My fellow righties, you're being massive hypocrites

We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Bill Clinton broke the law -and should be in jail as far as I'm concerned. Or at least it should have gone to court, not the House and Senate. Anthony Weiner I didn't care about. That was pics between two adults. Trump? Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.
Except he claims to have actually done those things.
What did he claim to do that has you in such a hysterical hissy fit?
Oh, and let's not forget how YOU muslims treat women
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Bill Clinton broke the law -and should be in jail as far as I'm concerned. Or at least it should have gone to court, not the House and Senate. Anthony Weiner I didn't care about. That was pics between two adults. Trump? Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.
Except he claims to have actually done those things.
What did he claim to do that has you in such a hysterical hissy fit?
Oh, and let's not forget how YOU muslims treat women
I'm obviously not a Muslim, you ignorant jackass.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.
Oh so everything Bill has said isn't dirty about women?

Friendly reminder: Bill is NOT running for president....For his sins he was impeached.....

You're delusional to think he wont stick his nose in it if Hillary wins. He's been campaigning and making speeches bashing obamacare like he's running for president too LOL

I seem to remember back when Billy Boy was campaigning, they proudly informed us that they were a "two for one" deal, like this was some fantastic bargain we should all be excited about.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Bill Clinton broke the law -and should be in jail as far as I'm concerned. Or at least it should have gone to court, not the House and Senate. Anthony Weiner I didn't care about. That was pics between two adults. Trump? Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.
Except he claims to have actually done those things. Combine that with PREVIOUS accusations and where does that lead you?

What difference does it make? Did he kill 4 men at Benghazi, or are you just another NeverTrump idiot that will sell this country down the drain...Oh. I forget. an ex felon can't usually vote...did you move to Virginia. to get your vote back?

Felon Voting Rights by State - Exoffenders

Congratulations. now vote for the bitch!!!!

Doubling down on hostility and bullying is a GREAT plan. You Trumpette cultists stick with that. :clap2:

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Me suspects you wouldn't find anyone to vote for. Male or female

Did you just have a mini-stroke? What the hell is wrong with your grammar all of a sudden?

For the record, chica, (not that it's any of your fucking business) I have voted in every single election since I was 18. This is the first time in my life that the United States has proven so suicidally self-destructive that it cannot produce a single candidate from ANY party appearing on my state's ballot who cannot be construed as a good choice.

Do not try to project this debacle off onto some sort of problem with ME being too finicky.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Me suspects you wouldn't find anyone to vote for. Male or female

Did you just have a mini-stroke? What the hell is wrong with your grammar all of a sudden?

For the record, chica, (not that it's any of your fucking business) I have voted in every single election since I was 18. This is the first time in my life that the United States has proven so suicidally self-destructive that it cannot produce a single candidate from ANY party appearing on my state's ballot who cannot be construed as a good choice.

Do not try to project this debacle off onto some sort of problem with ME being too finicky.

Watch who you're calling "chicka" hag, you'll get a boot up your old ass.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Excellent! Vote Jill Stein! She only has public positions and doesn't say different things behind closed doors or in private speeches to Goldman/Sachs.
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

No, I'm not giving him a pass, even though most every person alive has made similar comments, I place more weight on ACTIONS over words.

Yes, well, if you can find any actions of Trump's that we can claim as a high ground, please be so good as to identify them. 'Cause God knows, all I ever hear from his worshippers - aside from "But Hillary . . . !" is "Trump said . . .", "Trump promises . . .", etc.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Me suspects you wouldn't find anyone to vote for. Male or female

Did you just have a mini-stroke? What the hell is wrong with your grammar all of a sudden?

For the record, chica, (not that it's any of your fucking business) I have voted in every single election since I was 18. This is the first time in my life that the United States has proven so suicidally self-destructive that it cannot produce a single candidate from ANY party appearing on my state's ballot who cannot be construed as a good choice.

Do not try to project this debacle off onto some sort of problem with ME being too finicky.

Watch who you're calling "chicka" hag, you'll get a boot up your old ass.

Classy. Your mom must have such a warm sense of satisfaction, knowing she raised a lady like you.

Gotta admire the consistency, though. Every time I think Trump has become as distasteful and off-putting as it's possible to be, his supporters always manage to outdo him.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Yes, and I wouldn't vote for any of THEM, either.

Excellent! Vote Jill Stein! She only has public positions and doesn't say different things behind closed doors or in private speeches to Goldman/Sachs.

Yeah, but I'd rather open a vein than live in the world according to Jill Stein, so that's a bit of a sticking point.
Every man and woman has made lewd comments referring to the opposite sex. The outrage the lastest example of the PC zealot culture.

And if I was looking for a drinking buddy, that might be a useful argument. Have we completely lost sight of the concept of "higher standard for office holders"? Cause if we're not even going to TRY, not even consider it something we SHOULD try for, we might as well just pick a name at random from the phone book.
And it's so funny that all the lefties that are expressing outrage on this board are the same people use the crudest language on here themselves

Yeah, and uh . . . none of us think we should be President of the United States. Have you noticed that little difference?
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

A complete pass? Really?
Not me. I'll vote for him because as of this moment he's still the best chance to beat Hillary Clinton. That's the only reason.

That's interesting, since the only reason I voted for Clinton in '92 was he was the best chance to get HW out of the office.

He delivered, but I really didn't expect anything more. And indeed I didn't get it.
That's what happens when you get a choice between Dumb and Dumber. It's not really a choice, it's "Paul Lynde to block".
We crucified Bill Clinton
We crucified Anthony Weiner

We are apparently giving Donald Trump a complete pass. We have relinquished any position of moral clarity or public image of taking the High Road.

Bill Clinton broke the law -and should be in jail as far as I'm concerned. Or at least it should have gone to court, not the House and Senate. Anthony Weiner I didn't care about. That was pics between two adults. Trump? Locker room banter. No issue there that I care about.
Except he claims to have actually done those things.
What did he claim to do that has you in such a hysterical hissy fit?
Oh, and let's not forget how YOU muslims treat women

Hey, nothing like taking a presumption, wrapping it up in a conflation between religion and culture, and delivering it via Blanket Generalization Express.

How's that tactic workin' out for ya?
The left might have just overplayed their hand. Hilly has forced all opposition against her to Trump, then made him the underdog, then made him the American. It was the constant barrage of fake outrages and scandals that has given Trump his popularity. A popularity that the left seems intent on growing.

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