My gawd what a hag!

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Goblin) Says Income Inequality ?Poses An Existential Threat To Our Nation? Like Slavery And WWII? | Weasel Zippers


Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is worth millions of dollars according to her congressional financial disclosure statement, says Congress needs to tackle income inequality because it “poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life.”

On the House floor last Wednesday DeLauro said, “Every generation of leaders in this institution has faced their own time of testing. Whether it’s an economic panic, Great Depression, slavery, Jim Crow, Civil War, World War, Cold War. There are times when our country is confronted with a crisis that poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life and Congress needs to stand up and act.”

“The test of our time is inequality,” DeLauro continued. “It’s not too much to say that inequality threatens the continued existence of the middle class in America and even the American Dream itself.”

Cracks me up all the self righteous liberal millionaires that demand income "equality". Fork over your millions ya hag. Put your money where your ugly ass pie hole is.

Where did you find that photo of RDEAN? :lol:
My God their's so much ugliness in this thread let's add some beauty.

The disparity began in 1932 when the Democrats took over both houses of Congress and ran them for 40 continuous years. That saw the largest concentration of wealth, in the hands of the elite, the world has ever seen.

That's completely false.

This "disparity" began when the country was formed and decided that a good number of Americans should be owned because of their skin color.
Nevermind her face....WTF is that jacket?????:eek:
Looks like someone threw together some old rugs and potholders together.
That is the ugliest piece of clothing I have seen in years.

Isn't it obvious...? The jacket is meant to distract from the face. And God knows with a face like that,the jacket has got to be absolutely hideous!
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Goblin) Says Income Inequality ?Poses An Existential Threat To Our Nation? Like Slavery And WWII? | Weasel Zippers


Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is worth millions of dollars according to her congressional financial disclosure statement, says Congress needs to tackle income inequality because it “poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life.”

On the House floor last Wednesday DeLauro said, “Every generation of leaders in this institution has faced their own time of testing. Whether it’s an economic panic, Great Depression, slavery, Jim Crow, Civil War, World War, Cold War. There are times when our country is confronted with a crisis that poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life and Congress needs to stand up and act.”

“The test of our time is inequality,” DeLauro continued. “It’s not too much to say that inequality threatens the continued existence of the middle class in America and even the American Dream itself.”

Cracks me up all the self righteous liberal millionaires that demand income "equality". Fork over your millions ya hag. Put your money where your ugly ass pie hole is.
Mike Jagger's missing sister. Typical 'limousine Liberal'.
Sure she's rich but no one could ever accuse her of making a buck 'pole-dancing'.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Goblin) Says Income Inequality ?Poses An Existential Threat To Our Nation? Like Slavery And WWII? | Weasel Zippers


Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is worth millions of dollars according to her congressional financial disclosure statement, says Congress needs to tackle income inequality because it “poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life.”

On the House floor last Wednesday DeLauro said, “Every generation of leaders in this institution has faced their own time of testing. Whether it’s an economic panic, Great Depression, slavery, Jim Crow, Civil War, World War, Cold War. There are times when our country is confronted with a crisis that poses an existential threat to our nation and our way of life and Congress needs to stand up and act.”

“The test of our time is inequality,” DeLauro continued. “It’s not too much to say that inequality threatens the continued existence of the middle class in America and even the American Dream itself.”

Cracks me up all the self righteous liberal millionaires that demand income "equality". Fork over your millions ya hag. Put your money where your ugly ass pie hole is.

She pays more in taxes than you make in 5 years.

Sounds like you got penis envy to me.
The disparity began in 1932 when the Democrats took over both houses of Congress and ran them for 40 continuous years. That saw the largest concentration of wealth, in the hands of the elite, the world has ever seen.

That's completely false.

This "disparity" began when the country was formed and decided that a good number of Americans should be owned because of their skin color.

You are a deflecting, racist POS! Period! :cool:
People who work, who invest what they make so as to grow their wealth are more rich than those at the bottom, the homeless, those who through mental disability or substance abuse life on the streets.

Well, yes. They are. Saying so is as shocking as that radio DJ who announced that someone had added hydrogen and oxygen to the water supply, thereby causing a panic over the poisoned water supply.
What she and her LIB friends can not get through their heads is humans have evolved to compete against each other. That may seem simplistic to LIBs but it remains a fact of human existence.
Any form of 'competition' in any area of life is an anathema to a LIB. They came from "Liberal Indoctrination Centers' whose teachers were Lib/Socialists/Marxists. They were inculcated to honestly believe "every one deserved that trophy". That "all men and women are created equal".....(not by a God though).
Some people are taller than others so they can do things short people can not. Some people from certain races generally score lower in IQ tests than other races.
Does any one on the planet believe any one other than an African will ever win Olympic gold in the marathon again?
What is the percentage of Blacks compared to Whites playing in the NBA/NFL?
To finish making an obvious point does anyone believe there's any way for 'Rosa' to be 'equal' in the 'looks' department to say Jackie Kennedy?
'Equality' does not exist in any form of life on the planet. Except in the minds of the delusional LIBs. 'Income equality' is no different.
You could randomly pick a thousand people off any street in any city and move them all to a peaceful prosperous little town where everyone had the exact same opportunities and within a couple of years there would be an 'inner city' with endemic violent crime and a quite peaceful secure part of the town where kids could ride their bikes.
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She'd likely look better after a botched face job.

Come to think of it she'd probably look like Kerry.

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