My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites

So you have a choice Gramps, vote for a corrupt old bitch who acknowledges she has different positions depending on the audience she is pandering to or vote for a guy who talked guy talk.

Both of them need to talk issues instead of this seeing who had what on who.

I for one am going to follow the Donald's advice.....
And if you believe in this country please do the same...

“Go and register,” Trump told supporters at a rally in Panama City, Florida, on Tuesday night. “Make sure you get out and vote, November 28. If you’ve already registered, request an absentee ballot today and vote!”
For Christ's sake it was a private conversation between two men. It was recorded and made public.
Where is the outrage on that fact? So now recording private conversations are fair game?
No, it was not a "private conversation" was part of an interview for Access Hollywood....with cameras and mic's and everything.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

You're right they did but the Progressive Left is not acting any better in this nonsense. The Progressive left defended Bill Clinton sexual past but now want to stone Donald John Trump for his stupidity.

Now the reality is Bill Clinton is not running for President, so let focus on if Hillary Clinton enabled her Husband ( Bill Clinton ) and if Hillary actions were the correct course of actions or should she have done what Ivana Trump did and divorce her worthless Husband instead?

The reality is Hillary Clinton stayed with her philandering husband knowing it would help her political career and one day help her bid for the Oval Office.
oh yeah, it's really helped her political an anchor around her neck! :lol:

So Bill Clinton has been an anchor around her neck?

Sure and I fart rainbows from my ass and piss gold from my dick!

She used her Husband and is using her Husband political career to further her career!

Most women would have dumped the loser after she caught him more than twice cheating on her!
So, you admit that Bill Clinton was a successful and popular President. Progress.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No...we aren't......clinton is a rapist multiple times over.......Trump is not. wienar was voted out of office by democrats.....

There are only two choices in this election....Trump or hilary....hilary is a criminal, Trump is crude and vulgar, of the two....crude and vulgar is better than a woman who couldn't keep her nose out of crime for the few years she had to wait to run for President......

We have a binary choice....Trump or hilary......we have to choose Trump because you don't reward a woman who sold her office as Secretary of State by making her President....
"clinton is a rapist multiple times over" Then provide us with the indictments and/or convictions.....or, give your evidence to the authorities and stop withholding it!
a hypocrite is someone saying they never talked like trump did among their guy friends when you know they have......are you one?....

I'm willing to pay for MY sins......Trump, on the other hand, while running for president, has just met his demise for HIS sins..
yea for doing something that billions of men the world over are guilty of doing at least 1 time in their lives..
Sexually assaulting women? No wonder we have a problem!

Hey guys, remember when Hillary was being underlying racist towards black people by calling them "superpredators".

Yup and I have posted about that on many occasions. The difference of course is that I am also holding Trump accountable for his mouth. Aka NOT being a hypocrite

Trump apologizes for his remarks, has Hillary ever apologized for what she said or did to those women she now says should be heard and believed? Talk about being a hypocrite, which you seem to think is a problem.

Did Hillary apologize to Paula Jones or Monica for getting a cigar pushed inside her va-jay-jay?

You think that Cigar wound up there against Monica's will?

Monica is a woman worthy of some disrespect...for good reason. As is Hillary.....Incompecunt.

"imcompecunt" Misogyny there, folks.
This is what you get when both parties nominate assholes. Look lets be honest about this Trump audio people of all political ideoloiges say things in private that someone would find offensive if it went public. Can anyone here honestly say if they had some of their private conversatons recorded you would never get caught saying something insulting or offensive to others?
Admitting to sexual assault is "something insulting or offensive"? I believe it's a bit more.
None of the above....

On election day I'm writing your name in and calling it a day knowing I tried
What, you're not voting for the pussy grabber, but instead you are going to write in a dirty ole cocksucker instead? LOL.
You pleading for her vote, dumbass?
Nope. Her mind is set on voting for you. Besides, I wouldn't want anything from that skank ho cumdumpster pig.
^^ thought libs frowned upon that kind of talk?
1. I would not vote for VOR
2. It wasn't the talk, it was the admission of sexual assault
"clinton is a rapist multiple times over" Then provide us with the indictments and/or convictions.....or, give your evidence to the authorities and stop withholding it!

Of all the sexual harassment charges against Bill Clinton, only one allegation was for "rape", and that was from Juanita Broaddrcik.......who NEVER pressed charges and refuted the allegation twice........

Yet, moronic right wingers have chosen to label Clinton a "rapist".........Desperation ???
"clinton is a rapist multiple times over" Then provide us with the indictments and/or convictions.....or, give your evidence to the authorities and stop withholding it!

Of all the sexual harassment charges against Bill Clinton, only one allegation was for "rape", and that was from Juanita Broaddrcik.......who NEVER pressed charges and refuted the allegation twice........

Yet, moronic right wingers have chosen to label Clinton a "rapist".........Desperation ???
You'd think they'd provide evidence to the authorities if they are so sure that Bill Clinton raped someone. No? They'd just rather spread false accusations, I guess. Another Deplorable trait.
a hypocrite is someone saying they never talked like trump did among their guy friends when you know they have......are you one?....

I'm willing to pay for MY sins......Trump, on the other hand, while running for president, has just met his demise for HIS sins..
yea for doing something that billions of men the world over are guilty of doing at least 1 time in their lives..
Sexually assaulting women? No wonder we have a problem!
quit making things up bo....talking shit about woman aint assaulting them.....
The left is up in arms about Trump's crud
So you have a choice Gramps, vote for a corrupt old bitch who acknowledges she has different positions depending on the audience she is pandering to or vote for a guy who talked guy talk.

Both of them need to talk issues instead of this seeing who had what on who.

^ This. 1,000 times, THIS.

Now I see what in your SIG pic. LOL!
usually I have SIG turned off to lessen scrolling.

It's a hoot, isn't it? :lol:
I see two hoots...

:lol: :lol:

Uh oh, better duck before some leftist comes along and screams "sexist"!
Because sexual assault is cool in your circles?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Actions speak louder than words... not literally of course...
a hypocrite is someone saying they never talked like trump did among their guy friends when you know they have......are you one?....

I'm willing to pay for MY sins......Trump, on the other hand, while running for president, has just met his demise for HIS sins..
yea for doing something that billions of men the world over are guilty of doing at least 1 time in their lives..
Sexually assaulting women? No wonder we have a problem!
quit making things up bo....talking shit about woman aint assaulting them.....
Oh really? So you don't know what the Drumpfster said? He admitted to sexually assaulting women, grabbing them in the p****. That's sexual assault.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

I see Gramps has alzheimers, again, and is pretending to be on the political right.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Bill Clinton broke the law -and should be in jail as far as I'm concerned. Or at least it should have gone to court, not the House and Senate. Anthony Weiner I didn't care about. That was pics between two adults. Trump? Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.
Except he claims to have actually done those things.
What did he claim to do that has you in such a hysterical hissy fit?
Oh, and let's not forget how YOU muslims treat women
You think a real Muslim would have that avatar? :rofl:

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