My Little Buddy


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2009
I have an American Eskimo, that is nearly 17 years old. It is coming to a place where I have to make the choice. I hate this. I have put it off and put it off. I am scared. I don't want to do this. I have had to have pets put to sleep 4 times in the least 7 years.

Link has been with me through so much. He is the end of the American Eskimo era :( I have never loved a pet like I do Link

I think I am done, I don't ever want another pet...ever. :(
Oh, God, PixieStix, I am so sorry. And even though I had to make a sudden decision to put my Greta to sleep on January 4th...words are escaping me. I don't know what to say to you. But I am crying WITH you.

It's hard, so hard. What you must do, you do out of love. What a good, long life Link has had...because of you.

Take comfort in that, if you can.
I'm so sorry Pixie...even at 17, it's still not an easy choice to make....(((((HUGS))))
I have an American Eskimo, that is nearly 17 years old. It is coming to a place where I have to make the choice. I hate this. I have put it off and put it off. I am scared. I don't want to do this. I have had to have pets put to sleep 4 times in the least 7 years.

Link has been with me through so much. He is the end of the American Eskimo era :( I have never loved a pet like I do Link

I think I am done, I don't ever want another pet...ever. :(

Oh dearheart, I know our words can't comfort you but please know we care. I had a spell a few years back where it was living hell of back to back burials for my fuzzball family. Three cats and four dogs.

All had been with me for many a year. Pyewacket 21 years. My husband never stopped digging graves it seemed and we never stopped crying.

I'll be thinking of you.
I have an American Eskimo, that is nearly 17 years old. It is coming to a place where I have to make the choice. I hate this. I have put it off and put it off. I am scared. I don't want to do this. I have had to have pets put to sleep 4 times in the least 7 years.

Link has been with me through so much. He is the end of the American Eskimo era :( I have never loved a pet like I do Link

I think I am done, I don't ever want another pet...ever. :(

PixieStix, I feel your heart breaking, as many of us have had to say goodbye to our best and loyal friends. May these words help you and may your healing be bearable. You are one strong and fine lady, but at these times in life, we are weak and need support. Our hearts are hurting, so. :smiliehug:


If it should be that I grow weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.

You will be sad, I understand.
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day, more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years.
What is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come -- please let me go.

Take me where my need they'll tend,
And please stay with me till the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Please do not grieve -- it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years;
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.

--- Anonymous ---
I have an American Eskimo, that is nearly 17 years old. It is coming to a place where I have to make the choice. I hate this. I have put it off and put it off. I am scared. I don't want to do this. I have had to have pets put to sleep 4 times in the least 7 years.

Link has been with me through so much. He is the end of the American Eskimo era :( I have never loved a pet like I do Link

I think I am done, I don't ever want another pet...ever. :(


i know it is heart breaking and painful.
I am so sorry pixie, hon. I know how you feel. So does Koosh. If there is anything I can do to ease your pain...anything...let me know.
17 is a very long time, hon. He loves you and knows you will do the right thing. Charlie got there at 13 due to cancer. So I told him to let me know when he was ready. He did one morning. Just the look in his eyes. The way he acted that day. I hugged him and looked in his eyes and said "are you ready now?" and he stared at me with those beautiful eyes and I saw his answer. I called the vet, they came to the house, I told charlie to lay on his blankey and I wold not leave his side. And I didn't. They did it right there in my living room. He even wagged his tail when the vet asked "ready charlie? Now?" and the vet did what love does. He sent my beloved charlie home...where Chooch and Fatty were waiting. And when Gracie went...they were waiting for her.

I hope Link is met at the all he knew before..along with all those he will know from us knowing each other on a message board. I think he will.

Hugs, honey. BIG hugs to you and Link.

Talk to us often. Any time. we are here for you.
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I have an American Eskimo, that is nearly 17 years old. It is coming to a place where I have to make the choice. I hate this. I have put it off and put it off. I am scared. I don't want to do this. I have had to have pets put to sleep 4 times in the least 7 years.

Link has been with me through so much. He is the end of the American Eskimo era :( I have never loved a pet like I do Link

I think I am done, I don't ever want another pet...ever. :(

I am so very sad for you PixieStix.....:smiliehug:
PixieStix, when our Sadie, an AE, went down, I thought my heart would literally break. I have never loved a pet like I did her. But . . . if she is suffering terrible so that her life is an awful burden for her, then you know what you have to do. Do it.

I am so sad typing this. I am crying as I am typing this, but . . .

You may, eventually, want a pet again. Yet having do it for the fifth time in seven years is so hard.

I can't do anything but suffer with you, but that I can do. And, in retrospect, I would have my Sadie again knowing the end. She loved us like no other dog ever has.
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I have an American Eskimo, that is nearly 17 years old. It is coming to a place where I have to make the choice. I hate this. I have put it off and put it off. I am scared. I don't want to do this. I have had to have pets put to sleep 4 times in the least 7 years.

Link has been with me through so much. He is the end of the American Eskimo era :( I have never loved a pet like I do Link

I think I am done, I don't ever want another pet...ever. :(

Been there. Done that.

I'm no longer going to endure that pain again if I can help it.

My heart goes out to those brave enough and loving enough to do it.

God love you.

And PixieStix, may God be with you and soothe your pain and dry your tears.

Of COURSE Link will be in a better place and will be whole and happy again soon.

We will help as much as we can.
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Thank you all so very much. I have been crying on and off all day. Spending time with my buddy.

I am so scared. My heart hurts so bad. Gracie, I am going to see if my vet will come here. I would like Link to be sent off from where he was conceived and born. He has always been such a happy dog. I want him to not be afraid, even if it means I have to watch his last moment. :(:(:(:(

Again, thank you all.
Thank you all so very much. I have been crying on and off all day. Spending time with my buddy.

I am so scared. My heart hurts so bad. Gracie, I am going to see if my vet will come here. I would like Link to be sent off from where he was conceived and born. He has always been such a happy dog. I want him to not be afraid, even if it means I have to watch his last moment. :(:(:(:(

Again, thank you all.

If you can (I know it's hard), be with him - you will be the last thing he sees and knows and is comforted by - you will be his rock and the last thing he will know is the person he loved best in this world.

I hope your vet will come to you - many do...
Thank you all so very much. I have been crying on and off all day. Spending time with my buddy.

I am so scared. My heart hurts so bad. Gracie, I am going to see if my vet will come here. I would like Link to be sent off from where he was conceived and born. He has always been such a happy dog. I want him to not be afraid, even if it means I have to watch his last moment. :(:(:(:(

Again, thank you all.

Most vets will come to the house. Just tell him that is what you prefer. Mine came with a lady helper. It was very peaceful. And they didn't rush me after it was done. They sat there on the couch and waited for me to stop wailing..which I did not do while holding Charlie. Then I just nodded to them and they hugged me, went and got the stretcher and placed him lovingly in it and carried him out to their car. I got his ashes about 5 days later. Charlie was a big dog. Pure white border collie..weighed about 80 pounds. Well..he lost a lot of weight, so by the time I sent him, he was down to about 55 lbs.

I know you are scared honey. But be with him, ok? Pet him, lay next to him. Hold him. Look in his eyes and keep telling him you love him. Try not to cry. He will just be sad. Wait until the light is gone from his eyes...then you can cry. He will be in another light by then. Running wildly, met by others he knows and loves. I promise you this is what will happen. He will be ok. But have to stick with us here and keep talking and talking and talking and letting us cry with you. YOU will not be alone in this.
I'm so sorry Pix but ya know its a choice all we pet lovers have to make and its the price we pay for allowing pets into our lives.

Its a price I'm more than willing to make because all of my dogs have been well worth it. The joy and companionship they bring into my life is worth having to make that oh so difficult decision. Its one I've made many, many times.

Link will always be right where he belongs. In your heart.
Sorry to hear that. I have no pets for a reason. I cannot handle this part of it.

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