My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites

We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I remember boedicca banging the fauxrage drum during all of that :eusa_whistle:
I have stated that Hillarys actions as it pertains to her Husbands escapades calls into question her objectivity and ability to make sound rational decisions or her ability to exercise good judgment. But the loons on here think I'm a leftie because I don't have a Trump brown nose. Fuck Hillary & Trump.
They are both despicable imo
Who are you and how did you get Grampa Murked U's password?!!!
Go eat your bon bons and let the adults talk
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Your own judgement is all over the board...literally. All anybody here looks for is consistency and you ain't consistent.
There is no inconsistency. I don't like Trump. I can't stand democrats. Where's the disconnect? I have MANY YEARS of posts on this site and I have been nothing but critical of leftist ideology. You're just pissed because I don't support Trump.

Tough shit

Tough shit for who? It's either Trump or the can't have it both ways.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

THANK YOU for your honesty and sense of morality, Grampa.....Places you WELL above the hypocrites right wingers......I knew there had to be some fair-minded republicans out here.....

ROFLMFAO , this coming form a person who has called men, dick face and limp dick heads on this very board. You just shot the shit our of your credibility, AGAIN!
Is Nat running for President? Cause I'm not voting for him.

Just pointing out hypocrisy. lied....Pelosi didn't say that BIll Clinton raped's the title of the online article you linked......:lol: Typical Drumpfster.....lies, lies, and more lies.
She acknowledged the fact that Clinton raped women. She argued that this was in the past, that since he is not on the ballot what he did in the past does not matter.

If someone asks you about something that did not happen, almost everyone on the planet speaks up and says, 'That did not happen'. Pelosi did not do that - she did not contest the fact that Bill Clinton raped women. Instead, as pointed out, she argued it doesn't matter because he's not on the ballot.
She did not...the title of the article does.....keep in mind....I actually listened to her.....did you?
The same people who were convinced Bill Clinton was telling the truth when he said, 'I did not have sex with that woman', are positive now that Bill Clinton did not rape those women and Hillary did not demonize them...because Bill Clinton says so.

The same people who are convinced Bill Clinton did not rape those women are the same people who completely believed Barry when he told them 1) The ACA will not cost a dime, 2) It will pay for itself, & 3) If you like your plan you can keep your plan.
He did lie there...or at least played semantics with the definition of "sexual relations" one is arguing that.

But now YOU are playing semantics with the word "rape"? The RW having issues with the "rape issue" again? Quelle surprise.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

THANK YOU for your honesty and sense of morality, Grampa.....Places you WELL above the hypocrites right wingers......I knew there had to be some fair-minded republicans out here.....

ROFLMFAO , this coming form a person who has called men, dick face and limp dick heads on this very board. You just shot the shit our of your credibility, AGAIN!
Is Nat running for President? Cause I'm not voting for him.

Just pointing out hypocrisy.
How is it hypocrisy if Nat isn't even considering running for President? think that posters here have all the qualifications to run for President?
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Your own judgement is all over the board...literally. All anybody here looks for is consistency and you ain't consistent.
There is no inconsistency. I don't like Trump. I can't stand democrats. Where's the disconnect? I have MANY YEARS of posts on this site and I have been nothing but critical of leftist ideology. You're just pissed because I don't support Trump.

Tough shit
Gramps....what you are seeing and arguing against is the Binary View of things. It's "either this or it's that" think.
I think it's funny how MY political affiliation only changes when you all say so. Someone will thank me on a pro right thread then condemn me as a leftie in another.

Some of the worst character judgment I have ever seen.

Your own judgement is all over the board...literally. All anybody here looks for is consistency and you ain't consistent.
There is no inconsistency. I don't like Trump. I can't stand democrats. Where's the disconnect? I have MANY YEARS of posts on this site and I have been nothing but critical of leftist ideology. You're just pissed because I don't support Trump.

Tough shit

Tough shit for who? It's either Trump or the can't have it both ways.
See? Binary Thinking.
She did not...the title of the article does.....keep in mind....I actually listened to her.....did you?
She repeatedly stated Bill Clinton is nor running for President and argued the election is about the future not the past....

....but when Liberals declare that what Trump SAID over a decade ago while arguing the decades of criminal sexual predatory behavior of bill Clinton does not matter because that's in the past or even because he is not running for office, that's the ULTIMATE BS HYPOCRISY!

"Bill Clinton is a rapist, and his wife enabled him, and that's not what we need in the White House. She allowed it to happen, she tore down the women that accused him of rape ... We need someone who is going to stand up for women in this country, not tear them down."
-- Tammy Wilson

Bill Clinton 'rape' hecklers interrupt rallies after Alex Jones' offer
She did not...the title of the article does.....keep in mind....I actually listened to her.....did you?
She repeatedly stated Bill Clinton is nor running for President and argued the election is about the future not the past....

....but when Liberals declare that what Trump SAID over a decade ago while arguing the decades of criminal sexual predatory behavior of bill Clinton does not matter because that's in the past or even because he is not running for office, that's the ULTIMATE BS HYPOCRISY!

"Bill Clinton is a rapist, and his wife enabled him, and that's not what we need in the White House. She allowed it to happen, she tore down the women that accused him of rape ... We need someone who is going to stand up for women in this country, not tear them down."
-- Tammy Wilson

Bill Clinton 'rape' hecklers interrupt rallies after Alex Jones' offer
So...where did she say that Bill Clinton raped someone?
She did not...the title of the article does.....keep in mind....I actually listened to her.....did you?
She repeatedly stated Bill Clinton is nor running for President and argued the election is about the future not the past....

....but when Liberals declare that what Trump SAID over a decade ago while arguing the decades of criminal sexual predatory behavior of bill Clinton does not matter because that's in the past or even because he is not running for office, that's the ULTIMATE BS HYPOCRISY!

"Bill Clinton is a rapist, and his wife enabled him, and that's not what we need in the White House. She allowed it to happen, she tore down the women that accused him of rape ... We need someone who is going to stand up for women in this country, not tear them down."
-- Tammy Wilson

Bill Clinton 'rape' hecklers interrupt rallies after Alex Jones' offer
Furthermore, about Tammy Wilson, who the heck it that? Oh, yes....someone who got paid by Infowars, that's who: Bill Clinton 'rape' hecklers interrupt rallies after Alex Jones' offer
He did lie there...or at least played semantics with the definition of "sexual relations" one is arguing that.

But now YOU are playing semantics with the word "rape"? The RW having issues with the "rape issue" again? Quelle surprise.
I am not playing semantics with the word 'rape' at all - Libs are out-right declaring it did not happen.

When Bill was accused of having the fling with Lewinski the man denied it on world-wide TV, the Clintons and their surrogates began demonizing and attack Lewinski, and libs much like those on this board declared ' didn't happen'. In the end the libs got played, they were wrong, Bill was proven AGAIN to be a liar, and the Clintons / Democrats were proven again to be willing to attack, bully, lie about, and threaten the woman.

Paula Jones came forward - Bill denied it, the Clintons and their surrogates began attacking / bullying / threatening her, and in the end he had to buy her off to make it go away. ONCE AGAIN the same Clinton tactics were exposed: Denial, attacks, bullying, etc.... THE SAME THING THE OTHER WOMEN HAVE DESCRIBED!

Bill Clinton RAPED women, and I mean that in every criminal sense of the word. He has sexually ASSAULTED, sexually HARASSED, and RAPED women. He knows it. Hillary knows it. His Arkansas law enforcement body guards know it. Even YOU know it, though you and other libs like you will never say it.
He did lie there...or at least played semantics with the definition of "sexual relations" one is arguing that.

But now YOU are playing semantics with the word "rape"? The RW having issues with the "rape issue" again? Quelle surprise.
I am not playing semantics with the word 'rape' at all - Libs are out-right declaring it did not happen.

When Bill was accused of having the fling with Lewinski the man denied it on world-wide TV, the Clintons and their surrogates began demonizing and attack Lewinski, and libs much like those on this board declared ' didn't happen'. In the end the libs got played, they were wrong, Bill was proven AGAIN to be a liar, and the Clintons / Democrats were proven again to be willing to attack, bully, lie about, and threaten the woman.

Paula Jones came forward - Bill denied it, the Clintons and their surrogates began attacking / bullying / threatening her, and in the end he had to buy her off to make it go away. ONCE AGAIN the same Clinton tactics were exposed: Denial, attacks, bullying, etc.... THE SAME THING THE OTHER WOMEN HAVE DESCRIBED!

Bill Clinton RAPED women, and I mean that in every criminal sense of the word. He has sexually ASSAULTED, sexually HARASSED, and RAPED women. He knows it. Hillary knows it. His Arkansas law enforcement body guards know it. Even YOU know it, though you and other libs like you will never say it.
So...where are the charges for rape? Where are the convictions for rape? Why, if you know that Bill Clinton raped someone, you are not going to the Authorities with your EVIDENCE? Why not?
Furthermore, about Tammy Wilson, who the heck it that? Oh, yes....someone who got paid by Infowars, that's who: Bill Clinton 'rape' hecklers interrupt rallies after Alex Jones' offer
That was called 'Baiting the Liberal'. Tammy Wilson was just a protestor who showed up at a Clinton Rally. The article mentioned Alex Jones, trying to create another 'conspiracy theory', which you are trying to perpetuate.

'Sick Willy' is a RAPIST.
He is a LIAR!
Hillary is his ENABLER.
Furthermore, about Tammy Wilson, who the heck it that? Oh, yes....someone who got paid by Infowars, that's who: Bill Clinton 'rape' hecklers interrupt rallies after Alex Jones' offer
That was called 'Baiting the Liberal'. Tammy Wilson was just a protestor who showed up at a Clinton Rally. The article mentioned Alex Jones, trying to create another 'conspiracy theory', which you are trying to perpetuate.

'Sick Willy' is a RAPIST.
He is a LIAR!
Hillary is his ENABLER.
So you admit that the "rape" accusations are just "Baiting the Liberal"....

And have you gone to the Authorities yet with your evidence that Bill Clinton is a rapist? Or do you admit to lying about him for political reasons?

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