My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites

This is the very definition of selling your principles or selling out is it not?
We cannot let Hillary choose the next supreme court's justices. Trump has revealed some of his and their not bad. Anyone but Hillary, and they obviously with Clinton lowered the bar to an all time low.
"We cannot let Hillary choose the next Supreme Court Justices" picking Drumpf you just guaranteed she will.
Here is what most of those bitching forget about, and that is that we the people have allowed politics and politicians to become so VIscious, so nasty and so destructive that decent people will not subject themselves to this process! We built this, now stop bitching and vote. You really have two to choose from. Look at the democrats and the shit they have pulled on each other! Trump better be ready for whatever they can throw at him. I really feel sorry for protected little people like Matthew who have never heard the word pussy until the nasty Trump said it.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No, I'm not giving him a pass, even though most every person alive has made similar comments, I place more weight on ACTIONS over words.

Yes, well, if you can find any actions of Trump's that we can claim as a high ground, please be so good as to identify them. 'Cause God knows, all I ever hear from his worshippers - aside from "But Hillary . . . !" is "Trump said . . .", "Trump promises . . .", etc.

He hasn't promised to violate the Constitution like the hildabitch has. She has promised to ignore the law from day one just like maobama has, in fact she promised to double down on it.

Oh, boy, more "he said", "he said". Point proven.
I believe the first thing that happens --- far as I know, later that month --- is the Rump "University" fraud case goes to trial.

The one with that judge from Mexico, Indiana.

It will be eventually followed by a class action suit from many of the women he's assaulted. The dam has broken. The numerous women that Trump has molested know that they won't be standing alone, and that it's safe to testify now. Gloria Allred's phone has been ringing off the hook. She's the lawyer who handled the Cosby case, and she's openly advertised for Trump's victims to call her. Trump can't intimidate Allred, as she's used to dealing with high-powered blowhards.

Those are just civil cases. They'll give Trump a massive financial hit, and show how broke he is. Then there's the possible criminal cases. Tax evasion, racketeering, election law violations, collusion with the Russians, things like that. The Clinton administration will have to go slowly, though, so as not to look like they're seeking revenge, and may decide that politically, it's not worth the trouble to bring justice to the Trump-criminal.

That's why it's so foolish of Trump to attack Republicans. He needs them as protectors, to keep him out of jail.
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We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
So the centuries of Christian ethic against absolute moral deprivation doesn't count?

You are too easily fooled by the snakes.
Oh so everything Bill has said isn't dirty about women?

Friendly reminder: Bill is NOT running for president....For his sins he was impeached.....

You're delusional to think he wont stick his nose in it if Hillary wins. He's been campaigning and making speeches bashing obamacare like he's running for president too LOL
Typical Misogynist Rightie....thinking a woman cannot run for and be President in her own right.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
Trump's supporters have become everything they hate.

That's what hate does. It turns you into that which you hate.

Brilliant response. Now let's open up those can of worms on Hillary's morals when Trump has the mic at the debate.

Let us not open that can of worms it is a distraction and Trump would sound petty. We must not be distracted from the ONE issue that makes Trump the clear choice, SCOTUS nominations. They MUST NOT be made by Hillary, MUST NOT!!!

"and Drumpf would sound petty".....that ship has sailed.....:lol:
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No, I'm not giving him a pass, even though most every person alive has made similar comments, I place more weight on ACTIONS over words.

Honestly that stuff is PG compared to what other celebrity men have said. He's a straight man who gets excited over pretty women. What's new with that.

If he'd been talking about grabbing men's balls he'd have taken the leftist girly man vote
Funny thing is....if Drumpf had said the same thing about grabbing men by the ball sack because he's a star, all the Rightwing men here would be totally outraged...instead of excusing it as "locker room talk".

Hey guys, remember when Hillary was being underlying racist towards black people by calling them "superpredators".

Yup and I have posted about that on many occasions. The difference of course is that I am also holding Trump accountable for his mouth. Aka NOT being a hypocrite

Trump apologizes for his remarks, has Hillary ever apologized for what she said or did to those women she now says should be heard and believed? Talk about being a hypocrite, which you seem to think is a problem.

Did Hillary apologize to Paula Jones or Monica for getting a cigar pushed inside her va-jay-jay?

Was Randy Bill's actions with Monica Lewinsky consensual?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

THANK YOU for your honesty and sense of morality, Grampa.....Places you WELL above the hypocrites right wingers......I knew there had to be some fair-minded republicans out here.....

ROFLMFAO , this coming form a person who has called men, dick face and limp dick heads on this very board. You just shot the shit our of your credibility, AGAIN!
Is Nat running for President? Cause I'm not voting for him.

Hey guys, remember when Hillary was being underlying racist towards black people by calling them "superpredators".

QUICK .....spin it any possible way you can....the wound is hemorrhaging .....LOL

Trump's support went up 2 percent after the video saying he will be a better man after this. :2up:

Turn on the news bud. Dozens & dozens of FORMER SUPPORTERS are scattering like roaches when the lights come on. Senators, congressmen, governors etc.....

Trump is a walking Gaff machine

And this is who they nominated....:lol:

Hey guys, remember when Hillary was being underlying racist towards black people by calling them "superpredators".

QUICK .....spin it any possible way you can....the wound is hemorrhaging .....LOL

Trump's support went up 2 percent after the video saying he will be a better man after this. :2up:

Turn on the news bud. Dozens & dozens of FORMER SUPPORTERS are scattering like roaches when the lights come on. Senators, congressmen, governors etc.....

Trump is a walking Gaff machine

Hillary is a lying corrupt bitch who will open the borders, give you four more years of Obama and fill SCOTUS with liberals. But keep on wailing about man talk.

Gonna be here on the 8th and 9th of November?
Consensual or not it's pretty unethical for a president to stick a cigar inside a woman's va-jay-jay. Not to mention manipulate her into a sex toy as what he did with Monica. Inside the oval office of all places.

....AND he was the second EVER president impeached for his sins......Bill ain't running....
Next LAME attempt to defend the pig?

Oh but he's technically running with his wife Crooked Hillary. You're either delusional or stupid if you think Bill isn't running too.
"he's technically running with his wife".....typical misogynist Deplorable. Bill Clinton cannot run for President anymore, he won both terms he's allowed to. But keep on showing us that you don't believe "the Little Woman" can stand on her own. I guess Margaret Thatcher wasn't really a stand-alone Prime Minister either, eh? Needed her husband to really run things?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
Bill and Tony transgressed while on active duty. Donald was a private a billionaire lifestyle. He was wrong. But we have abandoned any sense of morality...control over sexual urges...the constant fight with temptation the nuns taught us about back in the fourties. Carpet munching and butt fucking are honored practices now. God is dead to many...especially Libtards. conclusion, deltex goes all in on a self-avowed sexual assaulter.
Trump's support from Independents had been dropping like a rock. This newest deal may vaporize any Independent support Trump may have left. Also, GOP moderates are bailing too. It is apparent the dedicated Trumpsters will be the only ones left living in their hypocritical little world.
Well, it's all rigged, you know. :tinfoil:
"he's technically running with his wife".....typical misogynist Deplorable. Bill Clinton cannot run for President anymore, he won both terms he's allowed to. But keep on showing us that you don't believe "the Little Woman" can stand on her own. I guess Margaret Thatcher wasn't really a stand-alone Prime Minister either, eh? Needed her husband to really run things?

For right wingers, hard as they try to mask their misogyny, somehow it ALWAYS comes through that thin facade.

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