MY GOD this person

What bothers us is she’s an unqualified idiot who got her position based solely on the fact that she was a BF (black female), and instead of leftists admitting what’s right in front them, they revert to the usual “raaaaaxist!” if anyone dares criticize her cluelessness and inappropriateness.

She is the poster child for what happens when you promote people based on the color of their skin and what type of pee-pee they have rather than on competence.
Attorney General and US Senator

Much more qualified than Trump who never served his country

Honestly, I truly cannot believe it. I know I have been saying for a while now how the tribulations are upon us.

I don't know how this is could possibly be real and yet? It is. This is her. These are them and they are still loud and proud.

We should probably realize they’re putting her on the world stage because they can no longer level out Joe’s meds the bait and switch is ready to happen 😏

You can bet we are the laughing stock of the world.

MY GOD this person​

Did you have a brain aneurysm while typing this topic title and have your head plant onto the period key?
Bar is low dude. You see the last moronic crew? The VP was so bad at his job that the US President assembled a mob to hang him. It was nuts. Nervous laughter beats murder attempts.
Has anyone ever seen Mike Pence laugh?
When Trump sends a mob to kill you, there is not much to laugh at.
You can bet we are the laughing stock of the world.
But they are laughing at us cause ALL OF THIS has been a circus. A show. For a long time and I truly believe they don't care what idiots they make of themselves. Mainly due to their pathetic demented voting base who are nothing but trained circus fleas and they know it. Also, every bit of hype and sensational reporting insulates them and their movements cause the real leaders we never see have all but total control. Over speech, over thoughts. Yes, even thoughts and you aren't as marxist or as globalist or as committed to the new world order and the grand reset which will reduce the population by over 50 percent then you are an enemy. Period. Be ready for bill maher to eventually be dealt with if he doesn't shape up. Just watch.

This is how it's done.

We all ought to see the strings at the puppet show and really the time of debate is over. Long over. Pick a side and plead to Christ for mercy.

Bar is low dude. You see the last moronic crew? The VP was so bad at his job that the US President assembled a mob to hang him. It was nuts. Nervous laughter beats murder attempts.

Piss on her laughter, she is an imbecile and Joe has truly, literally lost his mind. Don't throw Rump at me either, he isn't my guy. Your Dem morons are pushing us into WW3.
Kamala Harris is the President of the Senate.
She is the deciding vote

She also gets to decide who the next President is

Very powerful

Were you actually able to get out of your partisan world that would scare you. She is an imbecile.

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