My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites


Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Excellent! Vote Jill Stein! She only has public positions and doesn't say different things behind closed doors or in private speeches to Goldman/Sachs.

Yeah, but I'd rather open a vein than live in the world according to Jill Stein, so that's a bit of a sticking point.

Yeah, you'd rather support a liar who has no moral center. You're not someone whose opinion I think I'll value.
Apparently...actually are a Drumpfster. You can't read very well, low education. Because if you'd had even a 10th grade education, you would have comprehended that Cecilie VERY CLEARLY said she isn't supporting any of the choices.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Sooo ... other people determine your political affiliation? I doubt that. You are doing a great job all by yourself.
I have never voted for a democrat for national office. As in ever. But the DUMBFUCKS on this board label me a leftie because I think Trump is an ass.
That's makes them pretty god damn stupid in my book.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I remember boedicca banging the fauxrage drum during all of that :eusa_whistle:
I have stated that Hillarys actions as it pertains to her Husbands escapades calls into question her objectivity and ability to make sound rational decisions or her ability to exercise good judgment. But the loons on here think I'm a leftie because I don't have a Trump brown nose. Fuck Hillary & Trump.
They are both despicable imo
Donald Trump said some extremely crude things about women...11 YEARS AGO...I am not giving him a pass on it. It's not acceptable.

Liberals; however, are demonizing him for it while elevating 'hypocrisy'.

Nancy Pelosi ACTUALLY came out and declared that 'Bill Clinton's Rapes Are In The Past So There is NO Concern There'.

So Democrats have acknowledged Bill Clinton raped women for decades...and just want to sweep that under the rug and say 'no harm, no foul' while declaring what Trump SAID over a decade ago makes him unfit to be President.

Sorry, but you can't get any more hypocritical....and criminally, enablingly SICK...than THAT!
Link that Nancy Pelosi quote please......
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Sooo ... other people determine your political affiliation? I doubt that. You are doing a great job all by yourself.
I have never voted for a democrat for national office. As in ever. But the DUMBFUCKS on this board label me a leftie because I think Trump is an ass.
That's makes them pretty god damn stupid in my book.

Well, Trump is an ass. But since you voted for Nixon, how is this any different?
Yaw.....he's only promised to put her in jail (forget the Constitutional procedures of Judicial Law), ....noooooooooooo, no violations of the Constitution promised there.....
Why do liberals have to LIE and create FALSE narratives? Oh yeah, so they can have something to rail against!

What was the 1st thing Trump said? The thing Liberals repeating this propaganda BS are deliberately refusing to mention......


THIS should have been done from the very start....IF 'you' wanted actual non-partisan justice meted out. That is NOT what Hillary wanted, that is not what Barry wanted, and that is NOT what Loretta lynch wanted, though!

Throughout the entire process we have seen violations of law, rules, regulations, processes...perjury has been exposed, crimes have been revealed yet ignored, evidence destroyed, and anything BUT 'justice' happening. Comey HIMSELF stated under oath Hillary lied / perjured herself

...but let's forget about all that now. Let's focus on what Trump said.

Trump did not say he was going to violate the Constitution or the Rule of Law. He said he was going to FOLLOW THEM (unlike Hillary and Barry) by hiring a Special Prosecutor. And based on everything we have seen he believes an INDEPENDENT prosecutor will find enough evidence to indict her. At that point he will have her prosecuted to the full extent of the law and will put her in JAIL.

...but you desperate Libs keep on pushing the LIE that Trump said he was going to order Hillary jailed as soon as he becomes President.

The reason him hiring an INDEPENDENT prosecutor scares the crap out of Hillary...and all you because you KNOW that a NON-Partisan, INDEPENDENT council / prosecutor would already have had Hillary indicted and charged with her crimes.

Hillary has an all-new motivation to win...and do everything in her power to do so, legally or NOT - and that's to keep her ass out of jail.
Yaw.....he's only promised to put her in jail (forget the Constitutional procedures of Judicial Law), ....noooooooooooo, no violations of the Constitution promised there.....
Why do liberals have to LIE and create FALSE narratives? Oh yeah, so they can have something to rail against!

What was the 1st thing Trump said? The thing Liberals repeating this propaganda BS are deliberately refusing to mention......


THIS should have been done from the very start....IF 'you' wanted actual non-partisan justice meted out. That is NOT what Hillary wanted, that is not what Barry wanted, and that is NOT what Loretta lynch wanted, though!

Throughout the entire process we have seen violations of law, rules, regulations, processes...perjury has been exposed, crimes have been revealed yet ignored, evidence destroyed, and anything BUT 'justice' happening. Comey HIMSELF stated under oath Hillary lied / perjured herself

...but let's forget about all that now. Let's focus on what Trump said.

Trump did not say he was going to violate the Constitution or the Rule of Law. He said he was going to FOLLOW THEM (unlike Hillary and Barry) by hiring a Special Prosecutor. And based on everything we have seen he believes an INDEPENDENT prosecutor will find enough evidence to indict her. At that point he will have her prosecuted to the full extent of the law and will put her in JAIL.

...but you desperate Libs keep on pushing the LIE that Trump said he was going to order Hillary jailed as soon as he becomes President.

The reason him hiring an INDEPENDENT prosecutor scares the crap out of Hillary...and all you because you KNOW that a NON-Partisan, INDEPENDENT council / prosecutor would already have had Hillary indicted and charged with her crimes.

Hillary has an all-new motivation to win...and do everything in her power to do so, legally or NOT - and that's to keep her ass out of jail.
Link that Pelosi quote, please.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Sooo ... other people determine your political affiliation? I doubt that. You are doing a great job all by yourself.
I have never voted for a democrat for national office. As in ever. But the DUMBFUCKS on this board label me a leftie because I think Trump is an ass.
That's makes them pretty god damn stupid in my book.
Welcome to the club.
Link that Nancy Pelosi quote please......
Nancy Pelosi Assures Us Bill Clinton’s Rapes Are In The Past And Not An Issue

Pelosi continues to answer that Bill Clinton is not on the ballot and the election is not about the past - it's in the future, so what Clinton did is irrelevant.

Like many ignorant Libs on this board, her argument is that Hillary could have raped Nancy Reagan on the steps of the WH on TV years ago and it would be ok because he's not on the 2016 ballot.
Trump settled his attempted rape case about the same time Bill Clinton was being accused of sexually assaulting women. This explains why The Donald came to Bill's defense back then, going on TV to call Bill's accusers ugly and losers.

Birds of a feather flock together, you see.

Now Donald is acting all schizo. His predatory behavior and sexual assaults on women are becoming public again, and he's trying to throw his buddy Bill under the Access Hollywood bus with him.
Donald Trump said some extremely crude things about women...11 YEARS AGO...I am not giving him a pass on it. It's not acceptable.

Liberals; however, are demonizing him for it while elevating 'hypocrisy'.

Nancy Pelosi ACTUALLY came out and declared that 'Bill Clinton's Rapes Are In The Past So There is NO Concern There'.

So Democrats have acknowledged Bill Clinton raped women for decades...and just want to sweep that under the rug and say 'no harm, no foul' while declaring what Trump SAID over a decade ago makes him unfit to be President.

Sorry, but you can't get any more hypocritical....and criminally, enablingly SICK...than THAT!
Link that Pelosi quote please, easyt65 ,
Link that Nancy Pelosi quote please......
Nancy Pelosi Assures Us Bill Clinton’s Rapes Are In The Past And Not An Issue

Pelosi continues to answer that Bill Clinton is not on the ballot and the election is not about the past - it's in the future, so what Clinton did is irrelevant.

Like many ignorant Libs on this board, her argument is that Hillary could have raped Nancy Reagan on the steps of the WH on TV years ago and it would be ok because he's not on the 2016 ballot. lied....Pelosi didn't say that BIll Clinton raped's the title of the online article you linked......:lol: Typical Drumpfster.....lies, lies, and more lies.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Sooo ... other people determine your political affiliation? I doubt that. You are doing a great job all by yourself.
I have never voted for a democrat for national office. As in ever. But the DUMBFUCKS on this board label me a leftie because I think Trump is an ass.
That's makes them pretty god damn stupid in my book.
Welcome to the club.

If Ted Cruz were running for POTUS as a Republican, and Donald Trump were running for POTUS as a Democrat....who would you vote for?

(this is only 'sort of' a trick question) lied....Pelosi didn't say that BIll Clinton raped's the title of the online article you linked......:lol: Typical Drumpfster.....lies, lies, and more lies.
She acknowledged the fact that Clinton raped women. She argued that this was in the past, that since he is not on the ballot what he did in the past does not matter.

If someone asks you about something that did not happen, almost everyone on the planet speaks up and says, 'That did not happen'. Pelosi did not do that - she did not contest the fact that Bill Clinton raped women. Instead, as pointed out, she argued it doesn't matter because he's not on the ballot.
The same people who were convinced Bill Clinton was telling the truth when he said, 'I did not have sex with that woman', are positive now that Bill Clinton did not rape those women and Hillary did not demonize them...because Bill Clinton says so.

The same people who are convinced Bill Clinton did not rape those women are the same people who completely believed Barry when he told them 1) The ACA will not cost a dime, 2) It will pay for itself, & 3) If you like your plan you can keep your plan.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I remember boedicca banging the fauxrage drum during all of that :eusa_whistle:
I have stated that Hillarys actions as it pertains to her Husbands escapades calls into question her objectivity and ability to make sound rational decisions or her ability to exercise good judgment. But the loons on here think I'm a leftie because I don't have a Trump brown nose. Fuck Hillary & Trump.
They are both despicable imo
Who are you and how did you get Grampa Murked U's password?!!!
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Your own judgement is all over the board...literally. All anybody here looks for is consistency and you ain't consistent.
There is no inconsistency. I don't like Trump. I can't stand democrats. Where's the disconnect? I have MANY YEARS of posts on this site and I have been nothing but critical of leftist ideology. You're just pissed because I don't support Trump.

Tough shit

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