My hate for obama is out of control. You won't believe what he's done now

Yes...we know you on the Right like to make fun of the military.
You profoundly credulous retards make so much drama about Hillary Clinton lies, and yet you go back for more lies from your propaganda outlets over and over and over and over.

This fatuous devotion to drinking their piss betrays you. It reveals you are not actually the slightest bit interested in the truth.
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where were Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, moderate republicans, on inauguration night in 2009?

Celebrating their own new terms.
This isn't even the first time the propaganda outlets have manufactured a "WHITE HOUSE BANZ FOX" bullshit story.

They are actually recycling their bullshit now! Because they know the rubes have memories like that of goldfish. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
FoxNews should not be shown on any U.S. military or government installation. Same goes for Rush/Sean/Beck on Armed Forces Radio, and also showing FoxNews in U.S. Post Offices.

It's a direct attack on the morale of the armed forces, and it's contrary to the best interests of the nation.

Give them CNN International, like every airport in the world.
i think the guys who are in the military can handle a news station Synth....maybe you cant...but i think they can...
They shouldn't be sitting in their office, or hangar, or other workplace listening to dopes constantly denigrate their Commander in Chief. It is bad for morale.

Oh, if you only knew how the military that I know despises Obama. They would probably be applauding every dig!
I have seen Fox at the VA as well as other stations and cable networks. I will be up there tomorrow so I will see what the SLC VA is doing about it.

Dick Cheney had a flat rule for eight years that only Fox would be shown his offices and affiliates. His right to do so

I will be going Tuesday to the VAMC fayetteville, Ark., I'll check it again, if I remember...
Just remember to pull your pants up before you leave the barn.
Knew a person who worked in Cheney's offices.

The Veep banned all other TV stations than Fox.
What a degenerate and liar you are.

He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

White House nixes Fox News?

A Mississippi woman says she was told by workers at a Veterans Administration facility that she could not watch the Fox News Channel in its waiting room because of a directive from the White House.

Tammy Williams, a resident of Gulfport, Mississippi, spent eight years in the United States Air Force. She and her mother recently visited the Veterans Benefits Office in Jackson to take care of some business involving her father, who had passed away in June, and being the only people in the lobby, they requested that the television be changed from CNN to the Fox News Channel. But the answer was no.

"When I called and spoke with the facility manager, he said that that was a direct order from the White House -- that they're not allowed to turn the channels," Williams reports.

She goes on to tell OneNewsNow that she decided to make the request because of what a Navy Reserve officer friend told her.

"He was telling me that on ships whenever they deploy, they're only allowed to listen to CNN … and even if they request for a channel change, they tell them that they can't change the channel because it's a directive straight from the White House," the veteran relays. "And he told me that is the way it is for all government agencies."

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