MY GOD this person

Attorney General and US Senator

Much more qualified than Trump who never served his country
So what does that prove? She also is VP. Titles mean nothing, other than showing how a clueless idiot gets to high positions because….black.

If she were white and just as stupid, she’d be running the check-out lane at Target.
Not anymore. We were though:

Would our liberal press show people in foreign nations laughing at Biden?
But they are laughing at us cause ALL OF THIS has been a circus. A show. For a long time and I truly believe they don't care what idiots they make of themselves. Mainly due to their pathetic demented voting base who are nothing but trained circus fleas and they know it. Also, every bit of hype and sensational reporting insulates them and their movements cause the real leaders we never see have all but total control. Over speech, over thoughts. Yes, even thoughts and you aren't as marxist or as globalist or as committed to the new world order and the grand reset which will reduce the population by over 50 percent then you are an enemy. Period. Be ready for bill maher to eventually be dealt with if he doesn't shape up. Just watch.

This is how it's done.

We all ought to see the strings at the puppet show and really the time of debate is over. Long over. Pick a side and plead to Christ for mercy.

But they are laughing at us cause ALL OF THIS has been a circus. A show. For a long time and I truly believe they don't care what idiots they make of themselves. Mainly due to their pathetic demented voting base who are nothing but trained circus fleas and they know it. Also, every bit of hype and sensational reporting insulates them and their movements cause the real leaders we never see have all but total control. Over speech, over thoughts. Yes, even thoughts and you aren't as marxist or as globalist or as committed to the new world order and the grand reset which will reduce the population by over 50 percent then you are an enemy. Period. Be ready for bill maher to eventually be dealt with if he doesn't shape up. Just watch.

This is how it's done.

We all ought to see the strings at the puppet show and really the time of debate is over. Long over. Pick a side and plead to Christ for mercy.

Americans are accepting censorship like a pack of sheep. The brainwashed young think hate speech should be illegal. Our great experiment in a representative democracy is most likely over. It has failed.
What bothers us is she’s an unqualified idiot who got her position based solely on the fact that she was a BF (black female), and instead of leftists admitting what’s right in front them, they revert to the usual “raaaaaxist!” if anyone dares criticize her cluelessness and inappropriateness.

She is the poster child for what happens when you promote people based on the color of their skin and what type of pee-pee they have rather than on competence.

What bothers you is:
That she's a PoC and
That she's a woman.

Own up to your racist misogynistic ideals.
Then maybe you can change them.

What bothers you is:
That she's a PoC and
That she's a woman.

Own up to your racist misogynistic ideals.
Then maybe you can change them.
^^^ this is an example of what will happen if this totally incompetent woman of mediocre intelligence ever becomes president. Any criticism of what will undoubtedly be her many idiotic and harmful decisions will be met with the usual leftist retort: raaaaacist!

The woman is completely unqualified. Just because she’s black doesn’t exempt her from criticism.
kamala harris mouth open.jpg
What the hell were we thinking? Americans elected an old man who had two brain embolisms and shows signs of diminished mental capacity. If that wasn't enough we have a V.P. who apparently has a personality disorder where she laughs when confronted by a difficult question or challenged in some way.
What the hell were we thinking? Americans elected an old man who had two brain embolisms and shows signs of diminished mental capacity. If that wasn't enough we have a V.P. who apparently has a personality disorder where she laughs when confronted by a difficult question or challenged in some way.
….and third in line is Pelosi.
That pales in comparison to this one. She is asked how long Americans should brace for this inflation and historically high gas prices, and she turns to the Romanian president and gestures to ask if she should take the question. I'm sure he was like, WTF? Then she says nothing for ten seconds, and responds with some bizarre shit about the Black Sea and ends it with "just look at the map". It's like she got caught not paying attention during a Zoom call and just made something up.

That pales in comparison to this one. She is asked how long Americans should brace for this inflation and historically high gas prices, and she turns to the Romanian president and gestures to ask if she should take the question. I'm sure he was like, WTF? Then she says nothing for ten seconds, and responds with some bizarre shit about the Black Sea and ends it with "just look at the map". It's like she got caught not paying attention during a Zoom call and just made something up.


This is someone who skated by her entire life with no ability, and with other people rescuing her out of tight spots, due to affirmative action. She should resign now, and let the Dems put in a non-idiot.

The problem is, they’d have to pick a female black again. Otherwise it looks like they’re saying female blacks are incompetent. So, just like with the SCOTUS pick, the field is narrowed to 7% of the eligible candidates.
^^^ this is an example of what will happen if this totally incompetent woman of mediocre intelligence ever becomes president. Any criticism of what will undoubtedly be her many idiotic and harmful decisions will be met with the usual leftist retort: raaaaacist!

The woman is completely unqualified. Just because she’s black doesn’t exempt her from criticism.

What makes here unqualified in what passes for your mind, her race or her gender. I'm betting the misogynist in you is saying both.

What makes here unqualified in what passes for your mind, her race or her gender. I'm betting the misogynist in you is saying both.
What makes her unqualified is that she is so clueless that when she’s asked a basic question, all she can do is giggle and make some useless remark with no substance.
“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country, Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine, so basically that’s wrong..."

What a stupid bitch.
That's Kamala Harris' take?

Sounds like some fifth grader trying to summarize the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Current Events class.

Simpleton president....simpleton VP selection.

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