My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites

We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
Did you notice how all the leftwing douche bags love your OP? That just goes to show that you are no conservative. You chime in to support leftwing causes 90% of the time in this forum.

Why don't you and Fakey quit pretending? Who do you think you're fooling?
90% of the time?

If that's the case you should have no trouble shuffling those fat digits of yours to provide some proof to back up your assertion.

Pro tip: not liking Trump is not a leftist position.

This thread is all the proof needed. A real Republican would be supporting Trump. You're a faux Republican leftwing douche bag.
The funniest thing is lefties are saying Trump was condoning assault on women. Like you're supposed to ask a woman if it's OK to grab her crotch, othwise it's assault.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.
Did you notice how all the leftwing douche bags love your OP? That just goes to show that you are no conservative. You chime in to support leftwing causes 90% of the time in this forum.

Why don't you and Fakey quit pretending? Who do you think you're fooling?
90% of the time?

If that's the case you should have no trouble shuffling those fat digits of yours to provide some proof to back up your assertion.

Pro tip: not liking Trump is not a leftist position.

This thread is all the proof needed. A real Republican would be supporting Trump. You're a faux Republican leftwing douche bag.
You gave up looking for proof so quickly fatso. Typical lazy fat bastard
I've heard worse from guys older than Trump was at the time. Furthermore, how many 60 year old guys have women crawling all over them? By that age, most of them have been married to the same frumpy housewife for 30 years.

The frumpy, 50 pounds overweight wife the poor bastard has to slam Viagra and think about a stripper to have relations with her.
The funniest thing is lefties are saying Trump was condoning assault on women. Like you're supposed to ask a woman if it's OK to grab her crotch, othwise it's assault.
When I was in college, I went to a party hosted by some nurses. One of the nurses had to do something that required her to bend over. When she did, some guy who was in medical school came up behind her and dry humped her in the ass. She was perfectly delighted with his behavior.

What that shows is that certain men can get away with doing whatever they want with women. The only thing Trump did is note behavior that all men have observed with their own eyes. Of course, it's a fact that left wing ideology refuses to acknowledge.
When I ever used the phrase "family values?"

Your fucking party RUNS all issues based on "family values".....Go take a nap.

I'm not the Republican Party. The only thing I have to say about the issue is that government shouldn't try to undermine the values parents want to instill in their children, but that's exactly what the left wants. I don't expect politicians to be pure as the driven snow.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No, I'm not giving him a pass, even though most every person alive has made similar comments, I place more weight on ACTIONS over words.

Yes, well, if you can find any actions of Trump's that we can claim as a high ground, please be so good as to identify them. 'Cause God knows, all I ever hear from his worshippers - aside from "But Hillary . . . !" is "Trump said . . .", "Trump promises . . .", etc.

He hasn't promised to violate the Constitution like the hildabitch has. She has promised to ignore the law from day one just like maobama has, in fact she promised to double down on it.
nat4900 Damn, you only had a funny because you don't want to own a third term of Obama.

Actually, I "had a funny" for you because it should be fairly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that were it possible for Obama to run, he would win in a landslide against these current 2 candidates.
Check out Obama's approval ratings.......
nat4900 Damn, you only had a funny because you don't want to own a third term of Obama.

Actually, I "had a funny" for you because it should be fairly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that were it possible for Obama to run, he would win in a landslide against these current 2 candidates.
Check out Obama's approval ratings.......

Obama has lameduck I saw the guy on Sports Center ratings; that doesn't matter for sh**.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Excellent! Vote Jill Stein! She only has public positions and doesn't say different things behind closed doors or in private speeches to Goldman/Sachs.

Yeah, but I'd rather open a vein than live in the world according to Jill Stein, so that's a bit of a sticking point.

Yeah, you'd rather support a liar who has no moral center. You're not someone whose opinion I think I'll value.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Excellent! Vote Jill Stein! She only has public positions and doesn't say different things behind closed doors or in private speeches to Goldman/Sachs.

Yeah, but I'd rather open a vein than live in the world according to Jill Stein, so that's a bit of a sticking point.

Yeah, you'd rather support a liar who has no moral center. You're not someone whose opinion I think I'll value.

Remind me to pencil in some time later this week to not give a shit about the assumptions and projections of a three-toothed, fanatical cretin hyping Donald Trump as a serious candidate for the Presidency.
This is the very definition of selling your principles or selling out is it not?
So what should we do vote for Hillary and move Bill back into the WH?

I don't think there is a universal right answer to this. We have, unfortunately, been marooned in a no-win situation by every person who SHOULD have been offering us the rescue of some sort of viable candidate. It's pretty much every man and his conscience for himself at this point. The best we can hope for - and it's not likely - is that we can AT LEAST try to understand, tolerate, and not judge the choices made by others.

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