MY GOD this person

Both are too extreme left and their proposals, while noble, are un achievable
Extreme left! They're right centre in the rest of the world. But if achievability is the metric, the LOTUS did ok. Gutted the USSC, taxed the middle classes, declared open season on the environment, suppressed the vote. Achieved a lot.

Honestly, I truly cannot believe it. I know I have been saying for a while now how the tribulations are upon us.

I don't know how this is could possibly be real and yet? It is. This is her. These are them and they are still loud and proud.

We should probably realize they’re putting her on the world stage because they can no longer level out Joe’s meds the bait and switch is ready to happen 😏


You are one hateful little fool.


What bothers you more
That she's a woman or that she's a PoC?
Just asking.
Do you really think that cackling bitch didn’t just humiliate herself, and all you dumbasses who voted for her, on the world stage?

You really are that stupid, huh?
The humiliation is all yours.
I hope you are proud of what you have helped do.

That response to a very serious question is exactly what we have come to expect from her so I'm not mad, just embarrassed.

The above said I suspect the Ukrainians are too white and Christian to be admitted into the US given the clowns running the state department/administration. Goat-fuckers and Skinnies only need apply......Fast tracked to citizenship if they check both boxes.

Nothing else need be said.
Go to 28:00 if you want to watch the thing in context. She should not laugh at the long questions asked in multiple languages but big deal.

if you want to be critical she didn’t answer the plane swap deal at all. She skirted it.

Thanks for posting this to provide the full context.

Of course most of the commenters to this thread could never devote 30 minutes to a press conference full of substance and boring facts when there is right wing shock jock radio to listen to while trolling for Kamala bashing memes all over the internet.
Anyone have any theories as to how the left could possibly laugh in light of the utter disaster that every Democrat is outside of Tulsi Gabbard who they have all been instructed to reject?
Anyone have any theories as to how the left could possibly laugh in light of the utter disaster that every Democrat is outside of Tulsi Gabbard who they have all been instructed to reject?
Isn’t Tulsi defending Putin?
Trump is the best thing to happen to America.
There are positives with Trump regarding world peace, as compared to Biden. But that's not in America's interests. Pushing Russia further back and to the brink of nuclear war would have possibly not happened under a Trump regime.
people as dumb as you are incapable of grasping the concept of humiliation.
Not really my Tiny Minded genetic throwback.
I'm reasonably certain someone wanted to throw you back.
I enjoy humiliating you.


Enjoy watching you be humiliated by your own stupidity.
Name anyone who would make a better President and Vice President than Biden and Harris

Who ya got?

Trump? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Pence? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Cruz? :ack-1:
DeSantis? :eek::eek::eek:
Marjorie Taylor Greene? :puke:
Not really my Tiny Minded genetic throwback.
I'm reasonably certain someone wanted to throw you back.
I enjoy humiliating you.


Enjoy watching you be humiliated by your own stupidity.
Can you form a coherent thought?

You are one hateful little fool.


What bothers you more
That she's a woman or that she's a PoC?
Just asking.
What bothers us is she’s an unqualified idiot who got her position based solely on the fact that she was a BF (black female), and instead of leftists admitting what’s right in front them, they revert to the usual “raaaaaxist!” if anyone dares criticize her cluelessness and inappropriateness.

She is the poster child for what happens when you promote people based on the color of their skin and what type of pee-pee they have rather than on competence.
Not a Kamala fan, but four pages on how some one laughs! As apposed to the contents of the discussion in Poland???

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