My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites


Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Me suspects you wouldn't find anyone to vote for. Male or female

Did you just have a mini-stroke? What the hell is wrong with your grammar all of a sudden?

For the record, chica, (not that it's any of your fucking business) I have voted in every single election since I was 18. This is the first time in my life that the United States has proven so suicidally self-destructive that it cannot produce a single candidate from ANY party appearing on my state's ballot who cannot be construed as a good choice.

Do not try to project this debacle off onto some sort of problem with ME being too finicky.

Watch who you're calling "chicka" hag, you'll get a boot up your old ass.
The left might have just overplayed their hand. Hilly has forced all opposition against her to Trump, then made him the underdog, then made him the American. It was the constant barrage of fake outrages and scandals that has given Trump his popularity. A popularity that the left seems intent on growing.
Gonna be here on the 8th and 9th of November for the Party? Or will you wait until Election Day on the 28th?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

So, you think there's a difference between rape and serial weiner pic sending than some locker room talk from long ago? In any event, I don't think conservatives are justifying it or denying that it isn't detrimental like libtards do when it comes to the Clintons. Are they supposed to just lay down and watch a globalist felon take the white house on some vague principle?
"rape"? Who committed rape? And where are their indictments and/or convictions? Are you withholding evidence?
a hypocrite is someone saying they never talked like trump did among their guy friends when you know they have......are you one?....

I'm willing to pay for MY sins......Trump, on the other hand, while running for president, has just met his demise for HIS sins..
yea for doing something that billions of men the world over are guilty of doing at least 1 time in their lives..
Sexually assaulting women? No wonder we have a problem!
quit making things up bo....talking shit about woman aint assaulting them.....
Oh really? So you don't know what the Drumpfster said? He admitted to sexually assaulting women, grabbing them in the p****. That's sexual assault.
thats not what i was talking about was it?....
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I knew you weren't a Trump fan all along...this OP is a FRAUD same as you are. Comparing Trump to a rapist and a pervert is all we need to know about an ex-con like you.
Awwww...another broken hearted Drumpfster....:itsok:
Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.

"Locker room banter"????? By a 60 year old just recently married????
Try something else......LOL
I've heard worse from guys older than Trump was at the time. Furthermore, how many 60 year old guys have women crawling all over them? By that age, most of them have been married to the same frumpy housewife for 30 years.
Look at the Drumpfster waving his misogyny flag for us.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
Did you notice how all the leftwing douche bags love your OP? That just goes to show that you are no conservative. You chime in to support leftwing causes 90% of the time in this forum.

Why don't you and Fakey quit pretending? Who do you think you're fooling?
90% of the time?

If that's the case you should have no trouble shuffling those fat digits of yours to provide some proof to back up your assertion.

Pro tip: not liking Trump is not a leftist position.

This thread is all the proof needed. A real Republican would be supporting Trump. You're a faux Republican leftwing douche bag.
"A real Republican would be supporting Drumpf" Ah, so you admit a "real Republican" would be supporting a self-avowed sexual assaulter. Ok. No surprises here.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.
The funniest thing is lefties are saying Trump was condoning assault on women. Like you're supposed to ask a woman if it's OK to grab her crotch, othwise it's assault.
When I was in college, I went to a party hosted by some nurses. One of the nurses had to do something that required her to bend over. When she did, some guy who was in medical school came up behind her and dry humped her in the ass. She was perfectly delighted with his behavior.

What that shows is that certain men can get away with doing whatever they want with women. The only thing Trump did is note behavior that all men have observed with their own eyes. Of course, it's a fact that left wing ideology refuses to acknowledge.
"she was perfectly delighted with his behavior".....gee, even assuming your story was true on its face-value (which I don't believe for a moment) have now lumped all women everywhere in that same catagory.

You are the Classic Drumpster. He's a perfect match for you.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Here is the difference. Wiener and Trump did not obstruct Justice to cover up what they did and said.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

FYI, we never touched Weiner, the Dems did that
You get my point. I know you're not as stupid as people like bripat
Donald Trump said some extremely crude things about women...11 YEARS AGO...I am not giving him a pass on it. It's not acceptable.

Liberals; however, are demonizing him for it while elevating 'hypocrisy'.

Nancy Pelosi ACTUALLY came out and declared that 'Bill Clinton's Rapes Are In The Past So There is NO Concern There'.

So Democrats have acknowledged Bill Clinton raped women for decades...and just want to sweep that under the rug and say 'no harm, no foul' while declaring what Trump SAID over a decade ago makes him unfit to be President.

Sorry, but you can't get any more hypocritical....and criminally, enablingly SICK...than THAT!
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No, I'm not giving him a pass, even though most every person alive has made similar comments, I place more weight on ACTIONS over words.

Yes, well, if you can find any actions of Trump's that we can claim as a high ground, please be so good as to identify them. 'Cause God knows, all I ever hear from his worshippers - aside from "But Hillary . . . !" is "Trump said . . .", "Trump promises . . .", etc.

He hasn't promised to violate the Constitution like the hildabitch has. She has promised to ignore the law from day one just like maobama has, in fact she promised to double down on it.
Yaw.....he's only promised to put her in jail (forget the Constitutional procedures of Judicial Law), discriminate against Muslims based on their religion (forget the 1st Amendment) and muzzle the Press (1st Amendment again)....noooooooooooo, no violations of the Constitution promised there.....:rolleyes:
Here is the difference. Wiener and Trump did not obstruct Justice to cover up what they did and said.
At least Trump apologized.

Have Bill and Hillary apologized to all the women he assaulted, harassed, and raped and who she demonized and threatened? libs let me know when they do.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Here is the difference. Wiener and Trump did not obstruct Justice to cover up what they did and said.
No the difference is I have two daughters. I thought them to avoid dicks that acted like that. Has nothing to do with politics. Being rich or powerful does not entitle you to treat my girls as a plaything and that's exactly how Trump behaves.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Your own judgement is all over the board...literally. All anybody here looks for is consistency and you ain't consistent.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Sooo ... other people determine your political affiliation? I doubt that. You are doing a great job all by yourself.

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