"My Good Friend Barack" - Joe Biden

O throwing Sniffy Joe under the bus is so precious.

Well someone has to grease the axles of that old broken down bus. Might as well be that creepy old cocksucker, because he isn't good for much else.
the moral thing to do is also the right thing to do.

Senator Warren is the moral choice for POTUS, my friends!
the moral thing to do is also the right thing to do.

Senator Warren is the moral choice for POTUS, my friends!

I disagree, but in any case, moral men do not always make good national leaders. Consider Jimmy Carter.

Results count.
It must be tough on Sleepy Joe.

Kissing failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's behind all those years, sucking up to him only to finally realize that all you were was the token "old white guy" on the ticket.
Warren is going to have a problem getting the feminist vote after her comments supporting men who identify as trans being women. Even Hillary was smart enough to not go overboard in pandering to the trans-cult.

Either way it looks really bad for Biden with Obama supporting Warren behind the scenes, I bet Jill is beyond pissed.

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