My hate for obama is out of control. You won't believe what he's done now

I'll wait to see if this is for real.
With all due respect to the OP,
I find this one a bit hard to believe.

This is my favorite kind of post. Forget the OP......and the first reply.....those are idiots people exposing how stupid they are.

This post, however, is outstanding. This person knows that what the OP said is retarded. He knows that the idea of the POTUS spending even a second thinking about what someone at a military facility in Bumfuck, AR is watching on TV is totally without possibility. DD is just not that stupid.

But, he can't bring himself to go "all in" and say it without reservation. He's going to "wait to see if this is for real".

Fucking classic.

Question....just how much respect is due the OP?
absolutely none.....the guy is a retarded caterpillar trying to pass himself off as a person....
My hate for obama is out of control.

Finally, an open admission you have a float in the Tard Parade.

Your Obama Derangement Syndrome is so out of control, you believe literally anything that paints him in a bad light. Without question.

You could not even engage two brain cells for just a brief moment to realize it could not possibly be true that the President banned the viewing of Fox News.
I'll wait to see if this is for real.
With all due respect to the OP,
I find this one a bit hard to believe.

This is my favorite kind of post. Forget the OP......and the first reply.....those are idiots people exposing how stupid they are.

This post, however, is outstanding. This person knows that what the OP said is retarded. He knows that the idea of the POTUS spending even a second thinking about what someone at a military facility in Bumfuck, AR is watching on TV is totally without possibility. DD is just not that stupid.

But, he can't bring himself to go "all in" and say it without reservation. He's going to "wait to see if this is for real".

Fucking classic.

Question....just how much respect is due the OP?
absolutely none.....the guy is a retarded caterpillar trying to pass himself off as a person....
He's a parody poster but he doesn't know it. LOL
I've been to my local VA many times for services and the channels were all different- NBC. Fox, CBS, CNN, etc.... Most were on Fox though.
"My hate for obama is out of control."

That's a great indication that Obama's doing a good job.
yea it sure is.....a President gets half the Country to hate him.....what an accomplishment....and then look at how divided this Country is.....yea a great job.....geezus.....

Be honest. Please.
i was ...prove what i said is not true......when Clinton left....this Country was no more divided than what it usually can still hear the other side by talking loud.....Bush comes in and now you have a dam chasm were you need a megaphone to talk to each other.....Obama comes in and it becomes the grand you need a fucking phone to talk to the other side..... so yea....Obama is doing a great be a leader LL you have to have leadership qualities.....we havent seen that since Clinton....these last 2 clowns teaming up dont have enough leadership ability as Clinton had in his fucking big toe....
"My hate for obama is out of control."

That's a great indication that Obama's doing a good job.
yea it sure is.....a President gets half the Country to hate him.....what an accomplishment....and then look at how divided this Country is.....yea a great job.....geezus.....

Be honest. Please.
i was ...prove what i said is not true......when Clinton left....this Country was no more divided than what it usually can still hear the other side by talking loud.....Bush comes in and now you have a dam chasm were you need a megaphone to talk to each other.....Obama comes in and it becomes the grand you need a fucking phone to talk to the other side..... so yea....Obama is doing a great be a leader LL you have to have leadership qualities.....we havent seen that since Clinton....these last 2 clowns teaming up dont have enough leadership ability as Clinton had in his fucking big toe....

Obama was hated by half the nation long before he took office. He didn't make anyone hate him. That is where you were not honest.
"My hate for obama is out of control."

That's a great indication that Obama's doing a good job.
yea it sure is.....a President gets half the Country to hate him.....what an accomplishment....and then look at how divided this Country is.....yea a great job.....geezus.....

Be honest. Please.
i was ...prove what i said is not true......when Clinton left....this Country was no more divided than what it usually can still hear the other side by talking loud.....Bush comes in and now you have a dam chasm were you need a megaphone to talk to each other.....Obama comes in and it becomes the grand you need a fucking phone to talk to the other side..... so yea....Obama is doing a great be a leader LL you have to have leadership qualities.....we havent seen that since Clinton....these last 2 clowns teaming up dont have enough leadership ability as Clinton had in his fucking big toe....

Obama was hated by half the nation long before he took office. He didn't make anyone hate him. That is where you were not honest.
bull fucking shit.....the far right hated the guy....i worked with Republicans who liked him more than McCain,someone they did not like at all.....and they were willing to give the guy a chance.....thats were YOU are not being honest..... i realize you like this guy so much that you just cant tolerate people not thinking he is as great as you think he is.....but hey thats your problem....this guy has been President now for 5 years,if moderate Republicans no longer like the guy...THATS ON HIM....if Democrats have lost faith in the guy...THATS ON HIM.....if many Independents dont think the guy is so great.....THATS ON HIM.....that is were YOU are not being honest....
He wants to ban fox news from all military installations!!!

Great news! That means the next time I'm sitting in a VA waiting room I won't have to listen to that lying NaziCon shit.
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where were Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, moderate republicans, on inauguration night in 2009?
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Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where was Mitch McConnell on inauguration night in 2009?
probably getting drunk and banging some hooker..... what does this have to do with what i said?.........because he sure as hell aint no leader.....
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where was Mitch McConnell on inauguration night in 2009?
probably getting drunk and banging some hooker..... what does this have to do with what i said?.........because he sure as hell aint no leader.....

See my edit. I don't know where he was either. I thought he was with Cantor and Ryan.....but he wasn't.

Do you know where Cantor and Ryan were?
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where were Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, moderate republicans, on inauguration night in 2009?
are they leaders in your mind?.....they sure are not in mine.......and i dont give a rats ass about fucking Republicans....i have about as much distain for them as do for the assholes in that other so called party....
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where were Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, moderate republicans, on inauguration night in 2009?
are they leaders in your mind?.....they sure are not in mine.......and i dont give a rats ass about fucking Republicans....i have about as much distain for them as do for the assholes in that other so called party.... said that MODERATE REPUBLICANS didn't hate Obama before he began his presidency. I am telling you that they did.

I will ask one more you are avoiding the question. Do you know where Cantor and Ryan were on inauguration night in 2009?

BTW......your tone is getting more and more abrasive. Are you drinking or something?
Come on, man. Who do you think you are fooling?
are you talking to me?.....if you are.....i told you exactly how i feel....i did not say that with a grin....this Country is in trouble and it needs "leadership" and it needs it now...and there aint nobody out there in either party who is a leader....

Where were Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan, moderate republicans, on inauguration night in 2009?
are they leaders in your mind?.....they sure are not in mine.......and i dont give a rats ass about fucking Republicans....i have about as much distain for them as do for the assholes in that other so called party.... said that MODERATE REPUBLICANS didn't hate Obama before he began his presidency. I am telling you that they did.

I will ask one more you are avoiding the question. Do you know where Cantor and Ryan were on inauguration night in 2009?

BTW......your tone is getting more and more abrasive. Are you drinking or something?
LL....those guys are politicians....they are not regular guy America....of course they are not going to be for a "Democrat".....the Moderates i am referring to are out here in the real world.....the far right hated Obama from day one,thats a given....i worked with and knew quite a few "moderate" Republicans on my route who did not like McCain especially, when he threw Palin in with him.....they were willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt should he be elected.....those are the moderates im talking about not some lying backstabbing Politicians in DC....and once again....i can care less were those 3 guys were....they dont represent my State so i dont follow them....i can care less what they were doing....i have enough useless Politicians out here i have to worry about...ask that question to someone who lives in their States.....

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