My gawd what a hag!


Ol' Deadeye
Dec 19, 2013
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Goblin) Says Income Inequality ?Poses An Existential Threat To Our Nation? Like Slavery And WWII? | Weasel Zippers


Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is worth millions of dollars according to her congressional financial disclosure statement, says Congress needs to tackle income inequality because it “poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life.”

On the House floor last Wednesday DeLauro said, “Every generation of leaders in this institution has faced their own time of testing. Whether it’s an economic panic, Great Depression, slavery, Jim Crow, Civil War, World War, Cold War. There are times when our country is confronted with a crisis that poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life and Congress needs to stand up and act.”

“The test of our time is inequality,” DeLauro continued. “It’s not too much to say that inequality threatens the continued existence of the middle class in America and even the American Dream itself.”

Cracks me up all the self righteous liberal millionaires that demand income "equality". Fork over your millions ya hag. Put your money where your ugly ass pie hole is.
But she might have appoint...

85 richest people own as much as bottom half of population, report says -

The 85 richest people on Earth have the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the population, according to a new report that highlights growing income inequality as political and business leaders gather for the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Those wealthy individuals are a small part of the richest 1% of the population, which combined owns about 46% of global wealth, according to the report from British humanitarian group Oxfam International.

PHOTOS: Best and worst countries to grow old in

The study found the richest 1% had $110 trillion in wealth -- 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the population.
That bottom half of the population owned about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth. That's the same amount as owned by the 85 richest people, the report said.
The findings undermine democracy and make it more difficult to fight poverty, the report said.

Historically, when so few own so much dictatorships eventually take over as the elites distrust the average person and see no value in any sort of democratic process.
Nevermind her face....WTF is that jacket?????:eek:
Looks like someone threw together some old rugs and potholders together.
That is the ugliest piece of clothing I have seen in years.
But she might have appoint...

85 richest people own as much as bottom half of population, report says -

The 85 richest people on Earth have the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the population, according to a new report that highlights growing income inequality as political and business leaders gather for the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Those wealthy individuals are a small part of the richest 1% of the population, which combined owns about 46% of global wealth, according to the report from British humanitarian group Oxfam International.

PHOTOS: Best and worst countries to grow old in

The study found the richest 1% had $110 trillion in wealth -- 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the population.
That bottom half of the population owned about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth. That's the same amount as owned by the 85 richest people, the report said.
The findings undermine democracy and make it more difficult to fight poverty, the report said.

Historically, when so few own so much dictatorships eventually take over as the elites distrust the average person and see no value in any sort of democratic process.

The disparity started growing under Carter, got worse unber Bush II and even WORSE under obamy. My point is that the liberals CLAIM they want income equality but what they do suggest the otherwise.
The disparity began in 1932 when the Democrats took over both houses of Congress and ran them for 40 continuous years. That saw the largest concentration of wealth, in the hands of the elite, the world has ever seen.
Nevermind her face....WTF is that jacket?????:eek:
Looks like someone threw together some old rugs and potholders together.
That is the ugliest piece of clothing I have seen in years.

Kinda looks like a vintage Carole Little.
What does Jesus say about calling people "ugly" and "hags" because you disagree with their politics?

Are you asking everyone that agrees with LRN about this womans looks...or just LRN?
I will be polite and say she didn't age well and she needs a major makeover.
I thought it was Iggy Pop for a second...
Saw a few reports on the Fox shows tonight.
Income inequality has grown under the Obama regime...
Maybe a few trips to the places where Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer go might help.
But I'm sure the Secret Service have those under guard.
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I will be polite and say she didn't age well and she needs a major makeover.
She has always needed a major makeover.

She has had the same Gilligan haircut and worn the same ill-fitting clothes, that look like burlap bags with holes for her appendages cut out of them, for as long as I've been paying attention to congress.
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What does Jesus say about calling people "ugly" and "hags" because you disagree with their politics?

Nothing, but I don't think he would approve just as I am certain he would not approve of abortion.

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