My nephew sold 18 cars in February


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
And he needed NO FUCKING UNION.
He is half Hispanic and looks Arab. His father died in prison. My sister has more problems than an ice cream cone in hell.
Persistence, dedication,desire and determination.
And a little moral support from his favorite Uncle.
I LOVE this country.
Quit the fucking bitching, moaning AND CRYING.
You want it? GO GET IT.

Why we love the internet.
Car salesman is a very respected profession in the U.S.
Name one profession where you put in an honest day's work that is not "a very respected profession in the US".
Just one.
And he needed NO FUCKING UNION.
He is half Hispanic and looks Arab. His father died in prison. My sister has more problems than an ice cream cone in hell.
Persistence, dedication,desire and determination.
And a little moral support from his favorite Uncle.
I LOVE this country.
Quit the fucking bitching, moaning AND CRYING.
You want it? GO GET IT.
My wife has worked at 3 or 4 car lots, she sold 22 in a month one time. Unless you move up to management or finance, car sales aren't the best jobs long term. Turn over is high among salesmen.
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And he needed NO FUCKING UNION.
He is half Hispanic and looks Arab. His father died in prison. My sister has more problems than an ice cream cone in hell.
Persistence, dedication,desire and determination.
And a little moral support from his favorite Uncle.
I LOVE this country.
Quit the fucking bitching, moaning AND CRYING.
You want it? GO GET IT.
My wife has worked at 3 or 4 car lots, she sold 22 in a month one time. Unless you move up to management or finance, car sales aren't the best jobs long term. Turn over is high among salesmen.

That is the way with about every job there is. Not everyone can be a manager.
My nephew made 70K year before last.
Great news.

Then all we need to is convince all ten million or so unemployed to go out there and sell 22 cars each, right?

Because as we know everything is entirely about the indivcidual and the truimph of will and nobody's fate is at ALL dependent on the conditions that their society is going through.

That IS what you're suggesting, isn't it, Gawdag?
And he needed NO FUCKING UNION.
He is half Hispanic and looks Arab. His father died in prison. My sister has more problems than an ice cream cone in hell.
Persistence, dedication,desire and determination.
And a little moral support from his favorite Uncle.
I LOVE this country.
Quit the fucking bitching, moaning AND CRYING.
You want it? GO GET IT.

That's RIGHT!!! Go get it. Go where you have to go in order to achieve your goals. It can still be done and as with most success, comes sacrifice. You may have to move from your comfort zone.
Car salesman is a very respected profession in the U.S.
Name one profession where you put in an honest day's work that is not "a very respected profession in the US".
Just one.

Here is a list of people who's day's work should not be respected. They should be jailed

Lender of Government Backed Loans.
Banker paying politicians to allow him to make Government Backed Loans.
Bankers getting bonus from bailouts for making bad loans Government Backed Loans.
A CEO taking 100 times more than his employees or investors that make the money for him.
Drug Dealers
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Great news.

Then all we need to is convince all ten million or so unemployed to go out there and sell 22 cars each, right?

Because as we know everything is entirely about the indivcidual and the truimph of will and nobody's fate is at ALL dependent on the conditions that their society is going through.

That IS what you're suggesting, isn't it, Gawdag?

Nah, I am going to tell him to quit his job and go on unemployment, disability and other benefits so he can sit on his ass at home like 2/3 of the "unemployed".
Want a job?
Then go to work.

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