My hate for obama is out of control. You won't believe what he's done now

FoxNews should not be shown on any U.S. military or government installation. Same goes for Rush/Sean/Beck on Armed Forces Radio, and also showing FoxNews in U.S. Post Offices.

It's a direct attack on the morale of the armed forces, and it's contrary to the best interests of the nation.

Give them CNN International, like every airport in the world.
i think the guys who are in the military can handle a news station Synth....maybe you cant...but i think they can...
They shouldn't be sitting in their office, or hangar, or other workplace listening to dopes constantly denigrate their Commander in Chief. It is bad for morale.
if they can handle a war zone.....i think they can handle some clown talking bad about the Prez.....its called free speech Synth....and did the "liberal" stations bad mouth Bush?.....maybe only classical music should be piped in....
FoxNews should not be shown on any U.S. military or government installation. Same goes for Rush/Sean/Beck on Armed Forces Radio, and also showing FoxNews in U.S. Post Offices.

It's a direct attack on the morale of the armed forces, and it's contrary to the best interests of the nation.

Give them CNN International, like every airport in the world.
i think the guys who are in the military can handle a news station Synth....maybe you cant...but i think they can...
They shouldn't be sitting in their office, or hangar, or other workplace listening to dopes constantly denigrate their Commander in Chief. It is bad for morale.
if they can handle a war zone.....i think they can handle some clown talking bad about the Prez.....its called free speech Synth....and did the "liberal" stations bad mouth Bush?.....maybe only classical music should be piped in....
No, it's called brainwashing.
so they shouldn't be listening to their CIC be put down, but it was ok when Bush was President

We have to remember folks, there are "different" rules for when a Democrat is President. The majority of the people can't stand him but hey, that doesn't matter they should have their freedoms RESTICTED in the military
and you're one angry little person. When are you going to realize almost 70% of the people in the country DISSAPROVES of the man? so knock it off with everyone a racist blah blah

Liar. His highest disapproval rating is 55% and the average is 52%.

If the polls say 55% it's more like 80%. Just like the govt tells us there are 11 million illegals in america when everyone knows it's 40 million.
FoxNews should not be shown on any U.S. military or government installation. Same goes for Rush/Sean/Beck on Armed Forces Radio, and also showing FoxNews in U.S. Post Offices.

It's a direct attack on the morale of the armed forces, and it's contrary to the best interests of the nation.

Give them CNN International, like every airport in the world.
i think the guys who are in the military can handle a news station Synth....maybe you cant...but i think they can...
They shouldn't be sitting in their office, or hangar, or other workplace listening to dopes constantly denigrate their Commander in Chief. It is bad for morale.
if they can handle a war zone.....i think they can handle some clown talking bad about the Prez.....its called free speech Synth....and did the "liberal" stations bad mouth Bush?.....maybe only classical music should be piped in....
No, it's called brainwashing.
brainwashing?.... Synth if you listen to rush or maddow or anyone of those clowns and just buy what they say without questioning it.....thats called stupidity....only the far right and left dont question....everyone else does and can handle a fucking radio or tv show....
That doesn't bother me...THIS DOES!


Come on, you gotta admit that when Christians were being crucified and murdered and chased from their homeland after the GOP invasion of Iraq, Bush and the Republicans did nothing. The Christian population dropped by 80% and Republicans did nothing. They didn't even bring them here.

But I understand why. It was a political thing. If they suddenly brought a million Christians here, Iraq would have looked like the failure it was. Better to let them suffer and die, right? It's only politics, right? Come on. Either admit it or explain it.

See what I mean? They won't admit it and can't explain it.
My hate for obama is out of control. You won't believe what he's done now

He raised the price of stamps again?

Oh, nooooo ... the president plays golf! That's gotta be grounds for impeachment.

It is when considered Dereliction of Duty. Which it clearly is as his political record demonstrates



No it's not.

During his two terms, Bush took 879 vacation days, which included 77 total trips to his Crawford, Tex., ranch. Nine of those trips were taken in his first year as president.

While Bush holds the record for the longest modern presidential vacation for his five-week recess in 2005 in Crawford, the all-time record holder is John Adams who took eight months off in 1799.

WATCH Which U.S. president took the most vacation time - The Washington Post
I don't hate politicians, anymore than I 'hate' wild lions, tigers, or vultures. I just know if I fall by the side of the road, it is more than likely they won't come to the rescue - more like the opposite.
He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

White House nixes Fox News?

A Mississippi woman says she was told by workers at a Veterans Administration facility that she could not watch the Fox News Channel in its waiting room because of a directive from the White House.

Tammy Williams, a resident of Gulfport, Mississippi, spent eight years in the United States Air Force. She and her mother recently visited the Veterans Benefits Office in Jackson to take care of some business involving her father, who had passed away in June, and being the only people in the lobby, they requested that the television be changed from CNN to the Fox News Channel. But the answer was no.

"When I called and spoke with the facility manager, he said that that was a direct order from the White House -- that they're not allowed to turn the channels," Williams reports.

She goes on to tell OneNewsNow that she decided to make the request because of what a Navy Reserve officer friend told her.

"He was telling me that on ships whenever they deploy, they're only allowed to listen to CNN … and even if they request for a channel change, they tell them that they can't change the channel because it's a directive straight from the White House," the veteran relays. "And he told me that is the way it is for all government agencies."
The lefts hero is a socialist piece of shit president. But the left will defend his stupidity no matter what because the left are a bunch of brain dead idiots, not my opinion, they prove it all the time.
He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

White House nixes Fox News?

A Mississippi woman says she was told by workers at a Veterans Administration facility that she could not watch the Fox News Channel in its waiting room because of a directive from the White House.

Tammy Williams, a resident of Gulfport, Mississippi, spent eight years in the United States Air Force. She and her mother recently visited the Veterans Benefits Office in Jackson to take care of some business involving her father, who had passed away in June, and being the only people in the lobby, they requested that the television be changed from CNN to the Fox News Channel. But the answer was no.

"When I called and spoke with the facility manager, he said that that was a direct order from the White House -- that they're not allowed to turn the channels," Williams reports.

She goes on to tell OneNewsNow that she decided to make the request because of what a Navy Reserve officer friend told her.

"He was telling me that on ships whenever they deploy, they're only allowed to listen to CNN … and even if they request for a channel change, they tell them that they can't change the channel because it's a directive straight from the White House," the veteran relays. "And he told me that is the way it is for all government agencies."
The lefts hero is a socialist piece of shit president. But the left will defend his stupidity no matter what because the left are a bunch of brain dead idiots, not my opinion, they prove it all the time.
He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

White House nixes Fox News?

A Mississippi woman says she was told by workers at a Veterans Administration facility that she could not watch the Fox News Channel in its waiting room because of a directive from the White House.

Tammy Williams, a resident of Gulfport, Mississippi, spent eight years in the United States Air Force. She and her mother recently visited the Veterans Benefits Office in Jackson to take care of some business involving her father, who had passed away in June, and being the only people in the lobby, they requested that the television be changed from CNN to the Fox News Channel. But the answer was no.

"When I called and spoke with the facility manager, he said that that was a direct order from the White House -- that they're not allowed to turn the channels," Williams reports.

She goes on to tell OneNewsNow that she decided to make the request because of what a Navy Reserve officer friend told her.

"He was telling me that on ships whenever they deploy, they're only allowed to listen to CNN … and even if they request for a channel change, they tell them that they can't change the channel because it's a directive straight from the White House," the veteran relays. "And he told me that is the way it is for all government agencies."
The lefts hero is a socialist piece of shit president. But the left will defend his stupidity no matter what because the left are a bunch of brain dead idiots, not my opinion, they prove it all the time.

and you're one angry little person. When are you going to realize almost 70% of the people in the country DISSAPROVES of the man? so knock it off with everyone a racist blah blah

Liar. His highest disapproval rating is 55% and the average is 52%.

If the polls say 55% it's more like 80%. Just like the govt tells us there are 11 million illegals in america when everyone knows it's 40 million.
You senility is noted. But hey, why turn 55% into 80%? Since hallucinations guide your delusions, why not claim Obama's disapproval rating of 55% is really 120%?

I think you underestimate the depth of your insanity.
He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

White House nixes Fox News?

A Mississippi woman says she was told by workers at a Veterans Administration facility that she could not watch the Fox News Channel in its waiting room because of a directive from the White House.

Tammy Williams, a resident of Gulfport, Mississippi, spent eight years in the United States Air Force. She and her mother recently visited the Veterans Benefits Office in Jackson to take care of some business involving her father, who had passed away in June, and being the only people in the lobby, they requested that the television be changed from CNN to the Fox News Channel. But the answer was no.

"When I called and spoke with the facility manager, he said that that was a direct order from the White House -- that they're not allowed to turn the channels," Williams reports.

She goes on to tell OneNewsNow that she decided to make the request because of what a Navy Reserve officer friend told her.

"He was telling me that on ships whenever they deploy, they're only allowed to listen to CNN … and even if they request for a channel change, they tell them that they can't change the channel because it's a directive straight from the White House," the veteran relays. "And he told me that is the way it is for all government agencies."
You said it yourself, "Out Of Control"
Do you think it would be allowed to watch 'the daily show'? you seem to only the 1st amendment when it is your speach!
He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

White House nixes Fox News?

A Mississippi woman says she was told by workers at a Veterans Administration facility that she could not watch the Fox News Channel in its waiting room because of a directive from the White House.

Tammy Williams, a resident of Gulfport, Mississippi, spent eight years in the United States Air Force. She and her mother recently visited the Veterans Benefits Office in Jackson to take care of some business involving her father, who had passed away in June, and being the only people in the lobby, they requested that the television be changed from CNN to the Fox News Channel. But the answer was no.

"When I called and spoke with the facility manager, he said that that was a direct order from the White House -- that they're not allowed to turn the channels," Williams reports.

She goes on to tell OneNewsNow that she decided to make the request because of what a Navy Reserve officer friend told her.

"He was telling me that on ships whenever they deploy, they're only allowed to listen to CNN … and even if they request for a channel change, they tell them that they can't change the channel because it's a directive straight from the White House," the veteran relays. "And he told me that is the way it is for all government agencies."
You know this is manufactured bullshit, right?

Goddammit. I do not know why I am still surprised at the bottomless gullibility of ODS sufferers.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
The parallels of the gullible, credulous Trumpsters to the German fascists amaze the thinking mind.

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