

The language one hears used by low-class trash.

Raise your paw.
You are low class trash so I speak to you in the language you understand.

I'm gonna guess our mutual readers may have a different view.

You will never escape the reputation you've earned.

It is your fate.....well earned.
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I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.
The main suspect in the torching of the Burger King where Brooks was murdered is a white woman.

View attachment 355359

Her boyfriend was Brooks.
The family says different but she was still white, burned down the store and blacks got blamed for it. This has been a consistent pattern.

According to this guy on the radio, Eric Erickson, the largest support base for the BLM (outside of black people) is white millennial females. So, as long as the BLM accepts their help, they will be stuck with getting the blame for what those sick bitches do in the name of the BLM movement.
Eric Erickson? C'mon man. You have a problem with BLM based on lies you believe. This was a white person that burned down wendys and your ignorant ass is looking for a reason to blame blacks.

Blacks are blaming all their failures in life on whites. Get your facts straight.
The root cause of the problems blacks face IS white racism. That was proven in 1968 by the Kerner Commission. Seek help for your delusions tuna fish because I speak the truth.
No it ain't, lol.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.
The main suspect in the torching of the Burger King where Brooks was murdered is a white woman.

View attachment 355359

Her boyfriend was Brooks.
The family says different but she was still white, burned down the store and blacks got blamed for it. This has been a consistent pattern.

According to this guy on the radio, Eric Erickson, the largest support base for the BLM (outside of black people) is white millennial females. So, as long as the BLM accepts their help, they will be stuck with getting the blame for what those sick bitches do in the name of the BLM movement.
Eric Erickson? C'mon man. You have a problem with BLM based on lies you believe. This was a white person that burned down wendys and your ignorant ass is looking for a reason to blame blacks.

Blacks are blaming all their failures in life on whites. Get your facts straight.
The root cause of the problems blacks face IS white racism. That was proven in 1968 by the Kerner Commission. Seek help for your delusions tuna fish because I speak the truth.
And no, you don't.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.

No vulgarity....I'm trying to train you to post as though you were an adult.
You aren't training anyone you stupid bitch. I choose the words that express what I want expressed. Now maybe one day you'll be cured of your self hate and understand how white racists play those like you.

That's the language you were exposed to growing up?

Trash, huh?
It's the same language you hear every day walking in the city so don't even try it. At least I was raised to be proud of what I look like instead of wishing I was white so bad that I'm an Asian calling COVID19 the chinese virus. Get help for your internalized racism.
More hypocritical racism from the black Porter.
...You call people an idiot, ...
Not everyone, just the idiots like those who think that they - or the person they are pissing at - represent an entire 'race' of people. Any productive discussion has to at least recognize the absurd illogic of such thinking.

Did you say something? Nobody on this thread has claimed to represent either race to the best of my knowledge and belief. IM2 THINKS he speaks for the entire black community, but, only those with an IQ lower than their shoe size buys into his extremist B.S.
Actually I don't but I do speak to how blacks see things better than you do. Now charlie chumplock, provide an example of my black extremism. Because you're the one pushing a well known white supremacist belief about the 14th amendment.

No dumbass, if you were near as smart as you think you are the white supremacists absolutely DO NOT support what I post about the 14th Amendment. I've fought with them for a few decades now and they did not do the research, fight the battles and go to court to prove that shit. I did. So shove it up your ass, you don't know what you're talking about and anybody here can research all my posts and see for yourself, especially in immigration posts, you are full of shit.
I don't fear anything you bring. I find you to be stupid. The FBI has found tweets from multiple white supremacist groups who were organizing to sabotage the protests. They have arrested a white boogaloo member for killing a cop while he attended the rally. You just float along repeating right wing bullshit. Don't get beat up by whites who will blame you for the pandemic without considering that Korea is not China.
The main suspect in the torching of the Burger King where Brooks was murdered is a white woman.

View attachment 355359

Her boyfriend was Brooks.
The family says different but she was still white, burned down the store and blacks got blamed for it. This has been a consistent pattern.

According to this guy on the radio, Eric Erickson, the largest support base for the BLM (outside of black people) is white millennial females. So, as long as the BLM accepts their help, they will be stuck with getting the blame for what those sick bitches do in the name of the BLM movement.
Eric Erickson? C'mon man. You have a problem with BLM based on lies you believe. This was a white person that burned down wendys and your ignorant ass is looking for a reason to blame blacks.

Blacks are blaming all their failures in life on whites. Get your facts straight.
The root cause of the problems blacks face IS white racism. That was proven in 1968 by the Kerner Commission. Seek help for your delusions tuna fish because I speak the truth.

The Kerner Commission is simply an opinion. I can refute your opinion with Roger Taney's majority opinion in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case.
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